Mopidy extension for playing music from Google Play Music
This project has been archived.
The maintainers of this project have marked this project as archived. No new releases are expected.
Project description
As of December 2020, the Google Play Music service is no longer operational. Thus, the maintenance of this extension has been stopped. The mopidy-gmusic package has been removed from Debian/Ubuntu, and the Git repo is put into archive mode.
Mopidy extension for playing music from Google Play Music.
You must have a Google account, and either:
have some music uploaded to your Google Play Music library, or
have a paid subscription for Google Play Music.
Install by running:
sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-GMusic
See for alternative installation methods
Run mopidy gmusic login to obtain a refresh token, and then include it in your config file:
[gmusic] refresh_token = <your refresh token>
Google Play Music now requires all clients to provide a device ID. In the past, Mopidy-GMusic generated one automatically from your MAC address, but Google seems to have changed their API in a way that prevents this from working. Therefore you will need to configure one manually.
If no device ID is configured, Mopidy-GMusic will output a list of registered devices and their IDs. You can either use one of those IDs in your config file, or use the special value mac if you want gmusicapi to use the old method of generating an ID from your MAC address:
[gmusic] deviceid = 0123456789abcdef # or deviceid = mac
By default, All Access will be enabled automatically if you subscribe. You may force enable or disable it by using the all_access option:
[gmusic] all_access = true
By default, the bitrate is set to 160 kbps. You can change this to either 128 or 320 kbps by setting:
[gmusic] bitrate = 320
All Access radios are available as browsable content or playlist. The following are the default config values:
[gmusic] # Show radio stations in content browser radio_stations_in_browse = true # Show radio stations as playlists radio_stations_as_playlists = false # Limit the number of radio stations, unlimited if unset radio_stations_count = # Limit the number or tracks for each radio station radio_tracks_count = 25
The library and playlists are automatically refresh at regular intervals. Refreshing can be CPU intensive on very low-powered machines, e.g. Raspberry Pi Zero. The refresh intervals can be configured:
[gmusic] # How often to refresh the library, in minutes refresh_library = 1440 # How often to refresh playlists, in minutes refresh_playlists = 60
The extension is enabled by default if all dependencies are available. You can simply browse through your library and search for tracks, albums, and artists. Google Play Music playlists are imported as well. You can even add songs from your All Access subscription to your library. Mopidy will able to play them.
Project resources
Original author: Ronald Hecht
Current maintainer: Kaleb Elwert