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Archetypes storage for storing fields raw values on the file system.

Project description


By Ingeniweb_.


.. contents:: **Table of contents**


About FileSystemStorage

FileSystemStorage (FSS) is an Archetypes storage for storing fields
raw values on the file system. This storage is used to avoid
unnecessary growth of the ZODB's FileStorage (Data.fs) when using a
lot of large files.

Please note that FSS is a Plone component for **content types
developers**. Do not expect anything more in your Plone site if you
don't use Plone components that may use FSS, such as AttachmentField_.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Ingeniweb_ SAS

This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU General Public License,
Version 2.0 (GPL). A copy of the GPL should accompany this distribution.

See the `LICENSE` file that comes with this product.


* `Plone 3.0+ bundle <>`_


From FSS 2.5.x and older

The way we configure the storage and backup paths as well as the
storage strategies **HAVE CHANGED IN DEPTH**. There's no automatic
migration from this version. Please create a configuration file that
clones your old configlet preferences as indicated in `FSS main

From iw.fss 2.7.1

From this version and later version, iw.fss registers upgrade steps in
GenericSetup. When upgrading to a newer version of iw.fss, just have a
look at the "Upgrade" tab of the portal_setup tool in your Plone site.

Warning, due to the removal of the `portal_fss` tool upgrading from 2.7.1 does
not retain the RDF options (activated and specific script). If you used RDF with
2.7.1, you need to redo the same RDF setting in the FileSystemStorage config


With buildout

This example speaks of itself::

eggs =

zcml =

You may also use the `iw.recipe.fss`_ recipe egg to configure fully an

From SVN reposo

* Inflate iw.fss package into your zope instance lib/python directory.
I'm sure it's already done.

* Add `$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/package-includes/iw.fss-meta.zcml` file with
this line::

<include package="iw.fss" file="meta.zcml"/>

* Add `$INSTANCE_HOME/etc/package-includes/iw.fss-configure.zcml` file
with this line::

<include package="iw.fss" />

Configuring your Plone sites

* **Read carefully** `Storage strategies`_ and `FSS main
configuration`_ below and configure your instance in
`plone-filesystemstorage.conf` accordingly. You may use the
`iw.recipe.fss`_ recipe in your `buildout.cfg` to do this.

* Start your Zope instance

* In ZMI, go into your plone site and install the product using

* Optionally, tweak some - self explained - preferences in the
FileSystemStorage configuration panel of your Plone site.

Storage strategies

A storage strategy defines how field values will be stored in your
files system.

Strategies overview

FSS comes with 4 storage strategies. Each strategy requires two directories:

* The storage directory stores the values of relevant fields in files
according to the selected strategy.
* The backup directory that keeps the values of the fields of deleted
contents for "Undo" purpose.
* Only one storage strategy can be selected on a given Plone site,
but different Plone site in the same Zope instance may have distinct
storage strategies.
* You need the best performances: choose the `Flat storage strategy`_
or `Directory storage strategy`_.
* You need a storage that looks like your Plone site (in example to
publish the storage directory in a read only samba or NFS share):
choose the `Site storage strategy 1`_ or the `Site storage strategy 2`_.
* If you care about CMFEdition support (means that one of the content
types using FSS is versioned with CMFEditions), you should *not* use
the `Site storage strategy 1`_ or the `Site storage strategy 2`_.

See `FSS main configuration`_ to configure the best suited strategy on
your Zope instance and Plone sites.

Flat storage strategy

All field values are stored in a flat structure. This strategy is the
default one.

* Filename of these stored values: `<uid of content>_<field name>`
* Filename of rdf file: `<uid of content>_<field name>.rdf`
* Filename of backup values: `<uid of content>_<field name>.bak`

Rdf files are not backed up. They are automatically generated.

