PasteScript template to create a Python project with distribute and buildout support
Project description
modern-package-template is a PasteScript template to create an initial layout for your Python projects using modern tools and practices followed in the Python community. Thus, your projects will have the following characteristics:
Use Distribute instead of setuptools as the BDFL himself supports it.
Buildout support, though you are not required to make use of it.
README.txt and NEWS.txt automatically included in your package metadata as long_description, thus making them appear in the PyPI page for your project.
Automatic script (or .exe) creation using Distribute
Here is a sample project created using modern-package-template.
See the section titled “Roadmap” below for planned features.
Getting started
First install modern-package-template using PyPM or pip:
$ pypm install modern-package-template OR $ pip install modern-package-template
To create a Python project called “helloworld”, run the following command in your terminal:
$ paster create -t modern_package helloworld
You can also, optionally, create namespace packages:
$ paster create -t modern_package
Once you create the project layout, the very first thing you must do is to review the contents of README.txt and edit it accordingly.
Source code is derived from the advanced_package template - which is also licensed under GPLv3.
Release date: 11-Apr-2010
#20: Include .gitignore
#19: Rename README.txt to README.rst so it renders on Github
Release date: 02-Apr-2010
#18: Fix missing .hgignore
Release date: 30-Mar-2010
Add a ‘Credits’ section to README.txt
#2: Include a sample entry point
#13: Include .hgignore
#11: Include dev howtos in HACKING.txt
Remove setup.cfg – simple to have no .dev marker
Release date: 15-Mar-2010
#10: Remove dependency on Distribute
#9: Remove
Release date: 14-Mar-2010
#6: Remove zip_safe from the template questionnaire
#3: Add README.txt and NEWS.txt as a replacement for long_description
#1: Add to the template
Release date: 14-Feb-2010
Provide a complete buildout.cfg that is usable
Use buildout by default
Use Distribute instead of Setuptools
Inherit from harobed.paster_template.advanced_package 0.2