An automatic dialog box generator for Python objects, supporting multiple graphical backends: Qt, GTK and HTML (single-user or with multiple users).
Project description
Editobj3 is an automatic dialog box generator for Python objects. It supports several backends; currenlty Qt, GTK and HTML are supported. The HTML backend is based on W2UI, and can be used either in local single user mode, or in distributed multiple users mode.
Editobj3 dialog boxes are composed of an attribute list, a luxurious good-looking but useless icon and title bar, and a tree view (if the edited object is part of a tree-like structure). Editobj3 includes an advanced introspection module that usually guesses how to edit any object; it can also be customized for a given class of object through the editobj3.introsp module. Editobj3 also supports the simultaneous edition of a group of objects, as if they were a single object.
Additional helper modules are included:
editobj3.observe: Observation framework
editobj3.undoredo: Multiple undo/redo framework
editobj3.http_ws_server: HTTP server with WebSocket support, with an interface similar to Python’s http.server module
Editobj3 has been created by Jean-Baptiste Lamy. It is available under the GNU LGPL licence.
In case of trouble, please contact Jean-Baptiste Lamy <jibalamy @ free . fr>
First untar the tarball.
EditObj 3 uses Python’s DistUtils for installation. To install, type (as root):
cd EditObj3-* python3 ./ install
By default, EditObj 3 is installed in /usr, you can modify the setup.cfg file if you prefer another location.
Editobj3 on BitBucket (development repository):
Mail me for any comment, problem, suggestion or help !
Jiba – Jean-Baptiste LAMY – jibalamy @