Example of storage::

|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_image
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_image.rdf
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_file
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_file.rdf

|- 9efeb7638fb35f5f9b9955da3e2dbfec_file.bak

Directory storage strategy

All field values are stored in a directory structure. Sub directories
are defined on two level. First level of directory uses the 2
characters of content uid. Second level of directory uses the 4
characters of content uid. Backup files are stored in a flat

* Filename of these stored values: `<uid of content>_<field name>`
* Filename of rdf file: `<uid of content>_<field name>.rdf`
* Filename of backup values: `<uid of content>_<field name>.bak`

RDF files are not backed up. They are automatically generated

Example of storage::

|- f42
|- f42ad
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_image
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_image.rdf
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_file
|- f42ad00adb7d4580f929d734bf1ed3ab_file.rdf

|- 9efeb7638fb35f5f9b9955da3e2dbfec_file.bak

Depending in one hand on your file system performances facing a huge
amount of files in the same directory, and in the other hand on the
number of contents relying on FSS, you might choose this strategy or
the `Flat storage strategy`_.

Site storage strategy 1

All field values are stored in a directory structure mirroring
structure of PloneSite. Backup files are stored in a flat structure.

* Filename of these stored values: Filename of field value or field
name if not defined
* Filename of rdf file: `<field name>.rdf`
* Filename of backup values: `<uid of content>_<field name>.bak`

Rdf files are not backed up. They are automatically generated

Example of storage::

|- members
|- john
|- dummy-document
|- image
| |
| |- moutain.jpg
| |
| |- image.rdf
|- file
|- diary.odt
|- file.rdf

|- 9efeb7638fb35f5f9b9955da3e2dbfec_file.bak

Site storage strategy 2

All field values are stored in a directory structure mirroring
structure of PloneSite. Backup files are stored in a flat structure.

* Filename of these stored values: Filename of field value or field
name if not defined
* Filename of rdf file: `<field filename>.rdf`
* Filename of backup values: `<uid of content>_<field name>.bak`

Rdf files are not backed up. They are automatically generated

Example of storage::

|- members
|- john
|- dummy-document
|- fss.cfg
|- moutain.jpg
|- mountain.jpg.rdf
|- diary.odt
|- diary.odt.rdf

|- 9efeb7638fb35f5f9b9955da3e2dbfec_file.bak

FSS main configuration

FSS is mainly configured the ZConfig way. At startup, the
configuration file will be searched (in that order) in:

* $INSTANCE_HOME/etc/plone-filesystemstorage.conf
* /path/to/iw/fss/etc/plone-filesystemstorage.conf
* /path/to/iw/fss/etc/

A sample working configuration in provided in this last file. It
assumes you have $INSTANCE_HOME/var/fss_storage and
$INSTANCE_HOME/var/fss_backup directories, both being read/write
enabled to the user that runs the Zope process, unless Zope will raise
an error at startup.

All configuration doc you need is in ``

Inconsistent configuration features raise explicit error messages at
Zope startup.

Note that we didn't include this in `zope.conf` in order to keep Zope
2.7 and Zope 2.8 compatibility.

Configuration panel


As mentioned above in `Storage strategies`_, FSS can optionally store
RDF files in the back-end storage. These RDF files conform the
`DCMES-XML standard`_ on XML expression of DublinCore elements.

If you select the `Flat storage strategy`_, the RDF files may be used
to build a files tree as close as possible of the Plone tree structure
from the storage back-end, with the `` utility::

$ cd /path/to/iw/fss/bin
$ python --help

FSS maintenance

The "Maintenance" tab of FSS configuration panel shows some statistics
about the amount of files managed by FSS.

In addition 2 additional buttons are provided:

* **Update FSS files** : Cleans up the back-end storage
directories. Files not referenced from a content object are removed.

* **Update RDF files** : Builds all RDF files, in the event you chose
to select the generetion of RDF files after having inserted relevant

Zope backups

Of course, you need to synch your Data.fs backups with the storage
paths backups, unless you may restore corrupted/incomplete sites.

Caveats and pittfalls

Note that whatever's the selected strategies, **DO NEVER CHANGE ANY
you'll loose your contents, your job, your money, your friends, your
wife/husband and children.

FIELDS STORED IN ITS FSS STORAGE PATH** unless you ran the appropriate
strategy migrator - see `Migrating between strategies`_ otherwise
you're loose your contents, your job, ...

