An extensible XML-RPC provider
Project description
An extensible XML-RPC provider
About Bambu XML-RPC
This package exposes Python’s own XML-RPC functionality to Django views, and allows any function to work as an XML-RPC endpoint.
About Bambu Tools 2.0
This is part of a toolset called Bambu Tools. It’s being moved from a namespace of bambu to its own ‘root-level’ package, along with all the other tools in the set. If you’re upgrading from a version prior to 2.0, please make sure to update your code to use bambu_xmlrpc rather than bambu.xmlrpc.
Install the package via Pip:
pip install bambu-xmlrpc
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS list:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'bambu_xmlrpc' )
Add bambu_xmlrpc.urls to your URLconf:
urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^xml-rpc/', include('bambu_xmlrpc.urls')), )
Your endpoint will be available at /xml-rpc/.
Basic usage
Apply the bambu_xmlrpc.handler decorator to a function to expose it as an API. You can then GET from and POST to the function via the /xml-rpc/ endpoint.
Full documentation can be found at ReadTheDocs.
Questions or suggestions?
Find me on Twitter (@iamsteadman) or visit my blog.