An unofficial api for Google Play Music.
Project description
gmusicapi allows control of Google Music with Python.
from gmusicapi import Mobileclient
api = Mobileclient()
# after running api.perform_oauth() once:
api.oauth_login('<a previously-registered device id>')
# => True
library = api.get_all_songs()
sweet_track_ids = [track['id'] for track in library
if track['artist'] == 'The Cat Empire']
playlist_id = api.create_playlist('Rad muzak')
api.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, sweet_track_ids)
gmusicapi is not supported nor endorsed by Google.
That said, it’s actively maintained, and powers a bunch of cool projects:
alternate clients, including one designed for the visually impaired, a web-based jukebox which ships with its own server, command line clients, a FUSE filesystem, and an Alexa skill
library management tools for syncing tracks, syncing playlists, and migrating to a different account
proxies for media players, such as gmusicproxy and gmusicprocurator, as well as plugins for Mopidy, Squeezebox and Tizonia.
enhancements like autoplaylists / smart playlists
Getting started
Start with the usage docs, which will guide you through installation and the available apis.
Once you’re up and running, you can explore the rest of the docs at
If the documentation doesn’t answer your questions, or you just want to get in touch, either drop by #gmusicapi on Freenode or shoot me an email.
Status and updates
January 2020: Python 2 support dropped.
November 2018: proper OAuth support for the mobileclient.
February 2016: Python 3 support!
September 2015: Google switched to a new music uploading endpoint, breaking uploading for outdated versions of gmusicapi.
June 2015: Full mobileclient and webclient functionality was restored.
May 2015: Limited mobileclient functionality was restored.
April 2015: Google deprecated clientlogin, breaking both the webclient and mobileclient.
November 2013: I started working fulltime at Venmo, meaning this project is back to night and weekend development.
For fine-grained development updates, follow me on Twitter: @simonmweber.
As of 1.0.0, semantic versioning is used.
released 2020-03-27
breaking: drop Python 2 support
fix an album name schema failure
released 2019-07-13
open default log file as utf-8 to avoid windows encoding problems
released 2019-04-20
deprecate Mobileclient.get_promoted_songs in favor of Mobileclient.get_top_songs to clarify its behavior. Functionality remains the same.
released 2019-01-08
breaking: remove gmusicapi.clients.OAUTH_FILEPATH. Use Musicmanager.OAUTH_FILEPATH instead.
released 2018-12-04
add back gmusicapi.clients.OAUTH_FILEPATH after it was removed in 11.1.0 (a breaking change)
deprecate gmusicapi.clients.OAUTH_FILEPATH in favor of Musicmanager.OAUTH_FILEPATH
released 2018-11-30
add Mobileclient OAuth support (perform_oauth and oauth_login) and deprecate email/password auth, which Google now often rejects. It works the same way as the Musicmanager; see the docs for an example.
update schema
released 2018-11-19
fix a number of bugs with
released 2018-09-19
fix an “__init__() takes at most 4…” warning coming from oauth2client
released 2018-09-09
fix validation of “ios:…” format device ids
add inLibrary field to station docs
released 2018-03-18
update schemas
released 2017-12-09
breaking: list calls now default to max_results=None, increasing the default number of results from 100 to 999
add updated_after param to song/playlist listing to support differential updates
add support for free radio stations
add filepath+extension to unsupported file exception message
fix “I’m Feeling Lucky” station never refreshing its seed
fix crashes caused by some 503s during uploading
fix gmtools for
fix AAC and ALAC content type upload detection
blacklist requests 2.8.2
improve id documentation
update schemas
released 2017-04-03
validate device ids to prevent 403s during streaming
fix LocalUnboundError during login for some environments
update schemas
released 2017-02-10
deprecate include_deleted param to greatly speed up responses for Mobileclient.get_all_* now works on non-subscription accounts
fix logging IOError on read-only filesystems
fix problems caused by broken requests IDNA support
released 2016-10-31
deprecate the Webclient
- add podcast support to Mobileclient:
add Mobileclient.add_store_tracks
add Mobileclient.rate_songs
add Musicmanager.get_quota
fix get_all_user_playlist_contents hanging for large playlists
fix is_authenticated status after uploader_id exceptions
fix upload progress tracker remaining after upload
various internal improvements and schema updates
released 2016-06-04
switch to pycryptodomex
minor schema adjustments
released 2016-05-01
breaking: Mobileclient.search_all_access is now
breaking: Mobileclient.add_aa_track is now Mobileclient.add_store_track
add situation_hits and video_hits to
add methods Mobileclient.deauthorize_device, .get_listen_now_items, and .get_listen_now_situations
add property Mobileclient.is_subscribed
add playlists and curated stations as station seeds
add params locale and subscription to Mobileclient.login
add param enable_transcoding to Musicmanager.upload
update to newer Google apis, returning more data in responses
reduce memory usage during uploading
fix a variety of bugs, mostly python2/3 type errors
released 2016-03-05
breaking: attempting to reupload a file after changing only its tags will result in a rejection as a duplicate upload (it used to upload successfully)
fix webclient login after Google changes
fix 'str' object has no attribute 'refresh'
prevent upstream protobufs TypeError by locking version
a ‘matched’ value may be returned even if matching is not enabled if we were unable to disallow matching
released 2016-02-08
breaking: drop support for python < 2.7.9
add (experimental) python 3 support!
