A lean and mean object-level rules system for the Django framework
Project description
.. |travisci| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/chrisglass/django-rulez.png
.. _travisci https://travis-ci.org/chrisglass/django-rulez
django-rulez is a lean, fast and complete rules-based permissions system for
the django framework.
Most other authentication frameworks focus on using database joins, which gets
pretty slow after a while (since mostly every query generates a lot of joins).
Django-rulez uses a memory-based hashmap instead.
Django-rulez also implements a role concept, allowing for very readable and
maintainable code.
django-rulez was forked from django-rules, since some of the goals django-rules
set themselves didn't match our current project goals. You can refer to their
github project page for more information about this other cool project:
Kudos for the good work guys!
Generally, it is also an instance-level authorization backend, that stores the
rules themselves as methods on models.
Since many people asked - this project is still active and used in production
systems, but its current goals have been reached and not much further
development happens.
Pull requests or discussion is very welcome, especially if you have an
interesting use-case we haven't thought of :)
Our test coverage is 100%, and we would like to keep it this way, so
please make sure you test before you push.
From source
To install django-rulez from source::
git clone https://github.com/chrisglass/django-rulez/ django-rulez
cd django-rulez
python setup.py install
From Pypi
Simply install django-rulez like you would install any other pypi package::
pip install django-rulez
* Add `rulez` to the list of `INSTALLED_APPS` in your `settings.py`
* Add the django-rulez authorization backend to the list of `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` in `settings.py`::
'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', # Django's default auth backend
The following example should get you started::
# models.py
from rulez import registry
class myModel(models.Model):
def can_edit(self, user_obj):
Not a very useful rule, but it's an example
if user_obj.username == 'chris':
return True
return False
registry.register('can_edit', myModel)
Django-rulez requires to declare the rule as a method in the same model. This
is very simple in case the rule applies to a model in our own application, but
in some cases, we might need to set object permisions to models from 3rd-party
applications (e.g. to the User model). Let's see an example for this case::
# models.py
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rulez import registry
def user_can_edit(self, user_obj):
This function will be hooked up to the User model as a method.
The rule says that a user can only be modified by the same user
if self == user_obj:
return True
return False
# 'add_to_class' is a standard Django method
User.add_to_class('can_edit', user_can_edit)
registry.register('can_edit', User)
Another example: using roles
A little more code is needed to use roles, but it's still pretty concise::
# models.py
from rulez.rolez.base import AbstractRole
from rulez.roles.models import ModelRoleMixin
from rulez import registry
class Editor(AbstractRole):
""" That's a role"""
def is_member(cls, user, obj):
"""Remember, class methods take the class instead of self"""
if user.username == 'chris':
return True
return False
class myModel(models.Model, ModelRoleMixin): # Don't forget the mixin!
def can_edit(self, user_obj):
Not a very useful either but it's an example
return self.has_role(user_obj, Editor):
roles = [Editor, ]
registry.register('can_edit', myModel)
Using your rules
Once you have created a rule or role, you can utilize them directly on
an instance of your model:::
model_instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)
user_chris = User.objects.get(username='chris')
Or, with the help of django-rulez's authentication backend, on a user
user_chris.has_perm('can_edit', model_instance)
In addition, the following templatetag usage is supported:::
{% load rulez_perms %}
{% rulez_perms can_edit model_instance as VARNAME %}
{% if VARNAME %}
You have permissions
{% else %}
Sorry, you don't have permission
{% endif %}
.. _travisci https://travis-ci.org/chrisglass/django-rulez
django-rulez is a lean, fast and complete rules-based permissions system for
the django framework.
Most other authentication frameworks focus on using database joins, which gets
pretty slow after a while (since mostly every query generates a lot of joins).
Django-rulez uses a memory-based hashmap instead.
Django-rulez also implements a role concept, allowing for very readable and
maintainable code.
django-rulez was forked from django-rules, since some of the goals django-rules
set themselves didn't match our current project goals. You can refer to their
github project page for more information about this other cool project:
Kudos for the good work guys!
Generally, it is also an instance-level authorization backend, that stores the
rules themselves as methods on models.
Since many people asked - this project is still active and used in production
systems, but its current goals have been reached and not much further
development happens.
Pull requests or discussion is very welcome, especially if you have an
interesting use-case we haven't thought of :)
Our test coverage is 100%, and we would like to keep it this way, so
please make sure you test before you push.
From source
To install django-rulez from source::
git clone https://github.com/chrisglass/django-rulez/ django-rulez
cd django-rulez
python setup.py install
From Pypi
Simply install django-rulez like you would install any other pypi package::
pip install django-rulez
* Add `rulez` to the list of `INSTALLED_APPS` in your `settings.py`
* Add the django-rulez authorization backend to the list of `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` in `settings.py`::
'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', # Django's default auth backend
The following example should get you started::
# models.py
from rulez import registry
class myModel(models.Model):
def can_edit(self, user_obj):
Not a very useful rule, but it's an example
if user_obj.username == 'chris':
return True
return False
registry.register('can_edit', myModel)
Django-rulez requires to declare the rule as a method in the same model. This
is very simple in case the rule applies to a model in our own application, but
in some cases, we might need to set object permisions to models from 3rd-party
applications (e.g. to the User model). Let's see an example for this case::
# models.py
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rulez import registry
def user_can_edit(self, user_obj):
This function will be hooked up to the User model as a method.
The rule says that a user can only be modified by the same user
if self == user_obj:
return True
return False
# 'add_to_class' is a standard Django method
User.add_to_class('can_edit', user_can_edit)
registry.register('can_edit', User)
Another example: using roles
A little more code is needed to use roles, but it's still pretty concise::
# models.py
from rulez.rolez.base import AbstractRole
from rulez.roles.models import ModelRoleMixin
from rulez import registry
class Editor(AbstractRole):
""" That's a role"""
def is_member(cls, user, obj):
"""Remember, class methods take the class instead of self"""
if user.username == 'chris':
return True
return False
class myModel(models.Model, ModelRoleMixin): # Don't forget the mixin!
def can_edit(self, user_obj):
Not a very useful either but it's an example
return self.has_role(user_obj, Editor):
roles = [Editor, ]
registry.register('can_edit', myModel)
Using your rules
Once you have created a rule or role, you can utilize them directly on
an instance of your model:::
model_instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)
user_chris = User.objects.get(username='chris')
Or, with the help of django-rulez's authentication backend, on a user
user_chris.has_perm('can_edit', model_instance)
In addition, the following templatetag usage is supported:::
{% load rulez_perms %}
{% rulez_perms can_edit model_instance as VARNAME %}
{% if VARNAME %}
You have permissions
{% else %}
Sorry, you don't have permission
{% endif %}