A library for making Terraria bots in a event driven manner
Project description
Install the module using pip:
pip3 install terrabot
Current features
Joining servers
Triggering various events, like joining, tiledata and itemdrops
Parsing server data to keep classes up-to-date
Moving the bot by teleporting
The following is a very basic bot, which will connect and handle chat.
from terrabot import TerraBot
from terrabot.events import Events
#Create a TerraBot object
bot = TerraBot('')
event = bot.get_event_manager()
#Connect a function to an event using a decorator
def chat(event_id, msg):
#Do something with the message
#In this case, stop the bot if the word "Stop" occurs
if "stop" in msg:
#Start the bot
#And wait
while bot.running:
More examples can be found under the ‘examples’ directory. Also check the wiki for more information about the inner workings of the bot and how to interface with it.
If you want to contribute, that’s great! I would really appreciate the help. Just send a pull request and i’ll quickly check and accept it. These are some areas that need work:
NPC packet parsing
Item dropping
Teleporting other players (>:D)
Synchronizing packets like health and update-player-packets
Placing tiles (!)
For information about the packets, see this link.