Mirroring tool that implements the client (mirror) side of PEP 381
Project description
This application implements a PyPI mirror application according to PEP 381.
It is possible to run this application directly from the source distribution. Alternatively, ‘python setup.py install’ could be used.
The actual mirroring is performed by the pep381run script, which should be invoked through cron like this:
*/15 * * * * /path/pep381client/pep381run -q /var/pypi
The command line arguments points to root of the data files that the mirror creates. An initial run (without the -q option) should be performed manually. It is possible to interrupt the mirroring; it will automatically know where to continue when restarted.
In above example, /var/pypi/web must be served through the webserver. An Apache configuration could read like this:
<VirtualHost IPADDRESS:80> ServerName X.pypi.python.org CustomLog /var/log/apache2/pypi.log combined DocumentRoot /var/pypi/web SetEnv PYPITARGET /var/pypi ScriptAlias /sync /path/pep381sync.cgi </VirtualHost>
Notice that supporting the sync URL requires that the web server user has access to the mirror data, or else that the CGI script runs as the mirror user.
To propagate the download statistics back to the central server, processlogs must be run regularly, e.g. through:
10 7 * * * /path/pep381client/processlogs /var/pypi /var/log/apache2/pypi.log{,.1}
If you have questions or comments, please submit a bug report to http://bitbucket.org/loewis/pep381client/issues/new, or contact me at martin@v.loewis.de
1.5 (2011-05-09):
Fix mirroring bug that caused unnecessary deletion of files
Provide pep381checkfiles script to verify presence and integrity of all files
1.4 (2011-04-27):
Improve installation procedure (Jannis Leidel)
Add support for alternative storage backends (Jacob Kaplan-Moss)
Print nicer message for Ctrl-C (Jacob Kaplan-Moss)
Add –help option to pep381run (Horst Gutmann)
Drop mvindex again
Add support for master-initiated sync operations
Hotfix processing of empty project names
1.3 (2010-07-06):
The individual index pages where put into the wrong location; this is now fixed. Users should run ‘mvindex /var/pypi’ to fix their mirrors.
1.2 (2010-07-06):
Fix #1 for good.
1.1 (2010-07-05):
Issue #1: properly setup sqlite connection when initializing mirror.
1.0 (2010-07-05):
Initial release