Thought it is possible to share the same storage path and backup path
within various Plone sites, since you don't mind of your data in
development sites, you should really configure FSS such each Plone
site has its own private storage path and backup path. In cas you
TAB OF THE FSS CONFIGURATION PANEL** otherwise you'll loose your
contents, your job, ...

Zexp exports **don't embed the associated FSS storage**. So don't move
your Plone site within Zope instances using zexp exports unless you
move the storage and backup directories along with the zexp file.

After changing your configuration (see `FSS main configuration`_),
always restart your Zope instance in foreground since configuration
errors are not reported when Zope is started as daemon or Windows

Developer's corner

Using FSS in your content types

We assume that creating AT based content types is a familiar activity.

When creating the schema of a content type, you usually don't mention
the storage of your fields since AT provides a default ZODB
storage. You can choose another storage, either another one that ships
in the Archetypes bundle, or a third party storage like FSS.

Here is a small example that doesn't need much comments::

# Usual Zope/CMF/Plone/Archetypes imports
from iw.fss.FileSystemStorage import FileSystemStorage
my_schema = Schema((

You may have a look at `examples/` to see a demo content
type using FSS. If you want to play with this content type::

$ $INSTANCE_HOME/bin/zopectl stop
$ $INSTANCE_HOME/bin/zopectl start

Monkey patching a third party content type

The Python way

This works with any Zope version listed in the Requirements_. If you
run a Zope 2.9 or later instance, you should prefer `The ZCML way`_.

This simple example shows how to plug the ATFile standard type from
any custom product. Let's say we're in the `` of your
custom product::

from iw.fss import zcml as fss_utils
from Products.ATContentTypes import atct
fss_utils.patchATType(atct.ATFile, ['file'])

The ZCML way

This works only with Zope 2.9 and up, and is the recommanded way to
wire your AT based content types with FSS since this way hides the API
details that may be deprecated in the future.

You just need to add the "fss" namespace support and some directives
in your "configure.zcml" like this to have the same effect as in the
example of `The Python way`_ above::

zcml:condition="installed iw.fss"
fields="file" />

The (required) attributes of this directive are:

* **class**: the dotted name of the AT based content type class.
* **fields**: one or more (space separated) field names to wire with FSS.

Storing Plone standard content types with FSS

Include this ZCML element either in your instance `package-includes`
directory or in any personal `configure.zcml` in your instance

<include package="iw.fss" file="atct.zcml" />

This ZCML file wires FSS with the relevant content types that ship with Plone bundle:

* File
* Image
* News Item

Customize RDF info set

You can add data to the RDF info set via a FSS dedicated - and
optional - hook.

Open the FSS configuration panel and give the name of your personal
RDF data script, let's call it `fss_custom_rdf` for this example. This
script will add or change the RDF default data set.

RDF script interface

The script may be in any Plone layer like `custom` or any other in the
skins path.

Such script is expected to have 4 parameters:

* `name`: the name of the field
* `instance`: the content object being processed
* `properties`: FSS field properties mapping, depending on the type of
field associated to FSS storage.
* `default_rdf`: a mapping structure of the RDF data, including the
namespaces, and the elements.

Such script is expected to return an updated `default_rdf` mapping

Please read the source of classes `FSSInfo`, `FSSFileInfo` and
`FSSImageInfo` from module ``, `RDFWriter` from
module `` for detailed information on formats of expected data.

Simple example

We need to add the date of RDF file generation in an element like

<fss:rdf_date>2007-05-13 13:21:00</fss:rdf_date>

Here's the script::

## Script (Python) "fss_custom_rdf"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
##parameters=name, instance, properties, default_rdf
"""We add the date of RDF file generation"""

rdf_args = default_rdf.copy()

# Add the date of RDF generation
new_props = []
new_props.append({'id': 'fss:rdf_date', 'value': DateTime().ISO()})
rdf_args['field_props'] = new_props

return rdf_args

More complex example

In this more complex (and stupid - don't do this ;) example, we remove
the elements from `fss` namespace and simulate the standard behaviour
for other elements (`dc` and `rdf` elements).

