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A full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes.

Project description

A full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes.

pip install django-dynamic-fixture


# Download zip file
# Extract it
# Execute in the extracted directory: python install

pip install django-dynamic-fixture --upgrade --no-deps

* It is a TERRIBLE practice to use STATIC data in tests.
* Create dynamic fixture for each model is boring and it produces a lot of replicated code.
* It is a bad idea to use uncontrolled data in tests, like bizarre random data.

=Comparison with another fixture tools=

* We tried to use another fixture tools in a big Django project but the experience was not satisfactory.
* Either they are incomplete, or bugged or it produces erratic tests, because they use random and uncontrolled data.
* Also, the syntax of others tools is too verbose, which polutes the tests.
* Complete, lean and practice documentation.
* It is hard to debug tests with another tools.
* List of other tools:

* Highly customizable: you can customize fields recursively
* Deal with unique=True
* Deal with cyclic dependencies (including self references)
* Deal with many to many relationship (common M2M or M2M with additional data, i.e. through='table')
* Deal with custom fields (specially if the custom field inherit of a django field)
* It is supported for parallel tests
* Deal with auto calculated attributes
* It is easy to debug errors

=Example of Usage=

from django_dynamic_fixture import N, G, F, P
#or use old default names:
#from django_dynamic_fixture import new, get, DynamicFixture as F, print_field_values

# Models:

from django.db import models

class ModelA(models.Model): pass

class ModelY(models.Model):
other_text = models.CharField()
other_list = models.ManyToManyField('ModelA')

class ModelX(models.Model):
some_text = models.CharField(null=True)
parent_left = models.ForeingKey('self')
y_reference = models.ForeingKey('ModelY')
list_a = models.ManyToManyField('ModelA')

# Summary:

# DynamicFixture (F): receive arguments and create model instances.
# new: it is just a wrapper: it creates a F to create a not saved model instance.
# get: basically, call the new method and save the instance. You can set ManyToMany fields only after the instance is saved.

# Examples:

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX)
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left == None
assert == None # new do not save the instance
assert != None # save dependencies by default
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 0 # do not create many2many fields by default

instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, fill_nullable_fields=False) # default = True
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == None

# you can ignore fields, but do not ignore required fields (with null=False).
instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, ignore_fields=['some_text'])
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == None

# Very nice feature to work with trees
instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, number_of_laps=2) # default = 1
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left != None
assert instance_of_modelx.parent_left.parent_left.parent_left == None

# This feature is specially useful to test search methods
instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, some_text='some fixed data') # attribute accepts static data
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == 'some fixed data'

# Use this with attention. First, check for design mistakes
instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, id=99999) # you can define the id too
assert == 99999

# You can create your own function to create data..
instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, some_text=lambda field: # attribute accepts callables
assert instance_of_modelx.some_text == 'some_text'

# Use this with attention, you can get an error if you try to save an instance with not saved dependencies
instance_of_modelx = N(ModelX, persist_dependencies=False)
assert == None

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX) # get save the model instance
assert != None

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=2) # Many2Many can receive a number of instances to be created
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 2

instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=[F(), F(), F()]) # Many2Many can receive a list of DynamicFixtures
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 3

a = G(ModelA)
instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, list_a=[F(), a, F()]) # Many2Many can receive a list of instances
assert len(instance_of_modelx.list_a.all()) == 3

# You can pass arguments to F (DynamicFixture) recursively. This works for ForeignKey and ManyToMany Fields! Easy and customizable!
instance_of_modelx = G(ModelX, parent_left=F(other_text='wow', other_list=2))
assert len(instance_of_modelx.y_reference.other_list.all()) == 2

# Highly recursivable example:
# X has a ForeignKey to A
# A has a ForeignKey to B
# B has a ForeignKey to C
# this will create instances of C, B, A and X (in this order). Attribute d of C will be 'some value'
G(X, a=F(b=F(c=F(d='some value'))))