add Musicmanager.get_purchased_songs
add station_hits to search_all_access results
add disc_number and total_disc_count to Musicmanager.get_uploaded_songs
add a prompt for device id in tests
upgrade gpsoauth, removing dependency on pycrypto
deprecate Webclient.create_playlist and Webclient.get_registered_devices
fix various packaging problems
fix KeyError in Mobileclient.get_station_tracks
fix a TypeError from requests
fix various bits of the docs
released 2015-09-19
breaking: python 2.6 is no longer supported
breaking: webclient.get_registered_devices has a slightly different schema
fix Webclient authentication and get_stream_urls
fix MusicManager uploading: Google shut down the rupio endpoint
fix certificate validation
fix album artist metadata not being upload
released 2015-06-20
fix creation of multiple android devices from android_id=None; support creating device ids from mac address.
android_id is now optional for mobileclient.get_stream_url, defaulting to android_id from login()
released 2015-06-02
breaking: Webclient.login temporarily broken after clientlogin deprecation
breaking: Mobileclient.get_thumbs_up_songs renamed to mobileclient.get_promoted_songs
breaking: Mobileclient.change_playlist_name is now edit_playlist
fix Mobileclient.login breakage due to clientlogin deprecation
fix Mobileclient.get_genres: return a list and handle invalid parent genres
add support for filtering out recently played station tracks to Mobileclient.get_station_tracks
add public playlist results to Mobileclient.search_all_access
add Mobileclient.get_registered_devices
add quality option to Mobileclient.get_stream_url
add support for public playlist creation to Mobileclient.create_playlist
make optional description param for Webclient.create_playlist
better handle locating mp3 transcoder
released 2014-06-08
breaking: remove webclient.change_song_metadata; use mobileclient.change_song_metadata instead
breaking: remove webclient.get_all_songs; use mobileclient.get_all_songs instead
breaking: remove webclient.get_playlist_songs; use mobileclient.get_all_user_playlist_contents instead
breaking: remove webclient.get_all_playlist_ids; use mobileclient.get_all_user_playlists instead
breaking: webclient.upload_album_art now returns a url to the uploaded image
breaking: due to backend changes, mobileclient.change_song_metadata can only change ratings
add mobileclient.get_thumbs_up_songs
add mobileclient.increment_song_playcount
add webclient.create_playlist, which is capable of creating public playlists
add webclient.get_shared_playlist_info
released 2014-01-20
add verify_ssl option to client init
greatly loosen dependency version requirements
released 2013-12-11
remove extraneous logging introduced in 3.0.0 – this could have logged auth details, so it’s recommended to delete old logs
released 2013-11-03
Musicmanager.get_all_songs is now Musicmanager.get_uploaded_songs
Mobileclient.get_all_playlist_contents is now Mobileclient.get_all_user_playlist_contents, and will no longer return results for subscribed playlists
add Mobileclient.get_shared_playlist_contents
add Mobileclient.reorder_playlist_entry
add Mobileclient.change_song_metadata
add Mobileclient.get_album_info
add Mobileclient.get_track_info
add Mobileclient.get_genres
compatibility fixes
released 2013-08-01
remove broken Webclient.{create_playlist, change_playlist, copy_playlist, search, change_playlist_name}
add Mobileclient; this will slowly replace most of the Webclient, so prefer it when possible
add support for streaming All Access songs
add Webclient.get_registered_devices
add a toggle to turn off validation per client
raise an exception when a song dictionary is passed instead of an id
released 2013-05-16
add support for listing/downloading songs with the Musicmanager. When possible, this should be preferred to the Webclient’s method, since it does not have a download quota.
