A Python RAML parser
Project description
ramlfications: RAML reference implementation in Python
Note: this project has been discontinued at Spotify and will be transferred to a new maintainer, we are currently finishing the transfer of this repository and the associated pypi package.
Requirements and Installation
User Setup
The latest stable version can be found on PyPI, and you can install via pip:
$ pip install ramlfications
ramlfications runs on Python 3.10+, and PyPy. Linux , OS X and Windows are supported. Currently, only RAML 0.8 is supported, but there are plans to support 1.0.
Continue onto usage to get started on using ramlfications.
Developer Setup
If you’d like to contribute or develop upon ramlfications, be sure to read How to Contribute first.
You can see the progress of ramlfications on our public project management page.
System requirements:
C Compiler (gcc/clang/etc.)
If on Linux - you’ll need to install Python headers (e.g. apt-get install python-dev)
Python 3.10+, or PyPy
Here’s how to set your machine up:
$ git clone git@github.com:jdiegodcp/ramlfications $ cd ramlfications $ virtualenv env $ source env/bin/activate (env) $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Run Tests
If you’d like to run tests for all supported Python versions, you must have all Python versions installed on your system. I suggest pyenv to help with that.
To run all tests:
(env) $ tox
To run a specific test setup (options include: py310, py311, py312, pypy, flake8, verbose, manifest, docs, setup, setupcov):
(env) $ tox -e py310
To run tests without tox:
(env) $ py.test (env) $ py.test --cov ramlfications --cov-report term-missing
Build Docs
Documentation is build with Sphinx, written in rST, uses the Read the Docs theme with a slightly customized CSS, and is hosted on Read the Docs site.
To rebuild docs locally, within the parent ramlfications directory:
(env) $ tox -e docs
(env) $ sphinx-build -b docs/ docs/_build
Then within ramlfications/docs/_build you can open the index.html page in your browser.
Project History
Ramlfications was originally created by Spotify engineer github.com/econchick, but is currently not in use at Spotify. The project was discontinued in April 2022 and transferred to an external maintainer.
Still have issues?
Feel free to drop by #ramlfications on Freenode (webchat) or ping via Twitter[X]. “jdiegodcp” is the maintainer, a.k.a jdiegodcp on GitHub.
0.1.9 (2015-12-24)
Happy holidays!
0.1.8 (2015-10-07)
Fix incorrect/incomplete behavior optional properties of Resource Types (Issue 44).
Fix protocols inheritance (Issue 44).
Partial fix for Issue 23 - incorrect resource type inheritance
When a resource type is defined with one method that is optional and is applied to a resource that does not have that method defined, the resource’s method should not inherit from the optional method
When a resource inherits a resource type but explicitly defines named parameters, the named parameters in the resource should overwrite those that are inherited
0.1.7 (2015-08-20)
0.1.6 (2015-08-03)
waffle.io page to documentation for project management overview
Parse errors when RAML file would have empty mappings (Issue 30)
Switch yaml.Loader to yaml.SafeLoader (Issue 26)
Update documentation to reflect rearrangement of errors (Issue 27)
Remove default parameter from being required for baseURIParameters (Issue 29)
Pin mock library for tox tests (Issue 22)
Experimenting with speeding up pypy tests within tox on Travis
0.1.5 (2015-06-05)
0.1.4 (2015-05-27)
0.1.3 (2015-05-14)
New #ramlfications channel on freenode (web chat link)! Come chat, I’m lonely.
Documentation for configuration and the update command.
Handle recursive/cyclical !includes in RAML files for now (PR)
Encoding issues from upgrading to tox 2.0
tests/test_utils.py would create ramlfications/data/supported_mime_types.json; now mocked out.
0.1.2 (2015-04-21)
pypy 2.5.x would fail a parser test because order of list was not expected
0.1.1 (2015-04-21)
Added ability to parse IANA-supported MIME media types
Added update command for user to update IANA-supported MIME types if/when needed
0.1.0a1 (2015-04-18)
Initial alpha release of ramlfications!