A simple dependency injection module using python 3 annotations
Project description
How to use
from py3njection import inject
from some_package import ClassToInject
class Demo:
def __init__(self, object_to_use: ClassToInject):
self.dependency = object_to_use
demo = Demo()
How does it work ?
The decorator @inject looks for any annotated method/function parameters (return annotation excluded).
It creates a new object from the specified class if no object is already provided.
What if I want a singleton ?
class ClassToInject:
That’s it ! When @inject sees a class with this decorator, it always uses the same instance.
How to install
It’s available on PyPI !
pip install py3injection
Or get it at : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/py3njection
Want to know more ?
A more complete documentation is available here : http://py3njection.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Contact and Contribution
Feel free to contribute in any way :
help, bugs, issues, suggestions : https://github.com/Aigrefin/py3njection/issues
twitter account : https://twitter.com/Julien_Tellier
and finally my mail address is in the setup.py
Some Notes
Unit tests come easy to set up (unless you have too many dependencies, but that would be a code smell, right ?). Just specify mock instances at your object creation. Examples will come later.
This also means the injected object could also have some of its members injected too at their initialization !