Here's the code::

## Script (Python) "fss_custom_rdf"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
##parameters=name, instance, properties, default_rdf
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

rdf_args = {}

# Set RDF charset
ptool = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_properties')
rdf_args['charset'] = ptool.site_properties.default_charset

# Set RDF namespaces
rdf_args['namespaces'] = (
{'id': 'xmlns:rdf', 'value': ''},
{'id': 'xmlns:dc', 'value': ''},
{'id': 'xmlns:fss', 'value': ''},)

# Set field url
utool = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_url')
portal_path = utool.getPortalObject().getPhysicalPath()
portal_path_len = len(portal_path)
rel_path = '/'.join(instance.getPhysicalPath()[portal_path_len:])
fss_path = '%s/%s' % (rel_path, name)
rdf_args['field_url'] = fss_path

# Set RDF properties
props = (
{'id': 'dc:title', 'value': instance.title_or_id()},
{'id': 'dc:description', 'value': instance.Description()},
{'id': 'dc:language', 'value': instance.Language()},
{'id': 'dc:creator', 'value': instance.Creator()},
{'id': 'dc:date', 'value': instance.modified()},
{'id': 'dc:format', 'value': properties.get('mimetype', 'text/plain')},
rdf_args['field_props'] = props

# Returns the RDF structure
return rdf_args

Recommanded practices on custom RDF

Do not change the existing elements under `fss` namespace unless the
`bin/` utility won't work. In other terms, do not use
the script of the `More complex example`_.

Adding or changing elements to the `dc` and `rdf` namespaces may screw up
external utilities based on canonical `DCMES-XML standard`_.

Consider adding your own namespace for your custom extra elements.

Migrating from AttributeStorage or AnnotationStorage

We assume that, at this point, you got :

* A production Plone site filled with contents which storage is supported by the
standard AT storages (AttributeStorage or AnnotationStorage).

* A development site with the **same** AT based content types (ATCT plus
others), `iw.fss` and a ZCML setup that stores fields of some contents with
`iw.fss`. See how to do it `The ZCML way`_ or use the `atct.zcml` file that's
included in this package.

Backup your production site

Yes, at this early stage, we didn't test migration with lots and lots of content
types. Only the basic OTB content types have been tested. But this should work
with any other. Whatever, you should always backup a site before proceeding to a
deep migration like this one.

Add the `iw.fss` settings

Install `iw.fss` and the ZCML settings from your develoment site on your
production site. Note that at this step, it's safer to deny access to the users
(use Apache settings or whatever).

Start your Zope instance in forground mode (recommanded if you want to follow
the migration logging).

Do the migration

Open the FileSystemStorage configlet. Check that the main control panel reports
the expected settings (storage paths and strategies, supported content types and

Click the "migration" tab of this control panel, check the options, and proceed
to migrations.

Pack the ZODB

After a successful migration, you may pack immediately the ZODB to appreciate
the effect of using `iw.fss`.

Migrating between strategies

Use the `bin/` shell utility that ships with FSS. Get
more info on this utility using the `--help` option.

Note that only flat -> directory and directory -> flat are available
today. Sponsorship is welcome - as indicated in `Support and
feedback`_ - if you need other strategy migrations.


Please read `./tests/README.txt`.

Other documentation

See `./doc/*` and `./locales/README.txt`


You may find newer stable versions of FSS and pointers to related
informations (tracker, doc, ...) from

Subversion repository

Stay in tune with the freshest (maybe unstable) versions or participate to
the FileSystemStorage evolutions:

Support and feedback

Please read all the documentation that comes with this product before
asking for support, unless you might get a RTFM reply ;)

Localisation issues - other than french - should be reported to the
relevant translators (see Credits_ below).

Report bugs using the tracker (the `Tracker` link from Please provide in your
bug report:

* Your configuration (Operating system+Zope+Plone+Products/versions).
* The storage strategy in use.
* The full traceback if available.
* One or more scenario that triggers the bug.

Note that we do not support bug reports on Subversion trunk or
branches checkouts.

