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This is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3

Project description

PyPI latest PyPI Version PyPI License

python-nmap is a python library which helps in using nmap port scanner. It allows to easilly manipulate nmap scan results and will be a perfect tool for systems administrators who want to automatize scanning task and reports. It also supports nmap script outputs.

It can even be used asynchronously. Results are returned one host at a time to a callback function defined by the user.

Download latest

python-nmap-0.4.1.tar.gz - 2015-08-21 md5sum is b466e4b2ef30a0b9c0cb80aac215fb79

Warning : this version is intended to work with Python 3.x. For Python 2.x, please use python-nmap-0.1.4.tar.gz

Download development version

$ hg clone


From the shell, uncompress python-nmap-0.4.1.tar.gz and then run make :

$ tar xvzf python-nmap-0.4.1.tar.gz
$ cd python-nmap-0.4.1
$ python install

or using Pip

$ pip install python-nmap

Now you may invoke nmap from python

$ python
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:45:15)
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> import nmap


From python/ipython:

>>> import nmap
>>> nm = nmap.PortScanner()
>>> nm.scan('', '22-443')
>>> nm.command_line()
'nmap -oX - -p 22-443 -sV'
>>> nm.scaninfo()
{'tcp': {'services': '22-443', 'method': 'connect'}}
>>> nm.all_hosts()
>>> nm[''].hostname()
>>> nm[''].state()
>>> nm[''].all_protocols()
>>> nm['']['tcp'].keys()
[80, 25, 443, 22, 111]
>>> nm[''].has_tcp(22)
>>> nm[''].has_tcp(23)
>>> nm['']['tcp'][22]
{'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'ssh'}
>>> nm[''].tcp(22)
{'state': 'open', 'reason': 'syn-ack', 'name': 'ssh'}
>>> nm['']['tcp'][22]['state']

>>> for host in nm.all_hosts():
>>>     print('----------------------------------------------------')
>>>     print('Host : %s (%s)' % (host, nm[host].hostname()))
>>>     print('State : %s' % nm[host].state())
>>>     for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
>>>         print('----------')
>>>         print('Protocol : %s' % proto)
>>>         lport = nm[host][proto].keys()
>>>         lport.sort()
>>>         for port in lport:
>>>             print ('port : %s\tstate : %s' % (port, nm[host][proto][port]['state']))
Host : (localhost)
State : up
Protocol : tcp
port : 22   state : open
port : 25   state : open
port : 80   state : open
port : 111  state : open
port : 443  state : open

To export to a file

>>> print(nm.csv())
host;protocol;port;name;state;product;extrainfo;reason;version;conf;tcp;22;ssh;open;OpenSSH;protocol 2.0;syn-ack;5.9p1 Debian 5ubuntu1;10;tcp;25;smtp;open;Exim smtpd;;syn-ack;4.76;10;tcp;53;domain;open;dnsmasq;;syn-ack;2.59;10;tcp;80;http;open;Apache httpd;(Ubuntu);syn-ack;2.2.22;10;tcp;111;rpcbind;open;;;syn-ack;;10;tcp;139;netbios-ssn;open;Samba smbd;workgroup: WORKGROUP;syn-ack;3.X;10;tcp;443;;open;;;syn-ack;;

To check the network status

>>> nm.scan(hosts='', arguments='-n -sP -PE -PA21,23,80,3389')
>>> hosts_list = [(x, nm[x]['status']['state']) for x in nm.all_hosts()]
>>> for host, status in hosts_list:
>>>     print('{0}:{1}'.host)

Using a Scanner Async

>>> nma = nmap.PortScannerAsync()
>>> def callback_result(host, scan_result):
>>>     print '------------------'
>>>     print host, scan_result
>>> nma.scan(hosts='', arguments='-sP', callback=callback_result)
>>> while nma.still_scanning():
>>>     print("Waiting >>>")
>>>     nma.wait(2)   # you can do whatever you want but I choose to wait after the end of the scan
>>> {'nmap': {'scanstats': {'uphosts': '1', 'timestr': 'Mon Jun  7 11:31:11 2010', 'downhosts': '0', 'totalhosts': '1', 'elapsed': '0.43'}, 'scaninfo': {}, 'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -sP'}, 'scan': {'': {'status': {'state': 'up', 'reason': 'arp-response'}, 'hostname': 'neufbox'}}}
------------------ {'nmap': {'scanstats': {'uphosts': '0', 'timestr': 'Mon Jun  7 11:31:11 2010', 'downhosts': '1', 'totalhosts': '1', 'elapsed': '0.29'}, 'scaninfo': {}, 'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -sP'}, 'scan': {'': {'status': {'state': 'down', 'reason': 'no-response'}, 'hostname': ''}}}
------------------ {'nmap': {'scanstats': {'uphosts': '0', 'timestr': 'Mon Jun  7 11:31:11 2010', 'downhosts': '1', 'totalhosts': '1', 'elapsed': '0.29'}, 'scaninfo': {}, 'command_line': 'nmap -oX - -sP'}, 'scan': {'': {'status': {'state': 'down', 'reason': 'no-response'}, 'hostname': ''}}}
>>> nm = nmap.PortScannerYield() >>> for progressive_result in nm.scan('', '22-25'): >>> print(progressive_result)

