Copy A Snippet Feature for Wagtail CMS
Project description
'Copy A Snippet' Feature for Wagtail CMS
You can now "copy" snippets (non-page models) in Wagtail CMS
- Install the python package wagtailsnippetscopy from pip
pip install wagtailsnippetscopy
Alternatively, you can install download or clone this repo and call pip install -e .
- Add to INSTALLED_APPS in your
- Register a model (with a title field name) you wish to enable copy functionality for:
from wagtailsnippetscopy.registry import snippet_copy_registry
snippet_copy_registry.register(YourModel, {})
- Add SnippetCopyMixin to your Snippet model in order to enable get_copy_url callback() for the model:
from wagtailsnippetscopy.models import SnippetCopyMixin
class Graph(SnippetCopyMixin, models.Model):
- If you wish copy link to automatically appear in modeladmin list you should add SnippetCopyModelAdminMixin to the ModelAdmin class:
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import ModelAdmin, modeladmin_register
from wagtailsnippetscopy.admin import SnippetCopyModelAdminMixin
from .models import YourModel
class YourModelAdmin(SnippetCopyModelAdminMixin, ModelAdmin):
model = YourModel
- Copy link follows the following pattern:
Bugs and suggestions
If you have found a bug or if you have a request for additional functionality, please use the issue tracker on GitHub.
by Tim Kamanin