A collection of tools for the django administration interface
Project description
django-admin-tools is a collection of extensions/tools for the default django administration interface, it includes:
a full featured and customizable dashboard,
a customizable menu bar,
tools to make admin theming easier.
The project code and bugtracker is hosted on Bitbucket.
Django-admin-tools is generously documented, you can browse the documentation online. a good start is to read the quickstart guide.
Thanks for downloading django-admin-tools.
django-admin-tools changelog
Version 0.4.1, 15 November 2011:
Static files and django 1.3 support
Fixed modules instanciation issues (fixes #65)
Nested groups support & better html id generation (fixes issue #70)
Fixed various js and css problems
Added translation for Finnish + updates on other languages
More robust dashboard layout
Added force_show_title property to Group module
Version 0.4.0, 13 December 2010:
Important information if you are upgrading from a previous version
This release of django-admin-tools introduces support for south database migrations, if you are not using south you can skip this step.
Existing django-admin-tools should do the following:
python manage.py migrate --fake admin_tools.dashboard python manage.py migrate --fake admin_tools.menu
New users should do:
python manage.py migrate admin_tools.dashboard python manage.py migrate admin_tools.menu
Major changes
big improvements of the API (see the dashboard and menu documentation for details), the old API is still supported but now deprecated;
added a ModelList menu item;
custom and multiple admin sites basic support;
better integration with django-grappelli;
django south support.
Bugfixes and minor changes
Fixed issue #40 (python 2.5 compatibility);
Fixed issue #49: disable rendering of empty group modules;
Fixed issue #51: more robust test runner;
Fixed issues #57 and #58: updated custom dashboard and menu template files to reflect the current code;
Fixed issue #60: explicitely set color for links in module content;
Some fixes for the future django 1.3;
Fixes issue #61: Create empty preferences instance if user has no preferences saved yet.
Fixed issue #62: updated base template to reflect django 1.2 changes;
Fixed various js namespace pollutions;
Improved docs;
CZ locale support.
For more informations please see: http://bitbucket.org/izi/django-admin-tools/changesets
Version 0.3.0, 16 July 2010:
Major changes
added tests infrastructure, code coverage is around 70%;
import paths and class names are changed. Old class names and paths are deprecated but still work;
dashboard.modules.AppList, dashboard.modules.ModelList and menu.items.AppList now have ability to display any models from different apps (using glob syntax) via models and exclude parameters. The order is now preserved. See #15;
implemented dashboard module groups : you can now group modules in tabs, accordion or in a stacked layout.
Bugfixes and minor changes
moved the menu and dashboard template dirs in a “admin_tools” directory to avoid name conflicts with other apps, for example: django-cms (see: http://github.com/digi604/django-cms-2.0/issues/issue/397/);
fixed bookmark bugs. The saved url was urlencoded, so we need to decode it before we save it. Added a clean_url method to the BookmarkForm. Fixes #25;
build urlpatterns conditionally regarding the content of INSTALLED_APPS;
better display of selected menu items;
avoid a useless ajax GET request for retrieving dashboard preferences;
upgraded jquery and jquery ui and renamed the files to more generic names;
don’t show bookmark form if NoReverseError. This was breaking the django.contrib.auth unit tests;
fixed url lookup for remove bookmark form;
fixed issue #26 (menu bar showing for non-staff users) and also updated templates to match the django 1.2 templates;
fixed issue #29 : Django 1.2 admin base template change;
changed the way js files are loaded, hopefully now they are loaded syncronously (fixes issue #32);
fixed issue #33: empty applist menu items should not be displayed;
fixed issue #34: can’t drag modules into an empty column;
fixed issue #35 (wrong docstring for menu).
New class names and paths
admin_tools.dashboard.models.Dashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.Dashboard
admin_tools.dashboard.models.DefaultIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.DefaultIndexDashboard
admin_tools.dashboard.models.DefaultAppIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.DefaultAppIndexDashboard
admin_tools.dashboard.models.AppIndexDashboard => admin_tools.dashboard.AppIndexDashboard
admin_tools.dashboard.models.DashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule
admin_tools.dashboard.models.AppListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.AppList
admin_tools.dashboard.models.ModelListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.ModelList
admin_tools.dashboard.models.LinkListDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.LinkList
admin_tools.dashboard.models.FeedDashboardModule => admin_tools.dashboard.modules.Feed
admin_tools.menu.models.Menu => admin_tools.menu.Menu
admin_tools.menu.models.DefaultMenu => admin_tools.menu.DefaultMenu
admin_tools.menu.models.MenuItem => admin_tools.menu.items.MenuItem
admin_tools.menu.models.AppListMenuItem => admin_tools.menu.items.AppList
admin_tools.menu.models.BookmarkMenuItem => admin_tools.menu.items.Bookmarks
Version 0.2.0, 15 March 2010:
bookmarks are now being saved in the database (fixes issue #20, thanks @alexrobbins);
dashboard preferences are also saved in the database;
added support for django-staticfiles STATIC_URL settings (fixes issue #21, thanks @dstufft);
fixed issue #23: render_theming_css tag does not work on windows;
added polish, italian, greek and brazilian locales;
updated docs.
Backwards incompatible changes in 0.2.0
Now, django-admin-tools stores menu and dashboard preferences in the database, so you’ll need to run syncdb and to add the django-admin-tools urls to your urlconf. These steps are described in details in the documentation. You’ll also need to add admin_tools to your INSTALLED_APPS for the locales to work (this was not documented in previous versions).
Version 0.1.2, 13 February 2010:
fixed documentation issues;
added locales;
fixed issue #9: don’t fail when feedparser is not installed;
fixed issue #5: implemented dashboard layout persistence in cookies;
enable all modules by default in the default dashboard;
fixed recent actions log entry urls when displayed in app_index;
added a “bookmarks” menu item and the code to manage bookmarks;
fixed jquery issues with django 1.2.
Version 0.1.1, 10 February 2010:
fixed issue #2: template tag libraries have generic names;
changed the way dashboards are selected, don’t rely on request variables but pass an extra argument to the template tag instead (fixes issue #3);
fixed MANIFEST.in (fixes issue #1);
better setup.py file.
Version 0.1.0, 10 February 2010:
Initial release