# for debug:

# Custom FileField:
class ModelX(models.Model):
my_file = models.FileField(upload_to='/')

from tempfile import mkstemp
pdf_a = File(open(mkstemp()[1], 'w'), name='a.pdf')
G(ModelX, my_file=pdf_a)

# Copier
G(ModelX, my_field=C('my_field_y.x'))

# Shelve/Library
G(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)
G(ModelX, use_library=True)

# Named Shelve
G(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve='some name')
G(ModelX, use_library=True, named_shelve='some name')

# Shelving before all tests of a module:
def setUpModule():
N(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)

# Shelving before all tests of all modules:
Add in
N(ModelX, my_field='x', shelve=True)

Run with nose plugin:
python test --with-ddf-setup


== Decorators ==

from django_dynamic_fixture.decorators import skip_for_database, only_for_database, SQLITE3

def test_something1(self): pass

def test_something2(self): pass

@only_for_database("some value used in settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']")
def test_something3(self): pass

@skip_for_database("some value used in settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']")
def test_something4(self): pass

== Queries Module ==
python test --with-queries
python count_queries_on_save

=Information about the logic of the library=

==List of exceptions==
* UnsupportedFieldError: DynamicFixture does not support this field.
* InvalidConfigurationError: The specified configuration for the field can not be applied or it is bugged.
* InvalidManyToManyConfigurationError: M2M attribute configuration must be a number or a list of DynamicFixture or model instances.
* BadDataError: The data passed to a field has some problem (not unique or invalid) or a required attribute is in ignore list.
* InvalidCopierExpressionError: The specified expression used in a Copier is invalid.
* InvalidModelError: Invalid Model: The class is not a model or it is abstract.

==DynamicFixture assume==

* if a field has a default value, it does not have unique=True.
* if a field has choices, it does not have unique=True.
* if there is a cyclic dependency, in some part the relationship must be nullable.
* if any of these requirements is a problem, you have to use customized values or override the behavior.

==DynamicFixture rules==


* The id (AutoField) is auto filled, unless you set a value to it.
* if a field has default value, it will be used by default.
* if a field has choices, it select each the first option by default.
* it fill nullable fields with data unless fill_nullable_fields is False.
* boolean fields will always receive False, unless it has default value.
* null boolean fields will always receive None, unless it has default value.
* Strings (CharField, Text, Url, Email...) and numbers (IntegerField, Float, Decimal...) are filled with a sequential and unique number for each test (1, '1', 2, '2'...). Each attribute has its own counter.
* You can override the behavior of the string and number fillers, if you want to.

===Custom Attributes===

* if it receive a customized data, it do not care about attributes null, unique, default or choices.
* if the specified fixture was bugged, it will raise an InvalidConfigurationError.

===Custom Fields===

* if it does not recognize the Field class, it will raise an UnsupportedFieldError.
* if a field is not default in Django, but it inherits from a Django field, it will be filled using its config.
* if a field is not default in Django and not related with a Django field, it will raise an UnsupportedFieldError.
* Customized data is also valid for unsupported fields.

===Related Objects===

* ForeignKey will be filled by default, considering unicity of data.
* It deal with cyclic dependencies, including self references (this avoid infinite recursion).
* By default, the fixture create just one cycle, but it is possible to specify more maps with number_of_laps parameter.

===Many to Many relationship===

* To add models in a m2m relation, the model must be persisted, so use the 'get' method.
* it expect to receive a parameter with the amount of instances that need to be created (using default configuration).
* Also, it can receive a list with DynamicFixture (F) or model instances (for custom items). The size of the list is the number of items that will be created.
* It works for default Many2Many and Many2Many with through.

===Ignoring fields===

* Useful when some fields need some calculation. For example, Django-MPTT models.
* Ignored fields are propagated ONLY to self references.
* Do not ignore required fields with 'get', only with 'new'. In other words, do not save an instance without a required field, unless you are expecting for an exception.


