Extract test-related commit info from github
Project description
Github test commit reports for teams
Githubinfo is a script that queries the github API of one or more organizations and gives you a quick report on the amount of commits with tests in the last week.
It is adjustable, of course, which is necessary as I put some company defaults in there :-)
It is just a simple single command and the output looks like this:
$ testcommitinfo loading project neerslagradar-site loading project ... ... We want more and better testing. For a quick and dirty quantity indication ('more'), here are the commits that have the string 'test' in of of the commit's touched filenames. Period: 8 days. Github organizations that I queried: ddsc, lizardsystem, nens Projects sorted by amount of commits with tests ----------------------------------------------- lizard-neerslagradar: 11 (25%) lizard-progress: 3 (9%) radar: 1 (33%) ... Committers sorted by amount of commits with tests ------------------------------------------------- Reinout van Rees: 12 (11%) Remco Gerlich: 3 (6%) Arjan Verkerk: 2 (8%) ...
You can pass -h or --help to get usage information, for instance on how to increase the log level or on how to get the version number.
I wrote it because we wanted to improve our development process at Nelen & Schuurmans. We wanted more tests. So I wrote a script:
It queries the github API for one or more organizations (or personal accounts).
It queries the projects in there for commmits in the last week (configurable).
For every commit, it simply looks if there’s a filename in the commit with test in its full path. If so, the commit counts as a “test commit”.
For every project, it counts the number of commits and the number of test commits.
The same for every committer.
At the end, you get a list of projects and committers sorted by number of commits.
Risk: you get what you measure
The metric is incomplete and imprecise. The same people that start grabbing their torches and pitchforks when someone mentions “code coverage” will start grabbing them now. My answer: bugger off.
You identify colleagues that never ever bother to test. You get to educate them. Can I borrow that pitchfork, please?
You identify projects that have improved in quality.
You identify projects that were obviously troubled by a deadline and that might bite you later on if you have to use them yourself.
You identify colleagues that bring quality to your project if you work with them.
There are a lot of things you don’t measure. But someone who doesn’t bother with tests also isn’t going to bother adding a whiteline somewhere in a test file to get at least some test commit credited to his name :-)
Here are the default settings, obviously very my-company-centric:
SETTINGS = { 'auth': None, # Set it to ['username', 'very_secret']. 'days': 7, 'organizations': [ 'ddsc', 'lizardsystem', 'nens', ], 'extra_projects': [ # ('organization', 'project'), ('reinout', 'buildout'), ('reinout', 'django-rest-framework'), ('reinout', 'serverinfo'), ('reinout', 'z3c.dependencychecker'), ('rvanlaar', 'djangorecipe'), ('zestsoftware', 'zest.releaser'), ], }
To customize it, add a settings.json file in your working directory. Whatever you put in there is used to override the default SETTINGS dictionary. Make sure it is properly json-formatted, so with double quotes around strings. Something like this:
{"auth": ["reinout", "nogal_geheim"], "days": 8, "organizations": ["lizardsystem"], "extra_projects": []}
- auth
username/password list. For when you need access to some private projects. Note that you also get a much higher API usage limit when you’re logged in.
- days
Number of days to report on. By default a week.
- organizations
List of github organizations or personal accounts to query. This is the first part after github.com in URLs like https://github.com/organization/project.
- extra_projects
Optional list of ["organization", "project"] lists. For those handful of extra projects outside of your organization that one or more colleagues do a lot of work on and that are essential to you. I’m listing zc.buildout and zest.releaser in here, for instance.
Note that only the committers that committed to your own organization get counted for these extra_projects. This way the list doesn’t get polluted.
To verify your settings, you can call testcommitinfo --show-config which will print the configuration as testcommitinfo sees it.
Integration with your own systems
Perhaps you want to include the output in some dashboard? Or you want to generate a nice HTML out of it?
For those use cases, you can export a JSON file with the collected project and user information. Pass a JSON filename with the --json-output commandline option and you’ll have everything you need.
Sometimes the github API fails intermittently. There are some “try it a second time” if/elses in the code which work around most of the issues. Every time I discover an additional problem, I add some code to work around it.
So if you’ve got a problem, you could just try running it a second time, most often that works just fine.
If you’ve got a real bug, you could ask me (reinout@vanrees.org) to take a look. Or, better, submit a issue on https://github.com/nens/githubinfo/issues . Or, even better, try to fix it in a pull request.
Reinout van Rees started this program.
Changelog of githubinfo
1.1 (2013-04-02)
Added optional export of the results to a JSON file. Useful if you want to format the output yourself, for instance to create a HTML page.
Added argument parsing via argparse. Warning: this requires python 2.7 at a minimum. I guess that’s not a problem. At least -h now gives a proper usage message!
Added githubinfo.__version__ attribute.
1.0.1 (2013-04-02)
Small README fix: quote error in example config file. Thanks Maximilien Riehl for noticing it!
1.0 (2013-04-01)
Added proper documentation and usage instructions to the README.
Detecting doctests, too. For .rst and .txt files, we search for >>> in the commit’s patch, that’s a pretty good indication of a doctest commit. I needed this for detecting my well-tested commits in zc.buildout.
Loading commits from branches, too.
Added option for extra projects outside of the main ones. Commits in here are only counted if they’re from committers to our main organizations.
Extracting test commit info from github organizations.
Initial project structure created with nensskel 1.30.dev0.