See also in archive file.

Using a Scanner Async

>>> nm = nmap.PortScanner()
>>> nm.scan('', '22-40043', timeout=10)
PortScannerTimeout: 'Timeout from nmap process'


Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner
Brian Bustin
Johan Lundberg
Thomas D. maaaaz
Robert Bost
David Peltier
Ed Jones



2021/10/26 (v0.7.1)

  • Fix setup.cfg

  • Fix build tools

2020/03/02 (v0.7.0)

  • Add black and flake8 for development

  • Drop support for python2.7

2020/02/28 (v0.6.4)

  • Add timeout parameter and PortScannerTimeout exception

2018/09/23 (v0.6.3)

  • Refactor Readme and changelog files for the Pypi pattern and applying styles to the blocks for better visualization

  • Change to use an explicit version of python, since asynchronous tasks are not available for python 2.x

  • Add clean method to the Makefile

  • Update Manifest file

  • Update version and Fix PEP8 on nmap/

2017/01/07 (v0.6.2)

2016/07/29 (v0.6.1)

  • Fix bug #22 UnboundLocalError in scan_progressive

  • Fix bug #23 Scanning fails on nmap warnings

  • Fix bug #20: Fix for empty <hostnames> values which results in blank CSV output

  • Fix bug #18: print(nm.csv()) does not return any results

  • Fix bug #19: nmap program was not found in path

  • Fix bug #17: hostname is no longer reported

2016/03/15 (v0.6.0)

  • Add information about Nmap special licence

  • Licence precision for distributing python-nmap along with nmap

2016/03/15 (v0.5.2)

  • add hostname to csv export

2015/12/05 (v0.5.0-1)

  • updating

2015/11/18 (v0.5.0)

  • Closes bugs : - #11 Display only one osclass/osmatch instead of multiple

  • Change in data structure : - osmatch is a list of osclass - osclass is a list of dictionnary - added cpe which is a list of string - added portused which is a list of dictionnary

    Data structure for a host looks like :

{'addresses': {'ipv4': ''},
  'hostnames': [],
  'osmatch': [{'accuracy': '98',
              'line': '36241',
              'name': 'Juniper SA4000 SSL VPN gateway (IVE OS 7.0)',
              'osclass': [{'accuracy': '98',
                            'cpe': ['cpe:/h:juniper:sa4000',
                            'osfamily': 'IVE OS',
                            'osgen': '7.X',
                            'type': 'firewall',
                            'vendor': 'Juniper'}]},
              {'accuracy': '91',
              'line': '17374',
              'name': 'Citrix Access Gateway VPN gateway',
              'osclass': [{'accuracy': '91',
                            'cpe': [],
                            'osfamily': 'embedded',
                            'osgen': None,
                            'type': 'proxy server',
                            'vendor': 'Citrix'}]}],
  'portused': [{'portid': '443', 'proto': 'tcp', 'state': 'open'},
              {'portid': '113', 'proto': 'tcp', 'state': 'closed'}],
  'status': {'reason': 'syn-ack', 'state': 'up'},
  'tcp': {113: {'conf': '3',
                'cpe': '',
                'extrainfo': '',
                'name': 'ident',
                'product': '',
                'reason': 'conn-refused',
                'state': 'closed',
                'version': ''},
          443: {'conf': '10',
                'cpe': '',
                'extrainfo': '',
                'name': 'http',
                'product': 'Juniper SA2000 or SA4000 VPN gateway http config',
                'reason': 'syn-ack',
                'state': 'open',
                'version': ''}},
  'vendor': {}}

2015/11/17 (v0.4.7)

  • Closes bugs: - #10 Error when trying to parse ‘osclass’ , ‘osmatch’ removed addresses, hostnames, status, vendor, osclass, uptime, osmatch from all_protocols()

  • Changed shebang line from python3 to python as it works with python2

2015/11/13 (v0.4.6)

