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Grab and rinse financial and economic data.

Project description

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Operation Pluto is a pipeline set-up. It plumbs financial and economic data. Focused markets are Hong Kong, U.S. and China.

This data pipeline is organized in Luigi framework with Python.

Available Data

Currently connected data sources :

Hong Kong

United States


  • ?

Master Data

Pipeline Organization

  • Crawl websites, back-fill past data, and construct file directories. All done as code.

  • One table in data source corresponds to one target file.

  • Pipeline task is stateful. Overwrite source file the least possible.


Getting Started

Have Python 3.5 installed and clone this repository :

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

Install Python dependencies :

# Installing with Conda may not work
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up Luigi configuration file :

# Rename luigi.cfg.sample to luigi.cfg
$ mv luigi.cfg.sample luigi.cfg

Configure proxies in luigi.cfg if you’re behind any :

https = https://username:password@hostname:port/

Test the installation. New data should be extracted and parsed into folder test/data :

$ python -m luigi --module main RunMock --local-scheduler
$ ls test/data

High-level job orchestration is done in e.g. RunAll() is the wrapper class to initialize whole data directory and trigger all processing tasks. In production, tasks should be run on Luigi server. Because Luigi daemon will not run on Windows, simply run :

# Run Luigi server on http://localhost:8082
$ luigid
# Run task on Luigi server
$ python -m luigi --module main RunAll

Schedule pipeline to run periodically in Task Scheduler or cron. Set up on Windows :

# Script on Windows
start luigid
python -m luigi --module main RunAll
cmd "/c taskkill /IM "luigid.exe" /T /F"


License: AGPL v3

This project is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.0. See LICENSE for full license text.

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page