ZC Buildout recipe for creating text files out of templates.
Project description
This is a very simple recipe which generates a textfile from a template.
The template can be everything, and may contain python-style string formatters. The values will be replaced with the options you set inside the buildout.cfg section.
template-directory – the directory to fetch templates from
- template – the template file
default: $(name)s.in
location – the output file
${buildout:template-directory} is set to ${buildout:directory}/templates if not set in the buildout section.
If location is not set, no file is created. You can always access the generated content using the content key, though.
An example buildout.cfg:
[buildout] parts=test.txt template-directory=${buildout:directory}/templates [test.txt] recipe=inquant.recipe.textfile template-directory=${buildout:template-directory} template=test.txt.in location=${buildout:directory}/test.txt avalue=foo anothervalue=bar
Note that due to the default settings (see above), the template-directory and template settings are redundant.
An example text template:
This is just a test template=%(template)s location=%(location)s This is just text %(avalue)s and %(anothervalue)s got replaced. See?
The recipe will read the template and replace the strings yielding something like:
This is just a test template=/Users/seletz/develop/plone/buildout/templates/test.txt.in location=/Users/seletz/develop/plone/buildout/test.txt This is just text foo and bar got replaced. See?
vim: set ft=rst ts=2 sw=2 tw=75 expandtab: