Python XML/Schema processing tool
Project description
pyXSD is a free, open source python program that maps xml and xsd(XML Schema)
files into python, allowing for easy schema-based validation and transformation
of xml files.
* Allows for easy, non-DOM, access to XML and XML Schema from Python
* Minimizes time to make small programs associated with data in an xml file
using "transforms"
* Highly adaptable to particular needs and to specific programs
* Platform independent
* Generates python classes for all of the types defined in the XSD schema file.
The generated classes may be written to file.
* Parses the xml file and builds a pythonic object tree according to the
generated classes. This tree of maintains the same overall structure of the
original xml document.
* Validates the xml file against the schema producing non-fatal errors. Helps
the user write a valid xml document, without requiring complete validity.
* Transforms the pythonic objects according to built-in "transform" classes and
add-on classes that the user writes in python.
* Sends pythonic object tree to a writer which produces a transformed xml file.
* Transforms allow users to easily adapt pyXSD to vast number of applications
- Provides a framework and libraries to write transform so the user can more
easily write these transform functions
- Allows the user to specify the desired transform classes with arguments
and the order in a file so the user can create a sort of custom tool
- Allows for transforms that can export to other formats, giving pyXSD
powerful flexibility
* The pythonic data tree format uses a very simple structure that allows for an
easily understood API, so that users can easily manipulate this tree in
transforms and use the writer in other programs
* Can be used as a standalone program at the command line or as a library in
other programs
* Uses the cElementTree library for fast reading of the xml and xsd files
* Python 2.3 or later.
* ElementTree library, preferably the c implementation.
files into python, allowing for easy schema-based validation and transformation
of xml files.
* Allows for easy, non-DOM, access to XML and XML Schema from Python
* Minimizes time to make small programs associated with data in an xml file
using "transforms"
* Highly adaptable to particular needs and to specific programs
* Platform independent
* Generates python classes for all of the types defined in the XSD schema file.
The generated classes may be written to file.
* Parses the xml file and builds a pythonic object tree according to the
generated classes. This tree of maintains the same overall structure of the
original xml document.
* Validates the xml file against the schema producing non-fatal errors. Helps
the user write a valid xml document, without requiring complete validity.
* Transforms the pythonic objects according to built-in "transform" classes and
add-on classes that the user writes in python.
* Sends pythonic object tree to a writer which produces a transformed xml file.
* Transforms allow users to easily adapt pyXSD to vast number of applications
- Provides a framework and libraries to write transform so the user can more
easily write these transform functions
- Allows the user to specify the desired transform classes with arguments
and the order in a file so the user can create a sort of custom tool
- Allows for transforms that can export to other formats, giving pyXSD
powerful flexibility
* The pythonic data tree format uses a very simple structure that allows for an
easily understood API, so that users can easily manipulate this tree in
transforms and use the writer in other programs
* Can be used as a standalone program at the command line or as a library in
other programs
* Uses the cElementTree library for fast reading of the xml and xsd files
* Python 2.3 or later.
* ElementTree library, preferably the c implementation.