A collections of rules-of-thumbs for dealing with mobile phone browsers in web
Project description
This package contains heurestics (rules-of-thumbs) for dealing with mobile phones in web systems.
The package is a part of mFabrik Web and Mobile solutions package to build multichannel content management with Python.
Extracting user agent information from HTTP headers
Detecting high-end and low-end mobile phones, Javascript and CSS support: simple.py
Formatting phone number links (iPhone / WTAI): simple.py
Creating Google Maps / waypoint links: poi.py
Creating downloadable contact cards: vcard.py
Generating correct HTTP headers and XHTML document type declaration: contenttype.py
Detecting web crawlers in mobile mode (Googlebot): contenttype.py
Downloadable video format detection RTSP / HTTP: video.py
We suggest you to take a look inside the Python source code and read the comments.
vObject library is used.
If mobile.heurestic Python egg is installed via dependency aware installer (easy_install) the dependencies are automatically installed.
Source code and issue tracking
The project is hosted at Google Code project repository.
Commercial support and development
This package is licenced under open source GPL 2 license.
Commercial CMS and mobile development support options are available from mFabrik’s Web and Mobile product site.
Our top class Python developers are ready to help you with any software development needs.
Major project restructuring [miohtama]
Initial release