A backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module.
Project description
# ABCs live in "collections.abc" in Python >= 3.3
from collections.abc import Coroutine, Generator
except ImportError:
# fall back to import from "backports_abc"
from backports_abc import Coroutine, Generator
You can also install the ABCs into the stdlib by calling the patch() function:
import backports_abc
# ABCs live in "collections.abc" in Python >= 3.3
from collections.abc import Coroutine, Generator
except ImportError:
# fall back to import from "collections" in Python <= 3.2
from backports_abc import Coroutine, Generator
Currently, patch() provides the following names if missing:
All of them are also available directly from the backports_abc module namespace.
In Python 2.x and Python 3.2, it patches the collections module instead of the collections.abc module. Any names that are already available when importing this module will not be overwritten.
The names that were previously patched by patch() can be queried through the mapping in backports_abc.PATCHED.
0.5 (2016-11-12)
support old-style (mro-missing) classes
0.4 (2015-09-14)
direct wheel building support
make all names available at the module level instead of requiring patching
0.3 (2015-07-03)
removed patching of inspect.iscoroutine() as it is not ABC based
0.2 (2015-07-03)
require explicit backports_abc.patch() call to do the patching (avoids side-effects on import and allows future configuration)
provide access to patched names through global PATCHED dict
add ABC based implementations of inspect.iscoroutine() and inspect.isawaitable()
0.1 (2015-06-24)
initial public release
provided ABCs: Generator, Coroutine, Awaitable