High-level Web Object-managing framework on top of ZODB and Jinja2
Project description
Alpha Web framework & sample mini CMS.
Aims to be quite generic all-in-one-but-minimalistic web+database high-level framework.
Take a look at the (WIP) documentation at drink.rtfd.org.
Use “easy_install” or “pip” to get ‘jinja2’, ‘markdown’, ‘ZODB3’ and ‘whoosh’ installed on your system. Additionally you can install paste or gevent for better performances.
Example (at the DOS/Console/Shell prompt):
easy_install -U markdown
or, alternatively:
pip install -U markdown
Dependencies list:
Just fetch the source archive and unpack it:
wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/drink/drink-0.0.10.tar.bz2 tar jxvf drink-0.0.10.tar.bz2
Just go into the unpacked drink directory and execute the “manage” script:
cd drink-0.0.10 ./manage
If you run into troubles, try:
DEBUG=1 ./manage
Getting sources/Contributing
See GitHub page.
The main ideas behind
It should handle most of javascript, html & forms creation for you, for very fast prototype implementation.
Then you’r free to put your hands into html/css/js and customize to your precise requirements.
Some debugging middleware are supported, edit drink/settings.ini for details.
Add features at ONE place in ONE language (html/css/js may be required for some advanced/custom usages)
Be fast, with built-in search engine
Ajax (ajaj in fact) - with nice fallbacks for old browsers
Website: as simple as a nested dict-like objects tree, endpoints (last element of URL) are object’s properties & methods
Make it as productive as possible for most generic tasks
Out of the box, it is something between a wiki and a cms, probably a good base for a lightweight web CMS / Intranet / Forum / etc!
Main Features
Built-in search engine
Multi-user with access control (group based) at each level
Automatic views and javascript-friendly requests, with regard to each object permissions
Automatic object edition’s form generation
Webpage edition live preview, client-side form validation
Comes with some pre-developped objects:
folder index (sortable with D&D)
file (upload your own file, also allows D&D)
Web page ( markdown only )
Simple TODO list/TODOs (WIP)
And of course special elements like Groups & Users !.
Very user friendly (once doc will be there!)
no documentation yet (default manager account, login/password: admin/admin )
no auto tests yet
not very powerful yet
Release changes
Improved TODO Lists (fullcalendar included)
Now any TextArea can submit the form with Ctrl+Enter
Slightly better access/permissions redirects
Filesystem mountpoint (alpha)
Improved item addition a bit
Markdown have an almost correctly styled preview
Cleaner models
Embryo of documentation
As always: Fixes & Bugs
0.1 (wip)
add more types to default form edition
object_path => integrate it to markdown editor
buildbot & virtualenv
change cookie on password change
only accept object move if it succeded on server
allow custom extensions
Per-user group-list, showing in permissions panels
allow rss via http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/RSS
HomePage object: Login-splash+UserDashboard write user homepages (with login & passwd & name & surname change) / splash-like if not logged-in
think about comments ( as property of some Model ?) - commentlist ?
allow objects to add custom actions in admin bar
edit form: only send “dirty” values when possible
add some recursive permissions setter
“background processes” for each user / sessions
theme support (config entry + template & static path)
ensure proper checks are correct at server side
Form object?
find the cleanest way to make all incoming URLs ends with /
pack should call http://packages.python.org/Whoosh/api/index.html?highlight=optimize#whoosh.index.Index.optimize on whoosh
add calltips everywhere
default content for every user
review 401 handling, ask for login/passwd in case of new session (to be finished)
Think about opening WebFiles in mail client as attached file…
add markdown support to tasks comment
improve link support (javascript popup) in markdown so it’s easy to link tasks to any object
only returns requested range in TODO List
Rename Tasks/TODO List to calendar
remove Ctrl+Enter conflict on Markitup
/users as user => 401 (should list instead)
search => 401 by default (should be allowed)
mask file upload widget if File not available here
investigate fileupload D&D bugs
files >4GB are making crazy js loops
files ~>500MB may hang the request & cause timeout
zip importer
pdf with pypdf
project support (using drink as a base)
integrate imgviewer (image folder type)
multi-object page
spreadsheet ?
integrate graph library (http://www.jqplot.com/)
“real” sessions ?
chat program (introduce webhooks ?)
more tests
gadgets (google search, rss reader, clock, xkcd, ?)
permissions setting admin object
user interface cleanup
doc & fix but minor improvements
stable release
homepage /user pages focus