A general-purpose dataflow programming language based on Python, written in Python
Project description
Pythonect is a new, experimental, general-purpose dataflow programming language based on Python. It provides both a visual programming language and a text-based scripting language. The text-based scripting language aims to combine the quick and intuitive feel of shell scripting, with the power of Python. The visual programming language is based on the idea of a diagram with “boxes and arrows”. Crazy? Most definitely. And yet, strangely enough, it works!
Hello, world
Here is the canonical “Hello, world” example program in Pythonect:
"Hello, world" -> print
See the Pythonect documentation for a detailed walkthrough of the language and its features.
There are a few ways to install Pythonect.
You can install directly from PyPI using easy_install or pip:
easy_install Pythonect
pip install Pythonect
You can clone the git repository somewhere in your system:
git clone git://github.com/ikotler/pythonect.git
Then you should do following steps:
cd pythonect python setup.py install
Alternatively, if you use pip, you can install directly from the git repository:
pip install \ git+git://github.com/ikotler/pythonect.git@master#egg=pythonect \ -r https://github.com/ikotler/pythonect/raw/master/doc/requirements.txt
For any of the above methods, if you want to do a system-wide installation, you will have to do this with root permissions (e.g. using su or sudo).
Build Status 
Pythonect is available under the BSD 3-Clause License; see LICENSE for details.