Release sdist eggs
Project description
jarn.mkrelease is a no-frills Python egg releaser. It was created to take the cumber out of building and distributing Python eggs.
Here at Jarn, we have switched to zc.buildout and pinned egg versions for customer deployments. This means that for every update, we have to make proper egg releases of all modified packages.
Turns out it’s quite a bit of work to put a new egg on a distribution server! After preparing a package for release (update version strings, etc.), we typically have to:
Commit modified files.
Tag the release in SCM.
Package up an egg.
Distribute the egg via scp or upload it to an index server.
Now multiply by the number of packages needing a release, and the moment of I gotta script this approaches at warp 9.
Enter jarn.mkrelease.
jarn.mkrelease requires Python 2.6 for its improved distutils support. Use easy_install jarn.mkrelease to install the mkrelease script. Then put it on your system PATH by e.g. symlinking it to /usr/local/bin.
mkrelease [options] [scm-url|scm-sandbox]
- -C, --skip-checkin
Do not checkin modified files from the sandbox.
- -T, --skip-tag
Do not tag the release in SCM.
- -S, --skip-upload
Do not upload the release to dist-location.
- -D, --dry-run
Dry-run; equivalent to -CTS.
- --svn, --hg, --git
Select the SCM type. Only required if the SCM type cannot be guessed from the argument.
- -d dist-location, --dist-location=dist-location
An scp destination specification, or an index server configured in ~/.pypirc, or an alias name for either. This option may be specified more than once.
- -s, --sign
Sign the release with GnuPG.
- -i identity, --identity=identity
The GnuPG identity to sign with.
- -p, --push
Push changes upstream (Mercurial and Git).
- -e, --develop
Allow version number extensions (i.e. don’t ignore the respective setup.cfg options).
- -q, --quiet
Suppress output of setuptools commands.
- -k, --keep-temp
Keep the temporary build directory.
- -h, --help
Print the help message and exit.
- -v, --version
Print the version string and exit.
- scm-url
The URL of a remote SCM repository.
- scm-sandbox
A local SCM sandbox; defaults to the current working directory.
Release my.package, using version information from the package’s, and distribute it to the default location:
$ mkrelease
The same as above, but release the contents of the SCM sandbox in src/my.package:
$ mkrelease src/my.package
Release my.package and distribute it via scp to
$ mkrelease -d src/my.package
Release my.package and upload it to PyPI:
$ mkrelease -d pypi src/my.package
mkrelease reads available index servers from the distutils configuration file ~/.pypirc. How this file must look is documented elsewhere.
mkrelease furthermore reads its own configuration file ~/.mkrelease. Here’s an example:
[defaults] distbase = distdefault = public [aliases] public = customerA = world = public pypi
(Note that pypi refers to the index server pypi as configured in ~/.pypirc.)
Armed with this configuration we can shorten example 3 to:
$ mkrelease -d public src/my.package
And, because public is the default location, we can omit -d entirely:
$ mkrelease src/my.package
Working with scp
The simplest distribution location is a server directory shared through Apache. Releasing eggs means scp-ing them to the server:
$ mkrelease -d src/my.package
We have a distribution point for every project, so customer A does not see customer B’s releases:
$ mkrelease -d src/my.package
Typing the full destination every time is tedious, even setting up an alias for each and every customer is, so we configure distbase instead:
[defaults] distbase = distdefault = public [aliases] world = public pypi
The distbase is prepended if an scp destination does not contain a host part. We can now write:
$ mkrelease -d public src/my.package $ mkrelease -d customerB src/my.package
Working with index servers
In the Plone world, it is common practice to upload packages to and PyPI. For this to work, we first need a ~/.pypirc file:
[distutils] index-servers = pypi ploneorg [pypi] username = fred password = secret [ploneorg] repository = username = fred password = secret
We can now type:
$ mkrelease -d pypi -d ploneorg src/my.package
Next, we define an alias in ~/.mkrelease:
[aliases] plone = pypi ploneorg
Which allows us to write:
$ mkrelease -d plone src/my.package
Releasing a tag
Release my.package from an existing tag:
$ mkrelease -T
Only Subversion allows us to specify a branch or tag to check out. With Mercurial and Git we need a local working copy, switched to the tag we want to release:
$ git checkout -f 1.0 $ mkrelease -T
Using GnuPG
Release my.package to PyPI and sign the archive with GnuPG (the gpg command must be available on the system PATH):
$ mkrelease -d pypi -s -i src/my.package
For convenience, and to support mandatory-signing scenarios, defaults for -s and -i may be configured in ~/.mkrelease:
[defaults] distbase = distdefault = public sign = true identity =
The following commands must be available on the system PATH:
The release tag can only be created if the package follows the standard Subversion repository layout:,, and If you have a non-standard repository, you must tag by hand and run mkrelease with the -T option.
