Factory boy classes for wagtail
Project description
Factory boy classes for Wagtail CMS
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- Wagtail Space NL, Arnhem, The Netherlands. 2024-06-14
- Wagtail Space US, Philadelphia, PA. 2024-06-20 to 2024-06-22
pip install wagtail-factories
Documentation is still in progress, but see the tests for more examples.
import wagtail_factories
from . import models
class MyCarouselItemFactory(wagtail_factories.StructBlockFactory):
label = 'my-label'
image = factory.SubFactory(
class Meta:
model = models.MyBlockItem
class MyCarouselFactory(wagtail_factories.StructBlockFactory):
title = "Carousel title"
items = wagtail_factories.ListBlockFactory(
class Meta:
model = models.MyCarousel
class MyNewsPageFactory(wagtail_factories.PageFactory):
class Meta:
model = models.MyNewsPage
class MyNewsPageChooserBlockFactory(wagtail_factories.PageChooserBlockFactory):
page = factory.SubFactory(MyNewsPageFactory)
class MyTestPageFactory(wagtail_factories.PageFactory):
body = wagtail_factories.StreamFieldFactory({
'carousel': factory.SubFactory(MyCarouselFactory),
'news_page': factory.SubFactory(MyNewsPageChooserBlockFactory),
class Meta:
model = models.MyTestPage
def test_my_page():
root_page = wagtail_factories.PageFactory(parent=None)
my_page = MyTestPageFactory(
body__0__carousel__items__0__label='Slide 1',
body__0__carousel__items__0__image__image__title='Image Slide 1',
body__0__carousel__items__1__label='Slide 2',
body__0__carousel__items__1__image__image__title='Image Slide 2',
body__0__carousel__items__2__label='Slide 3',
body__0__carousel__items__2__image__image__title='Image Slide 3',
Using StreamBlockFactory
can be used in conjunction with the other block
factory types to create complex, nested StreamValues
, much like how
can be used to declare the blocks for a complex
First, define your StreamBlockFactory
subclass, using
to wrap child block declarations. Be sure to
include your StreamBlock
subclass as the model attribute on the inner
class MyStreamBlockFactory(wagtail_factories.StreamBlockFactory):
my_struct_block = factory.SubFactory(MyStructBlockFactory)
class Meta:
model = MyStreamBlock
Then include your StreamBlockFactory
subclass on a model factory as
the argument to a StreamFieldFactory
class MyPageFactory(wagtail_factories.PageFactory):
body = wagtail_factories.StreamFieldFactory(MyStreamBlockFactory)
class Meta:
model = MyPage
You can then use a modified version of factory_boy's deep object
declaration syntax to build up StreamValues
on the fly.
body__0__my_struct_block__some_field="some value",
body__0__my_struct_block__some_other_field="some other value",
To generate the default value for a block factory, terminate your declaration at the index and provide the block name as the value.
Alternative StreamFieldFactory declaration syntax
Prior to version 3.0, StreamFieldFactory
could only be used by
providing a dict mapping block names to block factory classes as the
single argument, for example:
class MyTestPageWithStreamFieldFactory(wagtail_factories.PageFactory):
body = wagtail_factories.StreamFieldFactory(
"char_array": wagtail_factories.ListBlockFactory(
"int_array": wagtail_factories.ListBlockFactory(
"struct": MyBlockFactory,
"image": wagtail_factories.ImageChooserBlockFactory,
class Meta:
model = models.MyTestPage
This style of declaration is still supported, with the caveat that
nested stream blocks are not supported for this approach. From version
3.0, all BlockFactory
values in a StreamFieldFactory
definition of
this style must be wrapped in factory_boy SubFactories
. For
example, the above example must be updated to the following for 3.0
class MyTestPageWithStreamFieldFactory(wagtail_factories.PageFactory):
body = wagtail_factories.StreamFieldFactory(
"char_array": wagtail_factories.ListBlockFactory(
"int_array": wagtail_factories.ListBlockFactory(
"struct": factory.SubFactory(MyBlockFactory),
"image": factory.SubFactory(wagtail_factories.ImageChooserBlockFactory),
class Meta:
model = models.MyTestPage
This requirement does not apply to ListBlockFactory
, which is a
subclass of SubFactory