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Basic Template system for project skeleton.

Project description

skeleton is similar to the template part of PasteScript but without any dependencies; it is also compatible with Python 3.


  • Python 2.6 or 3.1

It currently only has been tested with Python 2.6 and 3.1 on Mac OSX.


The easiest way to get skeleton is if you have setuptools / distribute or pip installed:

easy_install skeleton


pip install skeleton

The current development version can be found at

Usage example

Let’s create a basic module template; one with a, a README and the module files.

First, create the skeleton script layout:
basic-module/{module_name}.py is the script that create new modules:

#!/usr/bin/env python
Basic script to create an empty python package containing one module
from skeleton import Skeleton, Var

class BasicModule(Skeleton):
    Create an empty module with its etup script and a README file.
    src = 'basic-module'
    variables = [

def main():
    """Basic command line bootstrap for the BasicModule Skeleton"""

if __name__ == '__main__':

The src attribute sets the relative path to the skeleton directory where the script will find the files and directories to create.

The variables attribute list the variables the templates will require. The variables with a default can be left blank by the user.

Skeleton.cmd() is a convenient method to set an optparser and the logging basic config, and to apply the skeleton:

Usage: [options] dst_dir

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet
  -v, --verbose
  -d, --debug
  --module-name=NAME    Module Name
  --author=AUTHOR       Author
  --author-email=EMAIL  Author Email

If you needed to run a Skeleton yourself, you would use the constructor, the update or __setitem__ methods to set the variables (Skeleton is a dict subclass), and the write(dst_dir) or run(dst_dir) methods to apply the skeleton. write() will raise a KeyException if a variable is not set; run() will prompt the user for the missing variables


README a is static file that will simply be copied:

TODO: write the description of this module.


setup.py_tmpl is a template (it ends with the _tmpl suffix) that will be used to create a file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup

PROJECT = {module_name!r}
VERSION = '0.1'
AUTHOR = {author!r}
AUTHOR_EMAIL = {author_email!r}
DESC = "A short description..."


By default, Skeleton uses python 2.6+ string formatting.


{module_name}.py is the module file for which the name will be set dynamically at run time.


skeleton includes a skeleton for a basic package layout, you can run it with:

python -m skeleton.examples.basicpackage <dst_dir>

or with virtualenvwrapper.project. Install it:

pip install skeleton[virtualenv-templates]

Configure virtualenvwrapper and virtualenwrapper.project; then, create a new project:

mkproject -t package <project name>


  • add more examples.


Report any issues and fork squeleton at .


0.6 (Mai 12, 2010)

  • Add skeleton.insert_into_file().

  • Add skeleton.Bool.

  • Rename Skeleton.skel_dir to Skeleton.real_dir.

  • Rename Skelton.vars to Skeleton.variables.

  • Rename Skeleton.check_vars to Skeleton.check_variables.

  • Skeleton constructor can take any mapping object not just Skeleton.

  • Add Var.valiadte(response) to validate user imput.

  • Rename Var.prompt() to Var.do_prompt(). Var.prompt is now a property returning the message to prompt.

0.7 will be the last minor release before version 1.0. Any backward incompatible changes between versions 0.6 and 1.0 will be marked by warnings in 0.7.

0.5.1 (Mai 11, 2010)

  • Fix syntax error in the package virtualenvwrapper.project extension.

0.5 (Mai 10, 2010)

  • Drop Python 2.5 support (might get basic support back).

  • Various internal changes prior to 1.0 release.

  • Improve error related to unexpected variable names in templates and file names

0.4 (Mai 8, 2010)

  • Convert Var names to lower_case_with_underscores.

  • improve Var name display in command

  • improve long string option for Vars in command line.

  • fix bug in setup.py_tmpl of the example.

0.3 (Mai 6, 2010)

  • New class method, Skeleton.cmd to create the logger and optparser.

  • doesn’t set the logger and optparser anymore.

  • Skeleton.write raises a KeyError exception if a key is missing instead of prompting the user.

  • Removed the pre_run, post_write and pre_write methods. Overwrite the write and run instead.

  • Added configure_parser() to configure the parser set by Skeleton.cmd.

  • Add required_skeleton attribute to Skeleton. These skeleton will be run before the main. They all share the same entries.

  • Added verbose options to the Skeleton optparser.

  • Added a basic package template extension for virtualenwrapper.project.

0.2.1 (Mai 2, 2010):

  • Fix bug with Var._prompt static method which was preventing the prompt for variable assignement.

0.2 (Mai 1, 2010):

  • Add python 3 support.

0.1 (April 31, 2010):

  • first release.

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