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A module for creating fractal art in Python's turtle module.

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A module for creating fractal art in Python's turtle module.

Fractals are recursive, self-similar shapes. The fractalartmaker module (abbreviated as fam) helps you create fractals in the Python programming language using Python's built-in turtle module. This module is based on the "Fractal Art Maker" chapter of the free book, The Recursive Guide to Recursion by Al Sweigart. Additional changes have been made to make it easier to use and experiment with.


Run pip install fractalartmaker to install. Run python -m fractalartmaker on Windows or python3 -m fractalartmaker on macOS to run the demo and view nine pieces of fractal art made by Al Sweigart.

First, you must know a little bit of Python programming and Python's turtle module. has a turtle module tutorial.

You can view a demo fractal by running the following code from the interactive shell (aka the REPL):

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.demo_four_corners()

This draws the Four Corners fractal in a new turtle window. Once you've learned how Fractal Art Maker works, you can call the fam.draw_fractal() function yourself:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100)

This draws a fractal similar to the Horn demo fractal. The fam.square is a function that takes arguments size and depth and draws a square using turtle commands (each side should be size steps long, and depth is the current recursion level depth which is often ignored for simple fractals). The 100 is the initial size for the first square to draw. The [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}] is a list of recursion-specification dictionaries. This example says for each square drawn, recursively one more square is drawn at 96% the original size, located 50% of the size above the square after rotating it by 11 degrees.

If you want each square to recursively draw two more squares, add a second dictionary to this list. Examine the demo_*() functions in the module (and in the following "Gallery of Demo Fractals" section) for examples.

NOTE: Calling fam.draw_fractal() automatically calls turtle.reset() to clear the window and move the turtle cursor back to 0, 0. If you don't want this behavior, pass reset=False to fam.draw_fractal()

To free you from having to import the turtle module yourself, you can call most turtle functions from the fam module: fam.reset(), fam.update(), and so on. See the "Python Turtle Module Cheat Sheet" for a list of functions.

Gallery of Demo Fractals

def demo_four_corners(size=350, max_depth=5, **kwargs):
    # Four Corners:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    draw_fractal(square, size,
        [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5},
         {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5},
         {'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': -0.5},
         {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': -0.5}], max_depth=max_depth, **kwargs)

Screenshot of Four Corners fractal

def demo_spiral_squares(size=600, max_depth=50, **kwargs):
    # Spiral Squares:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    draw_fractal(square, size, [{'size': 0.95,
        'angle': 7}], max_depth=max_depth, **kwargs)

Screenshot of Spiral Squares fractal

def demo_double_spiral_squares(size=600, **kwargs):
    # Double Spiral Squares:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    draw_fractal(square, 600,
        [{'size': 0.8, 'y': 0.1, 'angle': -10},
         {'size': 0.8, 'y': -0.1, 'angle': 10}], **kwargs)

Screenshot of Double Spiral Squares fractal

def demo_triangle_spiral(size=20, max_depth=80, **kwargs):
    # Triangle Spiral:
    draw_fractal(triangle, size,
        [{'size': 1.05, 'angle': 7}], max_depth=max_depth, **kwargs)

Screenshot of Triangle Spiral fractal

def demo_glider(size=600, **kwargs):
    # Conway's Game of Life Glider:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    third = 1 / 3
    draw_fractal(square, 600,
        [{'size': third, 'y': third},
         {'size': third, 'x': third},
         {'size': third, 'x': third, 'y': -third},
         {'size': third, 'y': -third},
         {'size': third, 'x': -third, 'y': -third}], **kwargs)

Screenshot of Conway Glider fractal

def demo_sierpinski_triangle(size=600, **kwargs):
    # Sierpinski Triangle:
    toMid = math.sqrt(3) / 6
    draw_fractal(triangle, 600,
        [{'size': 0.5, 'y': toMid, 'angle': 0},
         {'size': 0.5, 'y': toMid, 'angle': 120},
         {'size': 0.5, 'y': toMid, 'angle': 240}], **kwargs)

Screenshot of Sierpinski Triangle fractal

def demo_wave(size=280, **kwargs):
    # Wave:
    draw_fractal(triangle, size,
        [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5},
         {'size': 0.3, 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5},
         {'size': 0.5, 'y': -0.7, 'angle': 15}], **kwargs)

Screenshot of Wave fractal

def demo_horn(size=100, max_depth=100, **kwargs):
    # Horn:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    draw_fractal(square, size,
        [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=max_depth, **kwargs)

Screenshot of Horn fractal

def demo_snowflake(size=200, **kwargs):
    # Snowflake:
    if 'colors' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['colors'] = (('black', 'white'), ('black', 'gray'))
    draw_fractal(square, size,
        [{'x': math.cos(0 * math.pi / 180),
          'y': math.sin(0 * math.pi / 180), 'size': 0.4},
         {'x': math.cos(72 * math.pi / 180),
          'y': math.sin(72 * math.pi / 180), 'size': 0.4},
         {'x': math.cos(144 * math.pi / 180),
          'y': math.sin(144 * math.pi / 180), 'size': 0.4},
         {'x': math.cos(216 * math.pi / 180),
          'y': math.sin(216 * math.pi / 180), 'size': 0.4},
         {'x': math.cos(288 * math.pi / 180),
          'y': math.sin(288 * math.pi / 180), 'size': 0.4}], **kwargs)

Screenshot of Snowflake fractal

Creating Your Own Fractals

Creating a fractal with Fractal Art Maker involves two parts.

