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Generate Excel files from logger data files

Project description

rawdatx is a Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 converter that generates Excel xlsx files from TOA5 comma-separated text files produced by Campbell Scientific LoggerNet. Sensor input, processing instructions, and output structure are specified in a single XML Definition File that also serves as documentation.

rawdatx is available under the MIT license. The code of the project is hosted at and packages are available on PyPI at Documentation is available at


The following prerequisites need to be installed:

  • Python 2.7, 3.4, or 3.5

  • numpy 1.9 or higher

  • xlsxwriter

optionally (recommended):

  • lxml

  • asteval

The easiest way to install rawdatx is through pip: pip install rawdatx

Alternatively, download the latest version from the repository and install with python install.


To convert a TOA5 file to XLSX, run the following script:

import rawdatx.read_TOA5 as read_raw_data
import rawdatx.process_XML as process_XML

config = './config.cfg'

Input and output files are specified in an UTF-8 encoded configuration file config.cfg:

raw_data_path       = ./raw-data/
mask                = CR1000_*.dat
logger_time_zone    = UTC+1

Project      = My project name

xml_map_path        = ./
xml_map             = data_map.xml
data_path           = ./
processed_data_xlsx = processed_data.xlsx
xml_dtd_out         = data_map.dtd
raw_data            = consolidated_raw_data.npy
processed_data_npy  = processed_data.npy

The [RawData] section specifies the location of the logger input files, the [Metadata] section defines metadata entries copied into the XLSX file, and the [Files] section specifies path and file names of output and intermediate files (data_path) and input XML Definition File (xml_map_path and xml_map).

The XML Definition File (data_map.xml) may look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<measurements from="2015/05/03 11:45">
    <group name="Logger">
        <map name="Battery Voltage" unit="V" src="Batt_V" />
        <map name="Internal Temperature" unit="°C" src="T_panel" />
    <group name="Weather">
        <map name="Air Temperature" unit="°C" src="T_air" />
        <map name="Relative Humidity" unit="%" src="RH" />
        <map name="Wind Speed" unit="m/s" src="Wind_speed" />
        <map name="Wind Direction" unit="°" src="Wind_direction" />

See also examples and test files in the repository at

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