Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
Project description
aiodns provides a simple way for doing asynchronous DNS resolutions using pycares.
import asyncio
import aiodns
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver(loop=loop)
async def query(name, query_type):
return await resolver.query(name, query_type)
coro = query('', 'A')
result = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
The following query types are supported: A, AAAA, ANY, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, TXT.
The API is pretty simple, three functions are provided in the DNSResolver class:
query(host, type): Do a DNS resolution of the given type for the given hostname. It returns an instance of asyncio.Future. The actual result of the DNS query is taken directly from pycares. As of version 1.0.0 of aiodns (and pycares, for that matter) results are always namedtuple-like objects with different attributes. Please check the documentation for the result fields.
gethostbyname(host, socket_family): Do a DNS resolution for the given hostname and the desired type of address family (i.e. socket.AF_INET). While query() always performs a request to a DNS server, gethostbyname() first looks into /etc/hosts and thus can resolve local hostnames (such as localhost). Please check the documentation for the result fields. The actual result of the call is a asyncio.Future.
gethostbyaddr(name): Make a reverse lookup for an address.
cancel(): Cancel all pending DNS queries. All futures will get DNSError exception set, with ARES_ECANCELLED errno.
Note for Windows users
This library requires the asyncio loop to be a SelectorEventLoop, which is not the default on Windows since Python 3.8.
The default can be changed as follows (do this very early in your application):
This may have other implications for the rest of your codebase, so make sure to test thoroughly.
Running the test suite
To run the test suite: python
aiodns uses the MIT license, check LICENSE file.
Python versions
Python >= 3.6 are supported.
If you’d like to contribute, fork the project, make a patch and send a pull request. Have a look at the surrounding code and please, make yours look alike :-)