First, you need to write what I call a shape-drawing function. This is a function that uses turtle functions to draw a simple shape that will be redrawn dozens or hundreds of times for your fractal. The function must take at least two parameters: the first is named size and the second is named depth.

For example, this shape-drawing function that draws a square (the depth argument is ignored):

def square(size, depth):
    # Move to the top-right corner before drawing:
    turtle.forward(size // 2)
    turtle.forward(size // 2)

    # Draw a square:
    for i in range(4):  # Draw four lines.

The fam library calls your shape-drawing function and provides it with the appropriate size argument. The size of your shape just has to be relative to whatever number is passed for this

Your shape-drawing function must draw a shape relative to the size of size and whatever direction it is currently facing. Use relative turtle functions like forward(), back(), left(), and right() rather than absolute functions like goto() or setheading(). The argument you pass to forward() and back() calls should always depend on the size argument rather than be a static, fixed number.

The depth argument is the level of recursion that the shape has been drawn at. So for the first level it is 0, the second level it is 1, and so on. You could use to do some more advanced effects (discussed later).

Your shape-drawing function does not call itself or do any recursion. Keep it simple: It just draws a shape using the turtle functions.

The fam library has some shape-drawing functions for you to use: fam.square() and fam.triangle()

Second, you must call the fam.draw_fractal() function and pass three things: a shape-drawing function, the starting size (100 is often good), and a list of recursion-specification dictionaries. Each dictionary in this list specifies how the shape changes at each level of recursion: 'size' for size changes, 'x' for left/right movement, 'y' for up/down movement, and 'angle' for rotation.

Note that for Fractal Art Maker's recursion-specification dictionaries, a positive 'y' goes up and a negative 'y' goes down. (It's like graphs in school math class, rather than computer graphics.)

For example, let's take a look at the Horn demo fractal that comes with Fractal Art Maker. You can see it by running import fractalartmaker as fam; fam.demo_horn():

Screenshot of Horn fractal

This fractal is made by drawing a square, then recursively drawing a second square that is:

  • Slightly smaller. (96% of the previous square's size, to be exact.)
  • Placed above. (A distance that is 50% of the previous square's size, to be exact.)
  • Rotated clockwise a little. (11 degrees, to be exact.)

This second square (which is gray, as this fractal alternates between white and gray squares) in turn recursively produces a third square that is slightly smaller, placed above, and rotated clockwise a little. Note that since the second was rotated left/clockwise, it's "up" is actually rotated as well. This is why the subsequent squares tilt to the left.

We can draw this with the following recursion-specifiction dictionary: {'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}

So to draw the Horn fractal in Fractal Art Maker, we run the following code:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100)

The max_depth keyword argument is how many levels of recursion you want to make. By default it is set to 8.

If we pass an 'x' or 'y' argument of 0.0, the next recursive shape is not moved at all from the parent shape's position. If we pass a 'size' of 1.0, the next recursive shape is the same size as the parent shape's size. If we pass an 'angle' of 0, the next recursive shape is not rotated. These are also the default values if you leave out the key from the dictionary altogether.

While 'angle' is always an absolute number of degrees to rotate, the 'x', 'y', and 'size' values are always relative to the current size of the shape-drawing function's shape.

Let's do another example similar to the Four Squares demo. Run fam.reset() to clear the turtle window and put the turtle cursor back at 0, 0. (This function is the same as turtle.reset().) I want to draw square and then the recursive step to draw smaller square to the up and left of the previous square (and no rotation). Run the following code:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 350, [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5}], max_depth=5)

This code draws the following:

Screenshot of Four Corners with only one corner drawn.

The max_depth=5 keyword argument prevents too many squares from being drawn. (The default maximum recursive depth is 8.)

We can add a second recursive square to all of these squares by adding a second recursion-specification dictionary to the list. This second dictionary will draw another recursive step up and to the right. Continue the interactive shell example with the following code. Notice how the second dictionary has an 'x' of 0.5 instead of -0.5:

>>> fam.reset()  # Clears the screen.
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 350, [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5}], max_depth=5)

This code draws the following:

Screenshot of Four Corners with only two corners drawn.

Keep in mind that it isn't just the first square that gets two recursive squares, but every square that gets two recursive squares.

And we can add a third square by adding a third specification dictionary to the list, this one with a 'y' of -0.5:

>>> fam.reset()  # Clears the screen.
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 350, [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': -0.5}], max_depth=5)

This code draws the following:

Screenshot of Four Corners with only three corners drawn.