`Mail to Ingeniweb support <>`_ in English or
French to ask for specific support.

`Donations are welcome for new features requests


* Main developer: `Cyrille Lebeaupin <>`_
* ZConfig and ZCML support: `Gilles Lenfant <>`_
* HTTP "Range" support: `Youenn Boussard <>`_
* Paris 2008 sprint additional contributors:
- `Mehdi Benammar <>`_
- `Romain Griffiths <>`_

See `locales/README.txt` about localization credits.


.. sectnum::
.. _Ingeniweb:
.. _AttachmentField:
.. _DCMES-XML standard:
.. _iw.recipe.fss:
.. $Id: README.txt 93562 2009-08-03 16:41:15Z glenfant $



* Change the behaviour of upload on fss. No more memory consuption for that now. We use always use fileiterator when inspecting big file. To achieve to that, VirtualDate override _read_data of OFS.Image.File to construct an clean FSSPdata.

* Monkey patching with collective.monkeypatcher. All monkey patches should be
made that way.

* Using z3c.autoniclude when available.

* Change behaviour of VirtualData class. Now VirtualData work as OFS.image ie to
acces data you MUST pass by a chained list (FSSPdata) that contain only a
block of data. This block of data is getting by a filestream iterator. So no
more memmory consuption (max 65536 , a block of data). This is an important
change because when Products.Archetype.Field.FileField get metatada of a File
old version of fss get all file data for this (ie myField.getFilename() -> you
have your all data in memory !!). Also when you invoke, no_output = True) you get now a filestream iterator
(There is a patch to this method because of dowload must set content-length
header for the publisher)

* fix content_type retreving for migration process.


* Fixed crappy error logging on migration


* Worked around (and cancel migration) when AT tries (and fails) stupidly to
guess the charset of a binary data.

* Spanish translation is up to date


* Fixed bad mime type setting when migrating.

* Fixed loss of text when migrating News items with image

* Fixed logging on transaction when migrating and show the total migrated
items in the log too.


* Upgraded translations (.pot and french translation)

* Fixed issues reported by test users.

* Faster and safer method to guess the mime type when migrating.


* Fixed a NameError in migrations that could not be raised by unit tests.


* Fixed an issue on optional (non "required") fields: getting an empty
field must raise an AttributeError and not return an empty string.

* ATCT settings disabled


* Adding migration utility (XStorage -> FSS)


* Safety belt against GS irrelevant upgrades.

* fix i18n initialization under win32


* removed fss_get in VirtualBinary urls: this old script has been removed with
skins. This caused problems with content such as plone news item calling

* run tests without shell variable ZOPE_TESTCASE


* Fix a bug on versioning : previous version of FSS was unable to deal with
content having archetypes fields with no storages


* GenericSetup upgrade step (any version) -> 1.0

* Red warnings when using the default common config in config panels

* Config panel enhancements (config details view, documentation)

* Code cleanup (useless stuffs)

* Fixed test cases
[cbosse] [glenfant]

* CMFEditions compatibility

* Annotations replacement for the attributes (FSSInfo), and some

* CMF skins layer removed in favour of views.

* Add a test verifying that the storage path contains one item after
adding a file, and zero items after deleting it.

* "site1" and "site2" strategies are forfidden as global strategies

* 100% GenericSetup installation


* Fix the bobo traverse mess: we should not honour Plone 2.5(-)
compatibility (remove and fix the traverse deprecation

* pyflakes everything.

* Removed Plone 2.5 (and previous) compatibility.

* Protect with appropriate permission ZMI views/methods.

2.7.1 - 2008/03/17

* Test case for FSS registration.

* Hint in README.txt to set FSS storage only if iw.fss is installed.

* The ZMI "Overview" tab shows the various types changed to use FSS.

* I18N domain is now "iw.fss" being consistent with new styles

* Translations moved to zope 3 style in place of PTS style. As a
consequence, the config panel title is not translated any more
("plone" domain).

* Public function to patch a type and registering patched types
for migration purposes

* Renamed into since future
other strategy migrations will go there.

