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Trac Data Sources for Google Visualization API. Embed iGoogle gadgets using WikiFormatting.

Project description

Trac Data Sources for Google Visualization API. Embed iGoogle gadgets using WikiFormatting.

This package (plugin) provides components so that Trac be able to use widgets and related technologies provided by Google.

  • It allows to feed data managed by Trac to widgets based on Google Visualization API.

  • It allows embedding iGoogle Gadgets in wiki pages using WikiFormatting.

Copyright 2009-2011 Olemis Lang <olemis at> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

What’s new in version 1.3.3

  • New ! Since version 1.3.3 macro aliases are supported so that embedding iGoogle gadgets in wiki pages be even easier. Aliases are names of macros configured using gadgets.aliases option which are shortcuts to use iGoogleGadget with a fixed name. For example, if the aforementioned option is set to MotionChart= then the following snippets are equivalent (so users wont need to remember gadget URLs anymore but names they are familiar with ;).

    [[iGoogleGadget(url=, _table_query_url=, _table_query_refresh_interval=5)]]

    [[iGoogleGadget(url=gadget:google:modules:motionchart, _table_query_url=[gviz:google:sheet:1234:B3-G17], _table_query_refresh_interval=5)]]

    [[MotionChart(_table_query_url=[gviz:google:sheet:1234:B3-G17], _table_query_refresh_interval=5)]]

  • Aliases for Google’s visualization gadgets are offered by default.

  • TracLinks expressions are supported in config options used to define iGoogleGadget macro aliases.

  • New ! GVizTicketList now lists the tickets created in a Trac environment together with their attributes. Custom fields, if available, are also included in separate columns. That’s why the columns in the data tables returned as well as their order can change from time to time, depending on the plugins enabled in the particular environment and other factors.

  • New ! ReportRPC now provides an interface to Trac’s report module via XML-RPC protocol. So far report execution is only supported for reports defined by using SQL and TracQuery syntax. This means that saved custom queries specified using URLs are not supported yet, but will be (hopefully) in a near future. In the mean time a NotImplementedError exception is raised.

  • New ! GVizAvailableReports now lists available reports and their data, including report ID, title, description and the query string used to select the tickets to be included in each report.

  • Important ! Architectural change. From now on Request objects can be supplied in to IGVizDataProvider.get_data_schema method. This change allows to implement more dynamic data providers since schemas can vary depending upon the run-time values provided for some parameters.

  • New ! GVizReportProvider now offers the data included in custom Trac Reports defined by Trac users. This is a very dynamic data provider, and also the first example where schema can change depending upon the report specification.

  • New ! VersionControlRPC now provides an interface to Trac’s Version Control API via XML-RPC protocol. Therefore information about files in the project’s repository and also about changesets is available using standard protocols. It is posible to list files and folders (ls) recursively with depth limit and filters written like UNIX filename patterns. File attributes (e.g. size, content type, …), data about revisions (e.g. message, author, …) in a given (time) interval, file and folder history, and full description of changes performed at a given revision, are some of the features supported so far. Looking forward for further useful data to be published ! This feature was “tested” using Mercurial SCM (hg) and Subversion (svn), but the code SHOULD work as long as connectors fully compatible with Trac’s Version Control API be used. However the different approaches taken by different VCS may lead to wrong behaviors. So if you find any bug, please let me know.

  • New ! GVizSourceFiles now offers information about individual files and those located in a folder. This data source supports filters (i.e. UNIX filename patterns), and recursive lookup with optional depth value. It is also possible to get the data for an specific revision. The results are mostly file attributes (e.g. size, extension, content type …), but the actual values depend upon the capabilities supported by the specific repository connector in use.

  • New ! GVizSourceFileHistory now makes available the modifications performed on a group of files during a given time interval. Boundary values may be either datetime values or revision identifiers (supported by the specific repository connector). Clients’ll get back detailed information about the changes performed on the given files in the different revisions together with the file’s attributes at that specific time. This data source supports filters (i.e. UNIX filename patterns) as well as recursive lookup with optional depth value. Multiple datetime formats are supported as usual.

  • New ! GVizChangesetDetails now provides a detailed report containing all the individual changes comitted at once onto the repository and recorded in separate changesets. It is possible to specify multiple changeset identifiers (supported by the specific repository connector) (and | or) time intervals. Boundary values may be either datetime values or changeset identifiers.

