Run c-style preprocessor directives in python modules
Project description
support c-style directives in python
using an intentionally limited subset of the c directives, and then some…
can run post-processed code on-the-fly
pre-process and run code all in one shot
accurately preserves error tracebacks for the source file
can output to a file
as easily as setting a flag
with a user specified filename if defined
can strip all pre-processor data from the output
as easily as setting a flag
removes all preprocessor directives
removes all preprocessor specific code
#defines can be set in code prior to processing
useful if you need to run a file in different modes
eliminates the need for decision logic in the preprocessor itself
nested #ifdef directives are supported
helpfull for more complicated code
endifall gives the opportunity to end all open blocks
Ease of Use
all of the functionality required to run the pypreprocessor is contained in a single module
adding preprocessor support is as simple as importing pypreprocessor to a file containing preprocessor directives and telling it to run
the preprocessor preserves errors in the pre and post processed code as much as possible
the preprocessor will break execution and output traceback errors if it sees invalid preprocessor directives
pypreprocessor has multiple option of operation
it can generate a new post-processed version of a source file absent all of the preprocessor information
or it can pre-process and run code transparently the same way as c-style languages do
the source footprint for the pypreprocessor code is very small
the preprocessor is designed to be as simple and lightweight as possible
The syntax for pypreprocessor uses a select subset of the stanard c-style preprocessor directives, and then some…
Supported directives
define non-value constants used by the preprocessor
#define constant
remove a non-value constant from the list of defined constants
#undef constant
makes the subsequent block of code available if the specified constant is set
#ifdef constant
makes the subsequent block of code available if all of the preceding #ifdef statements return false
required to close out an #ifdef/#else block
possibility to close all open blocks
exclude the subsequent block of code (conditionals not included). I know it doesn’t fit into the standard set of c-style directives but it’s too handy to exclude (no pun).
required to close out an #exclude block
The following options need to be set prior to pypreprocessor.parse()
add defines to the preprocessor programmatically, this allows the source file to have some decision logic to decide which ‘defines’ need to be set = True / False
pypreprocessor.resume = True / False = True / False
set the options of the preprocessor:
run: Run the preprocessed code if true. Default is true
resume: Return after a file is preprocessed and can preprocess a next file if true. Default is false
save: Save preprocessed code if true. Default is true
pypreprocessor.input = ''
required if you are preprocessing a module that is going to be imported. you can also use it to process external files.
pypreprocessor.output = ''
set this to get a user defined name for the output file, otherwise the default is used: ''
pypreprocessor.removeMeta = True
set this to remove the metadata from the output, useful if you’re generating a ‘clean’ version of the source
pypreprocessor.readEncoding = sys.stdin.encoding
pypreprocessor.writeEncoding = sys.stdout.encoding
set this to make preprocessor use encoding
Include support for debug-specific information
It is often useful to provide statements within code specific to debugging, such as, print statements used to verify correct outputs. But, removing those debug statements can be painful and introduce new bugs while migrating to the production version.
Why not leave them…
By setting a “#define debug” at the top of the module and wrapping all of the debug statements in “#ifdef debug” blocks; disabling that code during production is as easy as adding another hash mark before the “#define debug” statement.
For a working example see:
Python2 -> Python3 code conversion
Producing code that can be run in both Python 2 and Python 3 is as easy as…
check the version of the python interpreter in use
set a #define in the preprocessor indicating the version
add #ifdef directives on the code that is version specific
For a working example see:
Writing code from Debug -> Production in the same file
Ever wanted to run a file with debug-specific code during development but output a clean version specific source file for release? Here’s how…
make a source file that takes the arguments ‘debug’ and ‘production’
put the debug code in “#ifdef debug” blocks
then run ‘ debug’ during development
or ‘ production’ to output a version without any of the pypreprocessor metadata
For a working example see:
Note: This file also contains a ‘postprocessed’ mode that shows what pypreprocessor actually outputs. It’s so simple it’ll probably make you ::facepalm:: ;)