GUI for measuring human performance on mobile construction task
Project description
- Python >= 3.6 installed on your machine
Start in interactive python shell:
$ python
import mobileprint
The goal of this game is to move around an environment and lay bricks in the environment such that they match a given plan.
Example of a plan.
There are 8 different environment configurations to choose from:
- 1D Static (Plan 1)
- 1D Static (Plan 2)
- 1D Static (Plan 3)
- 1D Dynamic
- 2D Static (Dense)
- 2D Static (Sparse)
- 2D Dynamic (Dense)
- 2D Dynamic (Sparse)
Static plans are fixed, pre-determined plans. You can not view the overall plan for static environments, but you can use 'Training Mode', and infer the plan layout by interacting with the environment and examining the rewards.
Dynamic plans morph with each new episode, but you can see the overall plan layout.
Each environment has a predetermined maximum number of steps and number of bricks that you may use.
LEFT : Move Left
RIGHT : Move Right
UP : Move Up
DOWN : Move Down
SPACE : Drop a brick
Game Mode
You can either play in 'Training Mode' or 'Evaluation Mode'.
In 'Training Mode', you will be able to see the reward for each move you make, as well as your total cumulative score. This will allow you to learn what leads you to a good or bad score.
In 'Evaluation Mode', you will no longer be able to view your score, and will simply have to rely on your memory of the plan (or in Dynamic plan environements, you will be able to see the overall plan, but still have no access to your score).
At the end of each episode, you will be prompted to save your results for that episode. Assuming the episode was an honest attempt to complete the task, please choose 'Yes'. Your results will be logged into a directory 'results' in a .csv file. When you have finished playing the game / played as many episodes as you wish to, please send us your .csv results files so that we can compile the results and build a good benchmark!