Read and write simple config files.
Project description
qvikconfig is a parser of a simple config file syntax called the qvikconfig format. The basic syntax is ‘property = value’. qvikconfig works with both Python 2.6+ and Python 3.x.
qvikconfig is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or any later version). The author of qvikconfig is Niels Serup, contactable at This is version 0.1.1 of the program.
If you have python-setuptools installed, you can just do this:
$ sudo easy_install qvikconfig
Alternatively, download and extract the gzipped tarball found on this very page, and then run this:
$ sudo python install
The newest version of qvikconfig is always available at and at the Python Package Index.
This module has two functions: parse and dump. parse is used to read config files, while dump is used to write config files. The basic syntax of config files is property = value. The complete documentation is included within the qvikconfig library and can be accessed by executing pydoc qvikconfig.
Tests of qvikconfig config files are located in the tests/ directory of the distribution.