pytest-httpbin 2.1.0
pip install pytest-httpbin
Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin
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- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: Kevin McCarthy
- Tags pytest-httpbin, testing, pytest, httpbin
- Requires: Python >=3.8
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
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Project description
httpbin is an amazing web service for testing HTTP libraries. It has several great endpoints that can test pretty much everything you need in a HTTP library. The only problem is: maybe you don’t want to wait for your tests to travel across the Internet and back to make assertions against a remote web service.
Enter pytest-httpbin. Pytest-httpbin creates a pytest “fixture” that is dependency-injected into your tests. It automatically starts up a HTTP server in a separate thread running httpbin and provides your test with the URL in the fixture. Check out this example:
def test_that_my_library_works_kinda_ok(httpbin):
assert requests.get(httpbin.url + '/get/').status_code == 200
This replaces a test that might have looked like this before:
def test_that_my_library_works_kinda_ok():
assert requests.get('').status_code == 200
pytest-httpbin also supports https and includes its own CA cert you can use. Check out the full documentation on the github page.
Project details
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Unverified details
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- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: Kevin McCarthy
- Tags pytest-httpbin, testing, pytest, httpbin
- Requires: Python >=3.8
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Programming Language
- Topic
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File details
Details for the file pytest_httpbin-2.1.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pytest_httpbin-2.1.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 13.7 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | d40579838443228327f9fe4f08d9338bee8885c29fe933e5f2d58c20a26c33c6 |
MD5 | 1397b53a60b10c5a8393a450583847c8 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 438323b510bb5f20b1982f010dbf82d17e21f701470033e2f4d952ce6cf7a1c6 |
File details
Details for the file pytest_httpbin-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: pytest_httpbin-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 8.3 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | b3bf7346cc2ad231447189cd85b458e341056684a7a69d69533dd29692209cdd |
MD5 | 9643224ba94e177e6d7c13eeefea1275 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 0d97149289c7123f75e98edc94872545c2f597f349ee037b1e0a47aef0362fd4 |