Pinax theme based on Zurb's Foundation
Project description
A Pinax theme based on Zurb Foundation. Foundation is a popular CSS framework that is light weight, but includes all the basics such as; a responsive grid, forms, dialog, navigation tabs, buttons, typography and so on. You can read more about the ideas behind Foundation and how to use it for rapid prototyping in this article.
What’s New
We support the latest version of Foundation (3.2)
Updated the documentation
The project now supports the --template argument for startproject command
Removed more Pinax 0.9 dependencies however, the project should still be compatible with the other apps in the Pinax eco-system such as django-user-account
Other bug fixes
Getting Started
Start by creating a new virtualenv for your project and install Django 1.4
mkvirtualenv mysite pip install Django==1.4.5
Next, use the startproject management command to create a new Django project with a layout as specified in starter project (template URL). We provide you with two Foundation based starter projects
To use create a project based on the zero project run startproject mysite --template=
This will create a new Django project in the mysite directory with:
An apps folder for your internal apps
initial data (for handling sites.Site model)
Requirements files for use with pip
A home for your site’s static files
A set of templates designed to work with the foundation theme
Finally install the requirements, sync your database and start the test server
cd mysite pip install -r requirements.txt python syncdb && python runserver
The account starter project provides all the features of the zero project in addition to incorporating features to support django-user-account.
django-user-account is an extremely useful Pinax app that works in conjunction with django.contrib.auth to take your Django project from having simple log in, log out and password reset to a full blown account management system. To create a project based on the account starter project startproject --template= mysite
Your own templates should normally inherit from site_base.html. You should provide your own “footer” template _footer.html.
Also change the Site name by editing fixture/initial_data.json. You can also use the Admin app for this purpose.
The url name “home” should be defined as the homepage.
Upgrading From Previous Versions
To upgrade your site start by upgrading to the latest version on pinax-theme-foundation
pip install -- upgrade pinax-theme-foundation
The big change between Foundation 2 to 3 is the grid. In Foundation 3 you no longer have to use .container to define the grid. In Foundation 2 the grid was built around *.container > .row > .columns*. In Foundation 3 you now just need to use *.row > .columns*. In Foundation 3 padding and borders no longer increase the width of an element, they only go inward so for example in Foundation 3 .three.columns always has a width of 25% with a 15px padding on the left and right. You can find the Foundation 3 migration guide here
See the full documentation for more details.
License & Attribution
The Pinax Foundation Theme theme is released under the MIT license. This project may include templates and other code from the Pinax project
This theme includes styles and scripts from the Zurb Foundation which is released under the MIT license
For copies of licenses, see LICENSE.