Giving the -p option results in git push origin and git push origin tag <tagid> respectively. If this does not fit your setup, avoid -p and push manually.
Git’s short-hand notation for ssh:// URLs is not supported.
2.0b2 - 2009-07-09
Improve user feedback in the SCM-detection part. [stefan]
Document the -e flag. [stefan]
Drop global configuration file for YAGNI. [stefan]
Allow to set default values for -s and -i in ~/.mkrelease. [stefan]
2.0b1 - 2009-07-03
By default, ignore all version number extensions (dev-r12345) that may be configured in setup.cfg. Passing the -e flag disables this safeguard. [witsch, stefan]
Delete any existing signature file before signing anew. This keeps GnuPG from complaining about existing (but left-over) files. [stefan]
2.0a2 - 2009-06-27
Drop configurable Python and use sys.executable. This also means we now require Python 2.6. [stefan]
Force setuptools to only use file-finders for the selected SCM type. This is required to support multi-SCM sandboxes (think git-svn). [stefan]
Treat Subversion sandboxes just like the others and avoid the temporary checkout step. [stefan]
Remove the -u flag for being pointless. [stefan]
2.0a1 - 2009-06-14
Added support for Mercurial and Git. [stefan]
Added 250+ unit tests. [stefan]
1.0.2 - 2009-06-13
Documented long options. [stefan]
Print a “Tagging …” line before tagging. [stefan]
1.0 - 2009-05-14
Print help and version to stdout, not stderr. [stefan]
1.0b4 - 2009-04-30
Since distutils commands may return 0, successful or not, we must check their output for signs of failure. [stefan]
Allow to pass argument list to main(). [stefan]
1.0b3 - 2009-03-23
No longer depend on grep. [stefan]
Use subprocess.Popen instead of os.system and os.popen. [stefan]
Protect against infinite alias recursion. [stefan]
Drop -z option and always create zip files from now on. [stefan]
1.0b2 - 2009-03-19
Checkin everything that’s been modified, not just “relevant” files. [stefan]
Expand aliases recursively. [stefan]
1.0b1 - 2009-03-18
The distbase and distdefault config file options no longer have default values. [stefan]
Read index servers from ~/.pypirc and allow them to be used with -d. [stefan]
The -d option may be specified more than once. [stefan]
Dropped -p option. Use -d pypi instead. [stefan]
Dropped -c option. If your have non-standard SVN repositories you must tag by hand. [stefan]
0.19 - 2009-02-23
Absolute-ize the temp directory path. [stefan]
0.18 - 2009-01-26
Include README.txt and CHANGES.txt in long_description. [stefan]
Rid unused imports and locals. [stefan]
0.17 - 2009-01-23
Add -c option to enable codespeak support. The repository uses branch and tag instead of branches and tags. [gotcha, stefan]
0.16 - 2009-01-13
Fold regex construction into find and make find a method. [stefan]
Update README.txt. [stefan]
0.15 - 2009-01-13
Support for reading default options from a config file. [fschulze, stefan]
0.14 - 2009-01-08
Add -s and -i options for signing PyPI uploads with GnuPG. [stefan]
Stop execution after any failing step. [stefan]
0.13 - 2009-01-05
Stop execution when the checkin step fails. [stefan]
0.12 - 2009-01-02
setup.cfg may not exist. [stefan]
0.11 - 2008-12-02
Add setup.cfg to list of files we check in. [stefan]
0.10 - 2008-10-21
Don’t capitalize GetOptError messages. [stefan]
0.9 - 2008-10-16
Add -v option to print the script version. [stefan]
0.8 - 2008-10-16
Lift restriction where only svn trunk could be released. [stefan]
0.7 - 2008-10-09
Fix PyPI upload which must happen on the same command line as sdist. [stefan]
0.6 - 2008-10-08
Update README.txt. [stefan]
0.5 - 2008-10-08
Also locate and checkin HISTORY.txt to support ZopeSkel’ed eggs. [stefan]
0.4 - 2008-10-08
Use svn checkout instead of svn export because it makes a difference to setuptools. [stefan]
Add -p option for uploading to PyPI instead of dist-location. [stefan]
0.3 - 2008-10-06
Also locate and checkin version.txt. [stefan]
0.2 - 2008-10-01
Add -z option to create zip archives instead of the default tar.gz. [stefan]
0.1 - 2008-10-01
Initial release [stefan]