Python libparted bindings
Project description
Reparted is my attempt at learning python ctypes module to create bindings for c api’s so use it at your own risk. I was a bit confused on the way parted and pyparted interface works, my aim was to create a simple interface. It does not have the full set of features parted has to offer, only enough to create and delete partitions and set the labels. It has been tested using python 2.7 and libparted 3.0. Feel free to check the code and point out enhancements. For any questions my email is, have fun!
You can download the package from PyPi:
or checkout reparted on github:
You can get reparted using pip to install it from PyPI:
pip install -U reparted
You can view the documentation and quickstart guide here:
1.2 Release Notes
Changes from 1.1
There are no syntax changes in this version (and hopefully never will), so code working on previous versions should work just fine, however, there are some minor structure changes that improve readability and fixed weird behavior. The Partition class has been moved to its own module, this will not affect you if you are importing like:
from reparted import *
Other than that, there are only the following bugfixes and cool additions:
Bug Fixes
Failed to add primary partition after extended partition was created in msdos disks.
Reparted would segfault if attempting to add logical partitions on non-msdos disks.
Partition types were not being checked against disk types and extended partitions.
Basic operation support for size class.
Device, Disk and Partition instances provide a size method.
Disk class now provides usable_free_space and total_free_space methods.
Logical partitions are added automatically to extended partitions (you can still provide the start and/or end sector if you want to).*
1.1 Release Notes
Bug Fixes
No error was raised when calling Device with an invalid path.
Calculations in to method from Size class were wrong.
Reparted would segfault when initializing a fresh disk and call certain disk methods.
Custom exceptions.
Nice documentation.