  • Closes bugs : - #10 Error when trying to parse ‘osclass’ , ‘osmatch’

2015/10/25 (v0.4.5)

  • Closes bugs : - #9 Can not pass ports with unicode string at scan function

2015/10/17 (v0.4.4)

  • Closes bugs : - #8 IPv6 Async scanner doesn’t work

2015/09/11 (v0.4.3)

  • Change in url for __get_last_online_version

2015/09/11 (v0.4.2)

  • Closes bugs : - #7: Error with empty hostname - #6: Windows support of close_fds if you redirect stdin/stdout/stderr

2015/08/21 (v0.4.1)

  • Closes bugs : - #5: only one hostname stored per host

  • Add hostnames() method which return the list of hostnames as a list of dict [{‘name’:’hostname1’, ‘type’:’PTR’}, {‘name’:’hostname2’, ‘type’:’user’}]

2015/08/01 (v0.4.0)

  • Closes bugs : - #2: use close_fds in subprocess.Popen - #3: memory leak parsing xml using xml.dom.minidom

  • Corrects a bug in parsing osclass

  • Add nosetests for case testing

  • Removed test case in docstring

2015/05/08 (v0.3.7)

  • adding sudo parameter for scanning (idea from scupython)

2015/05/08 (v0.3.6)

  • correcting issue 7 : Issues under windows

2015/05/08 (v0.3.5)

  • correcting a bug in all_protocols()

  • correcting issue 8 : PortScannerAsync Doesn’t work in windows…

2014/06/22 (v0.3.4)

  • adding PortScannerYield class with generator >>> nm = nmap.PortScannerYield() >>> for i in nm.scan(‘’, ‘22-25’): >>> print(i)

2014/03/13 (v0.3.3)

  • moving file

  • adding function convert_nmap_output_to_encoding

  • adding vendor for mac address

2013/09/23 (v0.3.2)

  • adding acces to CPE values under [host][proto][port][‘cpe’] key

2013/07/27 (v0.3.1)

  • Bug correction on callback’s assert in PortScannerAsync.scan proposed by Robert Bost

2013/06/23 (v0.3.0)

  • added support for NMAP SCRIPT ENGINE

>>> r=nm.scan(hosts='', ports='139', arguments="-sC ")
>>> print(nm._scan_result['scan']['']['hostscript'])

2013/02/24 (v0.2.7)

  • added an address block in host scan result which contains ipv4, mac and other addresses :

nm = nmap.PortScanner()
r = nm.scan(arguments='-sS -p T:22', hosts='')
print r['scan']['']['addresses']
{u'mac': u'02:50:43:F4:02:B1', u'ipv4': u''}

- Adding a CSV scan output as a string.
- Changes to make it python3 compliant

2012/12/13 (v0.2.6)

  • patch from lundberg.johan

  • bug correction : when nmap doesn’t work displays stderr instead of stdout

2012/11/23 (v0.2.5)

  • corrected : Issue 2: “map.nmap.PortScannerError: ‘nmap program was not found in path’” on CentOS

  • corrected : Issue 3: nmap.scan() short-circuits prematurely

2011/11/09 (v0.2.4)


  • bug in : if no tcp port was open between 22-443

2010/12/17 (v0.2.3)

  • adding __get_last_online_version to check if current version is the last published

2010/12/17 (v0.2.2)

  • bug in handling nmap_error output (returned value was bin, string was expected)

  • removed test strings form file.

2010/12/15 (v0.2.1)

  • corrected bug in about scope problem

  • try to find nmap executable in known directories

  • raise AssertionError when trying to call command_line, scaninfo, scanstats, has_host before scanning

2010/12/14 (v0.2.0)

  • Make python-nmap works with Python 3.x

  • Contribution from Brian Bustin <brian at>

2010/06/07 (v0.1.4)

  • Patches from Steve ‘Ashcrow’ Milner <steve at>

  • remove shebang from as it is not a runnable script

  • allow use with ALPHA and BETA nmap releases

  • .has_key() is deprecated, replaced instances with in

  • move to using the print function for python2 and 3 usage


  • adding PortScanner.listscan

  • PortScanner.scan now returns scan_result

  • adding class PortScannerAsync (idea from Steve ‘Ashcrow’ Milner <steve at>)


  • Import on google code svn checkout python-nmap –username XXXXX

  • added PortScanner.scanstats method

  • updated and documentation for pingsweep

  • updated Makefile for generating documentation


  • Modified packaging. v0.1.1 [norman]


  • Initial release. v0.1.0 [norman]

Project details

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Source Distribution

python-nmap-0.7.1.tar.gz (44.4 kB view hashes)

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