Logging with OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging) and XMPP
Project description
This is a Python library for logging to XMPP destinations using OTR (Off-the-Record Messaging) encryption.
Pure python (no libotr dependency)
Log to multiple destinations
Optionally check log destinations’ OTR fingerprints
$ sudo pip install --pre xmpppy # xmpppy is tagged as an "rc" version $ sudo pip install otrxmpplogger
from otrxmpplogger import OTRXMPPLogger import logging import time log = logging.getLogger() privkey = open('.otrprivkey', 'r').read() handler = OTRXMPPLogger( 'bradass87@jabber.ccc.de/datadiode', 'supersecret', [ ( 'mendax@jabber.wikileaks.org', '33eb6b01c97ceba92bd6b5e3777189c43f8d6f03' ), 'esnowden@chat.nsa.gov' ], privkey ) log.addHandler(handler) log.debug('setting up OTR') # Trigger OTR setup time.sleep(3) # Give OTR a little while to go active log.critical('@6 is a rat!')
XMPP invitations are not handled
It seems to take roughly 3 seconds to set up an OTR session. Messages logged before the session is ready may be lost.
xmpppy (>= 0.4.1)
pure-python-otr (>= 1.0.0)
otrxmppchannel (>= 1.0.3)
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