Python Text Mining Utilities
Project description
This package contains a variety of useful functions for text mining in Python. It focuses on statistical text mining (i.e. the bag-of-words model) and makes it very easy to create a term-document matrix from a collection of documents. This matrix can then be read into a statistical package (R, MATLAB, etc.) for further analysis. The package also provides some useful utilities for finding collocations (i.e. significant two-word phrases), computing the edit distance between words, and chunking long documents up into smaller pieces.
The package has a large amount of curated data (stopwords, common names, an English dictionary with parts of speech and word frequencies) which allows the user to extract fairly sophisticated features from a document.
This package does NOT have any natural language processing capabilities such as part-of-speech tagging. Please see the Python NLTK for that sort of functionality (plus much, much more).