* Added bin/ that migrates "flat" strategy storage to
"directory" strategy storage.

* Added discriminator in ZCML support that warns on duplicate config
of the same content type.

2.7.0 - 2008/02/26

* Convert FileSystemStorage Zope 2 product to iw.fss python package

* Added ZCML namespace/directive to wire fields of content types with

2.6.2 - 2007/12/07

* Fixed range header processing: if one range - specific file stream
iterator if multiple range - OFS.image traitment (1680760
sourceforge tracker) Add some unit test to test range header

2.6.1 - 2007/10/29

* ZConfig bug that lowercases some config strings: we test path in
lowercase too (ED)

* Remove the OSError when moving file into backup

* Plone 3.0 compatibility [glenfant]

* Do not override Content-Disposition HTTP header if already set in
VirtualBinary.index_html (zegor)

* filestream_iterator is not "range proof". Add a new
range_filestream_iterator to negociate Range request

2.6.0 RC1 - 2007/06/15

* Changed in depth the way we configure FSS with the ZConfig
way. Changing the storage and backup path, and the storage strategy
TTW is disabled [glenfant]

* As a consequence, changing the storage strategy doesn't require to
hack any more [glenfant]

* As a consequence, each Plone site in a Zope instance can have its
own storage strategy [glenfant]

* Configuration view and README.txt view in ZMI [glenfant]

* Fixed documentation issues [glenfant]

* SiteStorageStrategy and SiteStorageStrategy2 didn't work under Win32

* Make FSS compatible with Plone 2.0 : just rewrite some testcases

2.5.6 - 2007/06/15

* When renaming a folder containing FSS content, FSSInfo attribute was
stolen one each content of the folder. Provides a solution to avoid
this problem (CL)

2.5.5 - 2007/06/13

* Make FSS works when calling _setUID method on an AT object (CL)

* Add a strategy mark in the storage in a '.strategy' file such we
could forbid strategy changes of storages at Zope startup. (i.e.,
using a 'flat' storage strategy in a storage filled using a
'directory' strategy)

2.5.4 - 2007/03/13

* Fix a bug on Plone 2.5 when moving a folder containing items using
FSS storage. Those items were losing their FSS content. (CL)

2.5.3 - 2007/02/12

* Don't monkey patch BaseObject __bobo_traverse__ under Plone 2.5, but
register ITraversable adapter for this. This change is required as of
Archetypes 1.4.1 (see AT HISTORY.txt, search '__bobo_traverse__')

2.5.2 - 2006/10/27

* Fix bug on maintenance tab: update files and backup, and update RDF (ED)

* Fix some renaming bugs (ED)

* Extend index_html method of VirtualFile and VirtualImage to use a
filestream iterator. FSS is now compliant with CacheFu

* Fix bug in FSSTool:updateFSS - replace restoreBackup method by

* Add new strategy: SiteStorageStrategy2

2.5.1 - 2006/07/28

* Check existence of backup and storage paths in configlet

* Fix bug on maintenance tab

2.5 - 2006/07/19

* Update tests to use all strategies

* Add storage strategies : FlatStorageStrategy,
DirectoryStorageStrategy, \ SiteStorageStrategy

* Patch BaseObject to make it possible to access images like this
mysite/myobj/image or mysite/myobj/image_mini

* Added a docstring on VirtualData class and subclasses. This should
fix : VirtualImage can
be published directly by ATImage


* Add a hook to customize RDF files

* Add script to build filesystem tree from FSS files

* Add RDF implementation


* Remove use of ComputedAttribute to avoid strange errors

* If file is empty don't create an empty file on filesystem


* Add Content-Disposition header in fss_get python script

* Make FSS compliant with AT 1.3.4 and Plone 2.1


* Fix bug on delete action (In previous version, it was impossible
to delete non required field value)


* Add translations

* Fix bug in configlet when no files are stored on filesystem.


* First public release


.. $Id: CHANGES 115319 2010-04-14 14:48:26Z yboussard $

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

iw.fss-2.8.0rc3.tar.gz (503.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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