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Tiny antigate/anti-captcha api wrapper.

Project description


Tinest (as I can imagine) antigate/anti-captcha api wrapper. It's just a **subset** of antigate api. It can only:
* send captcha
* check captcha status
* check balance
* abuse

## Reasons
* [Antigate]( wrapper uses [grablib](, so it comes with a bit more dependences (like pycurl, lxml, etc.).
* [requests]( is just awesome!
* [Antigate]( wants filename of captcha, but in most cases you need to pass 'this' bytes (from requests response, for example), and you defenitly don't want to create files.
* uniform calls

## Requirements
* Python 3
* requests

## Usage
All methods, can return errors:
* 'ERROR_*', None (from [antigate list](
* 'ERROR_HTTP', status_code (requests errors)

### Automatic (most common usage)
#####antigate function
from tinyantigate import antigate
status, text = antigate(
timeout=5, # \
count=6, # ) default values (can be omitted)
host="", # /
This function is just wrapper around creation Antigate object and calling 'run' function.

### Manual usage

##### Creating:
import tinyantigate
a = tinyantigate.Antigate(your_key_from_antigate, host="")

##### Sending captcha:
status, captcha_id = a.send(bytes_of_your_captcha)
Return values:
* 'OK', captcha_id

##### Getting status:
status, text = a.status(captcha_id)
Return values:
* 'OK', captcha_text
* 'CAPCHA_NOT_READY', None (yeah, CA**PC**HA_NOT_READY, it's antigate funny mistake)

##### Abuse:
status, data = a.abuse(captcha_id)
Return values:
* "", None

##### Balance:
balance, data = a.balance()
Return values:
* balance, None

`balance` as string

##### Run:
status, text =, timeout=5, count=6)
Mix of 'send' and 'status' functions. Timeout is the delay between checks of captcha status. Count is number of checks.

Return values:

Same as for 'send' and 'status' functions.

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