* Use 'new' method for unit tests (not integration tests) for the main model.
* Use 'ignore_fields' option to deal with fields filled by listeners.
* Use custom values for unsupported fields.
* Use 'number_of_laps' option to test trees.


* Use a auto generated data in an assertion method.

=Links of Comments=

=Change Log=

==Version 1.6.0==
* 2012/03/31 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New features in DDF:
* Copier: option to copy a generated value for a field to another one. Useful for denormalizated fields.
* Shelve/Library: option to store a default configuration of a specific model. Useful to avoid replicated code of fixtures. Global option: DDF_USE_LIBRARY.
* Named Shelve: option to store multiple configurations for a model in the library.
* Nose plugin for global set up

==Version 1.5.1==
* 2012/03/26 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New fatures in DDF:
* global option: DDF_VALIDATE_ARGS that enable or disable field names.

* BugFixes of 1.5.0:
* F feature stop working.

==Version 1.5.0==
* 2012/03/25 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New features in DDF:
* new data fixture that generates random data
* new data fixture that use sequential numbers only for fields that have unique=True
* P function now accept a list of model instances
* Option to call model_instance.full_clean() validation method before saving the object (DDF_VALIDATE_MODELS).
* Validate field names. If a invalid field name is passed as argument, it will raise an InvalidConfigurationError exception.
* DateField options 'auto_add_now' and 'auto_add' are disabled if a custom value is used.

==Version 1.4.3==
* 2012/02/23 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Bugfix in ForeignKeys with default values

==Version 1.4.2==
* 2011/11/07 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Bugfix in FileSystemDjangoTestCase

==Version 1.4.1==
* 2011/11/07 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New features in DDF:
* Now you can set a custom File to a FileField and the file will be saved in the file storage system.

* New features in FileSystemDjangoTestCase:
* create_django_file_using_file create a django.File using the content of your file
* create_django_file_with_temp_file now accepts a content attribute that will be saved in the generated file

* Bugfix in FileSystemDjangoTestCase:
* now create_django_file_with_temp_file close the generated file

==Version 1.4.0==
* 2011/10/29 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New features:
* Nose plugin to count queries on each test
* Command line to count queries on the save (insert and update) of each model

* Bugfixes in DDF:
* Field with choice and default must use the default value, not the first choice value
* Validation if the class is a models.Model instance
* Showing all stack trace, when an exception occurs

* Bugfixes in decorators: default values of database engines were not used correctly
* Bugfixes in FileSystemDjangoTestCase tests

==Version 1.3.1==
* 2011/10/03 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Bugfixes in FileSystemDjangoTestCase

==Version 1.3.0==
* 2011/10/03 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New Feature: File System Django Test Case
* New Feature: Decorators skip_for_database and only_for_database
* Bugfix: Inheritance problems, before this version the DDF filled fields with the attribute parent_link

==Version 1.2.3==

* 2011/06/27 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Bugfix in string truncation to max_length

==Version 1.2.2==

* 2011/05/05 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Improvements in exception messages

==Version 1.2.1==

* 2011/03/11 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* Propagate ignored fields to self references
* Refactoring + Bug fixes

==Version 1.2==
* 2011/03/04 (yyyy/mm/dd)
* New Feature: ignore_fields
* New Feature: now it is possible to set the ID

==Version 1.1==
* Bug fixes
* (1.0 has the 1.1 package)

==Version 1.0==
* Initial version
* Ready to use in big projects

= Testing =
* python test
* python test --with-coverage --cover-inclusive --cover-html --cover-package=django_dynamic_fixture.* --with-queries

= TODO List =
* auto config of denormalizated fields
* with_queries documentation and bugfixes (always print 0 queries)
* related_name documentation or workaround
* today, yesterday, tomorrow on fdf
* bugfix in fdf or ddf: some files/directories are not deleted
* tests with files in ddf
* tests with proxy models
* doc factory: example to generate models with validators in fields or in clean methods
* tests with GenericRelations, GenericForeignKey etc
* more tests with OneToOneField(parent_link=True)
* documentation: examples of usage

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