fix a bug where the string representing a machine’s mac was not properly formed for use as an uploader_id. This will cause another machine to be registered for some users; the old device can be identified from its lack of a version number.
verify user-provided uploader_ids
released 2013-04-19
get_all_songs can optionally return a generator
compatibility updates for AddPlaylist call
log to appdirs.user_log_dir by default
add open_browser param to perform_oauth
released 2013-04-02
breaking: Api has been split into Webclient and Musicmanager
breaking: semantic versioning (previous versions removed from PyPi)
Music Manager OAuth support
faster uploading when matching is disabled
faster login
add artistMatchedId to metadata
tests are no longer a mess
add support for uploading album art (docs)
add support for .m4b files
add CancelUploadJobs call (not exposed in api yet)
Python 2.6 compatibility
reduced peak memory usage when uploading
logging improvements
improved error messages when uploading
user now controls logging (docs)
documentation overhaul
fix international logins
fix packaging issues
improve handling of strange metadata when uploading
add a dependency on dateutil
breaking: upload returns a 3-tuple (docs)
breaking: get_all_playlist_ids always returns lists of ids; remove always_id_lists option (docs)
breaking: remove suppress_failure option in Api.__init__
breaking: copy_playlist orig_id argument renamed to playlist_id (docs)
new: report_incorrect_match (only useful for Music Manager uploads) (docs)
uploading fixed
avconv replaces ffmpeg
scan and match is supported
huge code improvements
compatibility update for playlist mutation
various metadata compatibility updates
bugfix: support for uploading uppercase filenames (Tom Graham)
bugfix: fix typo in multidownload validation, and add test
metadata compatibility updates (storeId, lastPlayed)
fix uploading of unicode filenames without tags
update allowed rating values to 1-5 (David Dooling)
update metajamId to matchedId (David Dooling)
fix broken expectation about disc/track numbering metadata
change to the 3-clause BSD license
add Kevin Kwok to AUTHORS
improve code in
support uploading of all Google-supported formats: m4a, ogg, flac, wma, mp3. Non-mp3 are transcoded to 320kbs abr mp3 using ffmpeg
introduce dependency on ffmpeg. for non-mp3 uploading, it needs to be in path and have the needed transcoders available
get_playlists is now get_all_playlist_ids, and is faster
add an exception CallFailure. Api functions raise it if the server says their request failed
add suppress_failure (default False) option to Api.__init__()
change_playlist now returns the changed playlistId (pid)
change_song_metadata now returns a list of changed songIds (sids)
create_playlist now returns the new pid
delete_playlist now returns the deleted pid
delete_songs now returns a list of deleted sids
change_playlist now returns the pid of the playlist - which may differ from the one passed in
add_songs_to_playlist now returns a list of (sid, new playlistEntryId aka eid) tuples of added songs
remove_songs_from_playlist now returns a list of removed (sid, eid) pairs
search dictionary is now flattened, without the “results” key. see documentation for example
package for pip/pypi
add AUTHORS file
remove; the sessions are now just api.PlaySession (Darryl Pogue)
protocol.Metadata_Expectations.get_expectation will return UnknownExpectation when queried for unknown keys; this should prevent future problems
add immutable ‘subjectToCuration’ and ‘metajamId’ fields - use unknown
add change_playlist for playlist modifications
get_playlists supports multiple playlists of the same name by returning lists of playlist ids. By default, it will return a single string (the id) for unique playlist names; see the always_id_lists parameter.
api.login now attempts to bump Music Manager authentication first, bypassing browser emulation. This allows for much faster authentication.
urls updated for the change to Google Play Music
remove_songs_from_playlist now takes (playlist_id, song_ids), for consistency with other playlist mutations
change name to gmusicapi to avoid ambiguity
change delete_song and remove_song_from_playlist to delete_songs and remove_songs_from_playlist, for consistency with other functions
add verification of WC json responses
setup a sane branch model. see
improve logging