VLC bindings for python.
Project description
The bindings use ctypes to directly call the libvlc dynamic lib, and the code is generated from the include files defining the public API. The same module should be compatible with various versions of libvlc 3.*. However, there may be incompatible changes between major versions.
Installing the module
You can install the module through PyPI:
pip install python-vlc
Using the module
The module offers two ways of accessing the API - a raw access to all exported methods, and more convenient wrapper classes.
Using wrapper classes
Most major structures of the libvlc API (Instance, Media, MediaPlayer, etc) are wrapped as classes, with shorter method names and some adaptations to provide a more pythonic API:
>>> import vlc >>> player = vlc.MediaPlayer('file:///tmp/foo.avi') >>> player.play() >>> player.get_instance() # returns the corresponding instance
In this case, a default vlc.Instance will be instanciated and stored in vlc._default_instance. It will be used to instanciate the various classes (Media, MediaList, MediaPlayer, etc).
You also can use wrapper methods closer to the original libvlc API:
>>> import vlc >>> instance = vlc.Instance('--no-audio', '--fullscreen') >>> player = instance.media_player_new() >>> player.audio_get_volume() 50 >>> media = instance.media_new('file:///tmp/foo.avi') >>> media.get_mrl() 'file:///tmp/foo.avi' >>> player.set_media(m) >>> player.play()
Using raw access
- Libvlc methods are available as attributes of the vlc module (as
vlc.libvlc_*). Use their docstring (any introspective shell like ipython is your friend) to explore them, or refer to the online documentation at https://olivieraubert.net/vlc/python-ctypes/
>>> import vlc >>> vlc.libvlc_get_version() '3.0.0-rc2 Vetinari' >>> exc = vlc.VLCException() >>> instance = vlc.libvlc_new(0, [], exc) >>> instance <vlc.Instance object at 0x8384a4c> >>> vlc.libvlc_audio_get_volume(instance, exc) 50
Example code
You can find [example files](https://github.com/oaubert/python-vlc/tree/master/examples) in the repository.
Note that the vlc.py module can itself be invoked as an application using its own features, which also serves as a API usage example. See the [end of the module](https://github.com/oaubert/python-vlc/blob/master/generated/3.0/vlc.py#L12525) after the line if __name__ == "__main__":
The generated module is licensed, like libvlc, under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 or later.