  • New ! GVizChangesets now provides meta-data describing the different changesets committed to the repository related to a Trac environment (i.e. revision ID, messages, author, and date). It is possible to limit the results by specifying a time interval. Boundary values may be either datetime values or changeset identifiers.

  • All the data providers interacting with the repository have been “tested” using the connector for Mercurial SCM (i.e. hg). In this case there are a few open issues that seem to be related with the lack of support in TracMercurial for copy events (but it’s not a definitive conclusion). The current implementation SHOULD work with other connectors compatible with Trac’s Version Control API, but THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND if you use another VCS. However if your connector is not causing any trouble then you the use of the aforementionned data sources SHOULD NOT cause any damage to both your environment and your repository. Further tests will be performed in the future but there’s no clear schedule. You could be the first one to test them. Suggestions, patches and further feedback is welcome in order to overcome the actual limitations.

  • Added api.IHashLibrary interface so that plugins and extensions can contribute with other secure hash, message digest and checksum algorithms in order to compute sig field in GViz API responses.

  • All the code needed to support secure hash algorithms provided by hashlib module can be found from now on in class stdhash.HashLib. It supports the following methods : sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, and md5. Additional algorithms may also be available depending upon the OpenSSL library that Python uses on your platform.

  • All the code needed to support checksum algorithms provided by zlib module can be found from now on in class stdhash.ZLibChecksum. It supports the following methods : adler32, crc32

  • Minor adjustments to adapt support for sig parameter to the recent introduction of IHashLibrary interface.

  • Bug fixed: Formerly sig value was included in GViz API response only if both, the hash method was setup and the sig parameter was set in the request. From now on only the first condition has to be met in order to send the hash value back to the client.

  • Bug fixed: Minor bug while displaying instances of datetime using plain text encoders.

  • Support in DataTable.SingleValueToJS for automatic conversion of instances of xmlrpclib.DateTime and int values (POSTFIX timestamp) into instances of datetime. This allows to supply such values in columns having types date, datetime, and timeofday (not possible with gviz_api 1.0).

  • Support in DataTable.SingleValueToJS for automatic conversion of unicode strings using utf-8 encoding. This allows to supply such strings in columns having string type (not possible with gviz_api 1.0).

  • Module rpc has been added to group all RPC handlers offered by TracGViz package.

  • Documentation added to highlight the use of timeline.ticket_show_details option in trac.ini in order to retrieve all events related to ticket changes (e.g. attachments).

  • Bug fixed: TimelineRPC doesnt fail when filter definitions provided by instances of ITimelineEventProvider interface contain a third (i.e. checked) element. It also handles unicode characters appropriately.

  • Few optimizations and refactorings (e.g. unnecessary imports have been removed) … bah!

What’s new in version 1.3.2

  • TracGVizSystem now implements IPermissionRequestor interface. This means that Trac admins can use GVIZ_VIEW permission to control which users may access GViz data sources or not. On accessing such data, if the aforementioned permission is not granted to the user performing the request then a GViz API error response is returned to the caller with reason set to user_not_authenticated in case of anonymous access, or access_denied otherwise.

  • Now absolute URLs are returned while expanding TracLinks expressions found used inside iGoogleGadget macro. Formerly this prevented the iGoogle container to find data inside the project environment in case TracLinks expressions were used.

  • Add support for sheet option in GoogleDocsConnector in order to have links to data inside an specific sheet provided its name. Hence, links like the following are supported from now on:, Sheet names may have alphanumeric characters as well as whitespaces. Syntax -> gviz:google:sheet:<spreadsheet_id>[:[<sheet_name>][:<top_cell>-<bottom_cell>]][?[headers=<number>]]

  • Formerly values in columns having types date, datetime or timeofday were shown in non-JSON responses (e.g. HTML) in a way similar to new Date(2009, 12, 2). Now they are rendered using the following formats %Y-%m-%d, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %H:%M:%S respectively.

  • New ! The following (non-standard) formats are supported using special format identifiers for out option in tqx parameter: MoinMoin wiki tables (class extfmt.GVizMoinEncoder out:moin).