Finally, we can add a fourth square:

>>> fam.reset()  # Clears the screen.
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 350, [{'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': 0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': -0.5, 'y': -0.5}, {'size': 0.5, 'x': 0.5, 'y': -0.5}], max_depth=5)

This code draws the following:

Screenshot of Four Corners with all four corners drawn.

You'll notice that this fractal isn't quite the same as the fam.demo_four_corners() one. We can alternate between white and gray fill colors for the square in the shape-drawing function. Let's take a look at that next.

Advanced Features of FAM's Shape-Drawing Functions

All shape-drawing functions are passed a size argument and a depth argument. We can make the white-and-gray alternating colors by examining the depth argument. In the following shape-drawing function, the fill color for the square is set to white or gray depending on the recursive depth:

def square_alternating_white_gray(size, depth):
    # Move to the top-right corner before drawing:
    turtle.forward(size // 2)
    turtle.forward(size // 2)

    # Set fill color:
    if depth % 2 == 0:

    # Draw a square:
    for i in range(4):  # Draw four lines.

TODO: The rest of this section is incomplete. I'm going to quickly write down code examples and basic descriptions without much editing because I just need to get this tutorial done:

The fam.square and fam.triangle shape-drawing functions that come with Fractal Art Maker have special features that you pass as keyword arguments to fam.draw_fractal(). (These ONLY apply to these two functions. You can write your shape-drawing functions however you want with whatever features you want. Keyword arguments to fam.draw_fractal() are forwarded to your shape-drawing function. Your shape-drawing function should have the parameters size, depth, \*\*kwargsFor and these extra arguments will be in the kwargs dictionary. "Kwargs" is a Python convention.)

For example, here's the Horn example with some of these features:

Blue pen color and red fill color:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100, pen='blue', fill='red')

Blue pen and red fill color for the first iteration, then green pen and yellow fill for the second iteration, and then it cycles back to the first set of colors:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100, colors=[['blue', '#FF0000'], ['green', 'yellow']])

Pen size of 10:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100, pensize=10)

Random jiggle that moves the position by 25% of the size:

>>> import fractalartmaker as fam
>>> fam.draw_fractal(fam.square, 100, [{'size': 0.96, 'y': 0.5, 'angle': 11}], max_depth=100, jiggle=0.25)

Python Turtle Module Cheat Sheet

import turtle
turtle.forward(100)   # Move forward 100 steps.
turtle.backward(100)  # Move backwards 100 steps.
turtle.left(90)       # Turn left/clockwise 90 degrees.
turtle.right(90)      # Turn right/counterclockwise 90 degrees.

turtle.position()  # Return (0, 0), the current XY position of the turtle.
turtle.heading()   # Return 0.0, the current heading/direction of the turtle. (0 is right, 90 is up, 180 is left, 270 is down)

turtle.goto(30, 25)     # Move turtle to X of 30 and Y of 25.
turtle.setx(30)         # Move turtle left/right to X of 30 and current Y coordinate.
turtle.sety(25)         # Move turtle up/down to Y of 25 and current X coordinate.
turtle.towards(30, 25)  # Return degrees to turn left to face XY 30, 25 from current position/heading.
turtle.setheading(90)   # Make the turtle face up (90 degrees).

turtle.penup()    # "Raise the pen" and stop drawing as the turtle moves.
turtle.pendown()  # "Lower the pen" and start drawing as the turtle moves.

turtle.pensize(4)       # Set pen thickness size to 4. (Default is 1.)
turtle.width()          # Return 4, the current pen thickness size.
turtle.pencolor('red')  # Lines drawn will now be red. (Also use color formats '#FF0000' or (255, 0, 0))

turtle.fillcolor('white')  # Set fill color of begin_fill() and end_fill() to white.
turtle.begin_fill()        # Start drawing a filled-in shape.
turtle.end_fill()          # End drawing a filled-in shape and draw the fill color.

turtle.home()   # Move the turtle to 0, 0 and facing right (0 degrees).
turtle.clear()  # Erase all drawings on the screen, but leave the turtle in its place.
turtle.reset()  # Erase all drawings and move turtle to 0, 0 and facing right.

turtle.hideturtle()  # Don't show the turtle cursor in the window.
turtle.showturtle()  # Show the turtle cursor in the window.

turtle.bgcolor('blue')  # Make the background color of the window blue. (Default is white.)

turtle.tracer(1000, 0)  # Do 1000 turtle commands with 0 delay all at once. (Increase 1000 to make drawing speed faster.)
turtle.update()         # Call this when done to update the screen with any remaining turtle commands' drawings.

turtle.exitonclick()  # Close the window when the user clicks it.

Short Function Names Cheat Sheet

turtle.fd()  # forward()
turtle.bk()  # backward()  # left()
turtle.rt()  # right()

turtle.pos()  # position()

turtle.pd()  # pendown()
turtle.pu()  # penup()

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