A command-line interface to the GitHub Issues API v2.
Project description
github-cli provides an executable called ghi, that can be used to access all of GitHub’s documented Issues API (v2) functionality from your command-line
github-cli is written in Python
on most UNIX-like systems, you’ll probably need to run the following `install` commands as root or by using sudo
pip install github-cli
from source
pip install git+http://github.com/jsmits/github-cli
git clone git://github.com/jsmits/github-cli.git cd github-cli python setup.py install
as a result, the ghi executable will be installed into a system bin directory
make sure your GitHub username and API token are added to the global git config:
git config --global github.user <your GitHub username> git config --global github.token <your GitHub API token>
or you can specify the environment variables GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN
you can find the username and API token on your GitHub’s account page
from within a working directory with a remote that is hosted on GitHub (remote named either origin or github for git repositories or default or github for mercurial/hg-git repositories), you can do this (note: with the -r option, commands can be invoked from anywhere):
(github-cli)[jsmits@imac:~]$ ghi --help Usage: ghi command [args] [options] Examples: ghi list [-s open|closed|all] show open, closed or all issues (default: open) ghi [-s o|c|a] -v same as above, but with issue details ghi same as: ghi list ghi -v same as: ghi list -v ghi [-s o|c] -w show issues' GitHub page in web browser (default: open) ghi list -u <github_user> show issues created by specified user ghi show <nr> show issue <nr> ghi show <nr> -v same as above, but with comments ghi <nr> same as: ghi show <nr> ghi <nr> -w show issue <nr>'s GitHub page in web browser ghi open (o) create a new issue (with $EDITOR) ghi open (o) -m <msg> create a new issue with <msg> content (optionally, use \n for new lines; first line will be the issue title) ghi close (c) <nr> close issue <nr> ghi open (o) <nr> reopen issue <nr> ghi edit (e) <nr> edit issue <nr> (with $EDITOR) ghi label add (al) <label> <nr> add <label> to issue <nr> ghi label remove (rl) <label> <nr> remove <label> from issue <nr> ghi search (s) <term> search for <term> (default: open) ghi s <term> [-s o|c] -v same as above, but with details ghi s <term> -s closed only search in closed issues ghi comment (m) <nr> create a comment for issue <nr> (with $EDITOR) ghi comment (m) <nr> -m <msg> create a comment for issue <nr> with <msg> content. (optionally use \n for new lines) ghi -r <user>/<repo> specify a repository (can be used for all commands) ghi -r <repo> specify a repository (gets user from global git config) Description: command-line interface to GitHub's Issues API (v2) Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose show issue details (only for show, list and search commands) [default: False] -s STATE, --state=STATE specify state (only for list and search (except `all`) commands) choices are: open (o), closed (c), all (a) [default: open] -u CREATED_BY, --user=CREATED_BY issues created by <github_username> [default: all] -m MESSAGE, --message=MESSAGE message content for opening or commenting on an issue without using the editor -r REPO, --repo=REPO, --repository=REPO specify a repository (format: `user/repo` or just `repo` (latter will get the user from the global git config)) -w, --web, --webbrowser show issue(s) GitHub page in web browser (only for list and show commands) [default: False] -V, --version show program's version number and exit