10,000+ projects with the selected classifier
Train MNIST with different models using Tensorflow.
NetRadars get you a way to interact with your network and scanning it.
A rich CLI tool for network device reconnaissance.
Nitro API tool for managing NetScalers.
netseasy - Django gateway for the payemnt solution Easy from Nets
PAS Plugin for Zope/Plone that can authenticate a user via the .NET ASPXAUTH cookie
Allows you to store large files in the cloud
Network Sinkhole for Isolated Malware Analysis
Python module for writing websites.Two It 2022 (two-it.netlify.app API wrapper)
An AI-powered podcast studio that uses multiple AI agents working together.
PyNeuraLogic lets you use Python to create Differentiable Logic Programs.
Neuralpde combines differentiable ode solvers with CNNs to learn PDEs using the method of lines
NeuralPit SDK
The standardised environment for the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex models
neuralpy - The most intuitive Neural Network Model
NeuralPy is the Artificial Neural Network library implemented in Python.
Neuralshare's node
TEMP RELEASE of new features for RDFLib
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