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Debug toolbar for Plone

Project description

Introduction provides a wealth of debug information about a running Plone site at your fingertips.


This product has been translated into

  • Italian (thanks, Giacomo Spettoli)

  • Spanish (thanks, Leonardo J. Caballero G.)


Simply install it in your build (e.g. by adding it to the eggs list in your Buildout):



eggs =

and re-running the bin/buildout command and install it into your Plone site.

You should now see a Debug link at the top of your site. Click it to open the debug drawer. Click on a panel to view relevant information.

Panels include:

  • Context, showing information about the current content object

  • Interactive, providing an interactive Python prompt through which you can interact with the current context (only available to users with the Manage portal permission)

  • Request, showing information about the request that produced the current page

  • Response, showing information about the response that produced the current page

  • Published, showing information about the page template or view that was published

  • Theme, showing information about the current theme and browser layers

  • User, showing information about the current user

  • Workflow, showing information about workflow and security

  • Zope, showing information about how the Zope server is configured

  • Versions, listing the versions of every package known to the Zope process


The debug toolbar provides a lot of information about your Plone site that you may not want the world to know. It could also have a noticeable performance impact, and for users with the Manage portal permission it provides access to an interactive interpreter where arbitrary Python statements can be executed, allowing a user to bypass Zope security.

In other words: Do not install this package on your production server.


Each panels is included as a viewlet. You can register new panels using a viewlet registration like this:


See for plenty of examples of panels.



The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


  • Martin Aspeli, Author

  • Giacomo Spettoli, i18n

  • Leonardo Caballero, Spanish Translation, Uninstall GenericSetup profile

All the list of contributors is available at the following link:


1.4.0 (2024-03-19)

New features:

  • Added more improvements about i18n support [macagua]

    Updated Spanish translation [macagua]

    Updated the documentation [macagua]

    Upgraded the buildout configuration to Plone 6.0 version [macagua] (#31)

1.3.0 (2022-12-02)

Bug fixes:

  • Add support for Python 3.11 [pbauer] (#30)

1.2.3 (2021-12-29)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix missing zcml directive when is installed. [petschki] (#18)

  • Fix brackets in toolbar-help [djowett] (#25)

  • Fix a compatibility issue with Python 3.8 (#27)

1.2.2 (2020-04-20)

Bug fixes:

  • Minor packaging updates. (#1)

1.2.0 (2019-01-09)

New features:

  • Prepare for Python 2 / 3 compatibility [jmevissen]

1.1.4 (2018-03-07)

Bug fixes:

  • Remove unittest2 dependency [kakshay21]

  • Make it work in chrome, as ‘<script />’ no longer works. [jaroel]

1.1.3 (2017-07-03)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix problem with debugtoolbar panel opening on click but immediately closing again. [sunew]

1.1.2 (2017-03-31)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix imports from Globals that was removed in Zope4 [pbauer]

  • Add coding headers on python files. [gforcada]

1.1.1 (2016-08-17)

Bug fixes:

  • Use zope.interface decorator. [gforcada]

1.1.0 (2016-06-07)


  • Add a tile for displaying in layouts. [thet]

  • Plone 5 compatibility: Don’t register JS and CSS but include them inline. Includes upgrade step. [thet]

  • Added panel with catalog info: indexed values and metadata of the current object. [sunew]

1.0 (2014-08-13)

  • Fix scrollHeight for the interactive prompt for jQuery 1.7+. Now, executing code jumps again to the latest prompt message. [thet]

  • Removed ‘xxx__roles__’ methods from Context / Methods viewlet and added roles + permission for each method when available. [glenfant]

  • Emphasize marker interfaces in context view [glenfant]

  • Provide same variables as in portal_actions in TAL tests [glenfant]

  • Fix themelayer. Use IBrowserSkinType instead of generic Interface which can return an real utility instead of an iface and broke the page rendering. Skin Layer must inherits from IBrowserSkinType [toutpt]

1.0a3 (2013-02-06)

  • completed i18n support and added it translation

  • add reload panel [vangheem]

  • added Spanish translation and Uninstall GenericSetup profile [macagua]

  • completed i18n support and added it translation [giacomos]

  • replace checkboxes with mark symbols in permission matrix [gaudenz]

  • permission matrix display improvements [gaudenz]

1.0a2 (13/11/2011)

  • Add interactive code debugging [optilude]

  • Add TALES tester [optilude]

  • Add details of context methods and attributes [optilude]

1.0a1 (13/11/2011)

  • Initial release [optilude]

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