  • Every wiki GViz provider now supports name expansion using Unix shell-style wildcards. This means that if such patterns are specified for name parameter either once or multiple times, then all those wiki pages for which a match is found will be included in the result set (e.g. /gviz/wiki/index?tqx=out:html&all&name=Wiki*&name=TracN* will return information about all the versions of the wiki pages starting with either Wiki or TracN prefixes, such as WikiNewPage, WikiHtml, WikiProcessors, WikiRestructuredText, WikiStart, TracNavigation, WikiRestructuredTextLinks, TracNotification, WikiMacros, WikiFormatting, WikiPageNames, WikiDeletePage).

What’s new in version 1.3.1

  • Assertions concerning permissions are supported, but not directly. They are delegated to the underlying layers on top of which the data sources have been implemented (e.g. XML-RPC handlers).

  • GadgetLinksDispatcher has been renamed. Now it is known as LinksTreeDispatcher. It supports multiple root namespaces (i.e. so far gadgets, and gviz) as well as the former hierarchy of links.

  • IGadgetTracLinksResolver now is known as ITracLinksItem interface. From now on its get_link_resolvers method has to return the name of the root namespace (e.g. gviz).

  • New ! TracLinks expressions for Google Apps Reporting Visualization API have been implemented. It may be necessary to be logged in to the Google Apps control panel in order to access the data. Syntax -> gviz:google:apps:<report_key>@<report_date>:<domain>[?tq=<query>]

  • New ! It is possible to make reference to Google Spreadsheets using TracLinks expressions starting with gviz:google:sheet: prefix. They also support range attribute -to select only specific cells- and headers option -in order to specify how many rows are header rows-. Syntax -> gviz:google:sheet:<sheet_id>[:<top_cell>-<bottom_cell>][?headers=<number>]

  • New ! It is possible to make reference to Google’s standard visualizations using TracLinks expressions starting with gadget:google:modules: prefix. Syntax -> gadget:google:modules:<chart_name>

  • TracLinks expansion for custom arguments in iGoogleGadget macro is not a dream anymore. You can enclose TracLinks expressions in brackets and assign such values to custom arguments. In such cases the macro will perform the expansion looking for the target URL. Hence the first expression shown below can be written now as shown in the second example. Both of them will embed in the wiki page a motion chart displaying the data found in cells B3-G17 inside Google Spreadsheet number 1234.

    [[iGoogleGadget(url=, _table_query_url=, _table_query_refresh_interval=5)]]

    [[iGoogleGadget(url=gadget:google:modules:motionchart, _table_query_url=[gviz:google:sheet:1234:B3-G17], _table_query_refresh_interval=5)]]

  • All links to third-party sites resulting from expanding a TracLinks expression are rendered in wiki pages with the well-know icon []->.

  • Instances of GVizXMLRPCAdapter now can implement the method xmlrpc_namespace. It is similar to the former gviz_namespace method, but returns the XML-RPC namespace. This way multiple data sources can be implemented using the services provided by a single XML-RPC component.

  • New ! GVizSearchFiltersProvider now allows to list all search filters installed in a Trac environment.

  • New ! It is possible to document the parameters accepted by a data source using gviz_param decorator.

  • GVizProviderList macro now displays the parameters accepted by data providers.

  • Now it is much easier to handle unicode, date & time and values returned by the different data sources. From now on there is no need to convert instances of xmlrpclib.DateTime in to instances of*

  • New ! GVizSearchProvider now gives access to search results returned by Trac built-in search engine. You can specify a query string and control the search filters (e.g. wiki, ticket, milestone, pydoc) in use.

  • New ! You can get the names of the actions that can be performed on a given ticket using ticket/actions data source.

  • New ! You can get all the meta-data describing ticket fields by accessing ticket/fields data source.

  • New ! GVizTicketChangeLog provides a detailed changelog in order to know the modifications made to different tickets. The data source is available at ticket/log.

  • New ! GVizTicketAttachments provides detailed information about the files attached to different tickets. The data source is available at ticket/attachments.

  • New ! GVizTimelineFilters provides detailed information about the different filters offered by those sources contributing to the timeline. The data source is available at timeline/filters.

  • New ! GVizTimelineEvents provides detailed information about the timed events reported by those sources contributing to the timeline. It supports time slicing, and filtering. The data source is available at timeline/log.

