A slider plugin for djangocms that lets you arrange slides like any other djangocms plugin.
Project description
A simple django cms slideshow plugin.
There are 2 plugins: SlideShow and Slide. A SlideShow can only contains Slides. Those can be arranged in the order you want just like any other plugin.
Each image can have a url specified (creating an anchor around the image)
By default, creates a [flexslider](http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/) slideshow.
By default, uses [sorl-thumbnail](https://github.com/mariocesar/sorl-thumbnail) as a thumbnail plugin.
This plugin requires django CMS 3.0 or higher to be properly installed and configured.
To install:
run pip install djangocms-slider on your virtualenv
add sorl.thumbnail to your INSTALLED_APPS setting if you want to use default template.
add djangocms_slider to your INSTALLED_APPS setting (mind the underscore)
Run ./manage.py migrate djangocms_slider
To override the template, just add slider.html and or ‘slide.html’ in a django template directory under templates/djangocms_slider.