A free, easy to use Cyclic Redundancy Check source code generator for C/C++
Project description
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pycrc is a free, easy to use Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculator and C source code generator.
System Requirements
Python3 is required to run pycrc. The last version compatible with Python 2 is v0.9.x.
Running pycrc
This program doesn't need to be installed to be run. The script can be executed from the source directory. Simply call the python interpreter with the script as parameter:
python3 src/pycrc.py [options]
Install pycrc (if required) using pip:
python3 -m pip install pycrc
This will install a pycrc
binary in the path.
Getting help
If you are new to pycrc and want to generate C code, start with the tutorial.
The pycrc manual page explains the command line options in some detail and also gives some more examples how to use pycrc.
If you have found a bug in pycrc or want to request a feature please take the time and submit it to the issue tracker. Thanks for your help.
Also see the frequently asked questions.
If you like pycrc, let me know and drop me a note. If you don't like pycrc let me know what you don't like and why. In both cases, I would really appreciate some feed back. If you want some idea how to say thanks for this software, please have a look here.
Copyright of the generated source code
The code generated by pycrc is not considered a substantial portion of the software, therefore the licence does not cover the generated code, and the author of pycrc will not claim any copyright on the generated code.