  • GVizMilestoneProvider has been enhanced. Formerly it just offered the milestone name, due and completed time, plus its description. Now it also contains some statistics on groups of tickets like those displayed in the roadmap views. This includes the amount of work that’s been done, the units used to measure the indicators, percent of the whole work that’s been already done, the number of active and closed tickets, and the percent they represent with respect to the total number of tickets.

  • New ! GVizWikiPages provides detailed information about the wiki pages found in the Trac environment. It supports multiple features, being timed filters, page selection and multiple versions, just a few of them. The data source is available at wiki/index.

  • New ! GVizWikiAttachments provides detailed information about the files attached to wiki pages found in the Trac environment. The data source is available at wiki/attachments.

  • The right MIME type (i.e. application/json) is sent back to the client in the HTTP response when JSON is requested. This is consistent with RFC xxx.

What’s new in version 1.2.3

  • Minor changes … bah!

What’s new in version 1.2.2

  • The meaning of the different columns in the table returned by GViz data sources as well as the default labels can be documented using gviz_col. This function is compliant with annotations as defined by PEP 3107.

  • Data sources’ documentation can be included in wiki pages using GVizDataSource macro.

  • Docstrings have changed a little.

  • Bug fixed: Until now, if no protocol handler was enabled then the project environment became broken, because of a ValueError exception being raised. This is annoying and therefore has been fixed. Now if a URL having gviz prefix is accessed and there’s no protocol handler available, a Not Found (404) HTTP response is returned to the caller with message Unable to find any protocol handler.

What’s new in version 1.2.1

  • The gviz_api module (version 1.0.0) is redistributed in this package. This has been made to fall back to this implementation if no other has been previously installed.

  • From this version on, the work is licensed under the Apache License. See COPYRIGHT and NOTICE for details.

  • Babel is no longer a dependency.

  • Full TracLinks expansion in iGoogleGadget macro parameters.

  • iGoogle gadgets logo included as image resource. Borders template updated.

  • Bug fixed: Until now, if an underlying RPC handler was disabled then environment initialization failed since an annoying ValueError exception was raised. That won’t happen anymore. Now, once a method is requested on the corresponding GViz data source provider, a GViz error response is returned to the caller containing an explanatory message.

What’s new in version 1.2.0

  • Added support to display iGoogle gadgets using WikiFormatting extensions (i.e. iGoogleGadget macro).

  • Added support to upload and host custom image-based gadget borders inside the project environment.

  • Bug fixed : All requests handled by IGVizDataProvider implementors not having tq and tqx parameters (e.g. now output the correct data. Previously on accessing these URLs the HTTP response body contained an HTML error page.

What’s new in version 1.1.0

  • Support has been added to implement Google Visualization API data sources by reusing existing Trac XML RPC components.

  • Some (but not all) data sources for Trac ticket system are provided. They are based on the following Trac XML-RPC providers (listed hereafter by namespace): ticket.milestone, ticket.severity, ticket.type, ticket.resolution, ticket.priority, ticket.component, ticket.version, ticket.status.

What’s new in version 1.0.0

  • An architecture is available so as to provide a project’s data in the format specified in Google Visualization API protocol specification (version 0.5) api.TracGVizSystem.

  • Multiple protocol handlers (e.g. for different versions, and protocol evolution) are allowed by implementing the interface api.IGVizProtocolHandler. There is native support for version 0.5 of Google Visualization API protocol through GViz_0_5.

  • It is possible to register new data sources by implementing the interface api.IGVizDataProvider

  • A pluggable architecture is at hand to retrieve table contents in multiple formats by merely implementing api.IGVizTableEncoder interface. The following formats are supported : JSON (class stdfmt.GVizJsonEncoder), HTML (class stdfmt.GVizHtmlEncoder), CSV (class stdfmt.GVizCSVEncoder).

  • The exception conditions mentioned in Google Visualization API protocol specification (version 0.5) have been identified.

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TracGViz-1.3.3.tar.gz (117.5 kB view hashes)

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TracGViz-1.3.3.tar.bz2 (91.8 kB view hashes)

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TracGViz-1.3.3-py2.5.egg (219.5 kB view hashes)

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