API package for rememberthemilk.com
Project description
This is an API package for Remember the Milk. Using their API and this package you can create Python applications accessing your task lists on RTM.
See the example script (in the examples folder) for basic usage. You should have read the essential API docs on their website before.
RtmAPI details
It’s important that you understand the example script to understand how to use RtmAPI. It shows desktop authorization and a basic list operation.
See http://www.rememberthemilk.com/services/api/authentication.rtm.
User authentication for desktop applications can be done using the authenticate_desktop and retrieve_token methods, whereas web applications should use the authenticate_web and retrieve_token methods.
API call return values
If you call an API method, it returns the XML wrapped in special objects. Those object should make it easy to use the API:
Each object has a value property which returns the XML text. All other values return either the contents of the XML attribute with the same name if that exists, or an (again wrapped) child element with the name.
Some API methods return multiple child elements of the same kind, ie. XML children with the same tag. Those lists are handled in RtmAPI, ie. you can iterate over those child elements easily. The example script show the usage of rtm.tasks.getList. Compare the example script with the rtm.tasks.getList documentation to understand how lists work.
Michael Gruenewald
Marcin Kasperski
Velikobratov Maxim (aka Jaropolk)