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Azure Blob storage transfer tool with AzCopy-like features

Project description


AzCopy-like OS independent Azure storage blob transfer tool


blobxfer is on PyPI and can be installed via:

pip install blobxfer

If you encounter difficulties installing the script, it may be due to the cryptography dependency. Please ensure that your system is able to install binary wheels provided by these dependencies (e.g., on Windows) or is able to compile the dependencies (i.e., ensure you have a C compiler, python, ssl, and ffi development libraries/headers installed prior to invoking pip).

If you need more fine-grained control on installing dependencies, continue reading this section. The blobxfer utility is a python script that can be used on any platform where Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 or 3.5 is installable. Depending upon the desired mode of authentication with Azure and options, the script will require the following packages, some of which will automatically pull required dependent packages. Below is a list of required packages:

  • Base Requirements

    • azure-common == 1.1.1

    • azure-storage == 0.30.0

    • requests == 2.9.1

  • Encryption Support

    • cryptography >= 1.3

  • Service Management Certificate Support

    • azure-servicemanagement-legacy == 0.20.2

You can install these packages using pip, easy_install or through standard procedures. These dependencies will be automatically installed if using a package-based install or


The script allows interacting with storage accounts using any of the following methods: (1) management certificate, (2) shared account key, (3) SAS key. The script can, in addition to working with single files, mirror entire directories into and out of containers from Azure Storage, respectively. Block- and file-level MD5 checksumming for data integrity is supported along with various transfer optimizations, built-in retries, and user-specified timeouts.

Program parameters and command-line options can be listed via the -h switch. Please invoke this first if you are unfamiliar with blobxfer operation as not all options are explained below. At the minimum, three positional arguments are required: storage account name, container name, local resource. Additionally, one of the following authentication switches must be supplied: --subscriptionid with --managementcert, --storageaccountkey, or --saskey. Do not combine different authentication schemes together. It is generally recommended to use SAS keys wherever possible; only HTTPS transport is used in the script.

Please remember when using SAS keys that only container-level SAS keys will allow for entire directory uploading or container downloading. The container must also have been created beforehand, as containers cannot be created using SAS keys.

Please refer to the Microsoft HPC and Azure Batch Team blog post for code sample explanations.

Example Usage

The following examples show how to invoke the script with commonly used options. Note that the authentication parameters are missing from the below examples. You will need to select a preferred method of authenticating with Azure and add the authentication switches as noted above.

The script will attempt to perform a smart transfer, by detecting if the local resource exists. For example:

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 mylocalfile.txt

Note: if you downloaded the script directly from github, then you should append .py to the blobxfer command.

If mylocalfile.txt exists locally, then the script will attempt to upload the file to container0 on mystorageacct. If the file does not exist, then it will attempt to download the resource. If the desired behavior is to download the file from Azure even if the local file exists, one can override the detection mechanism with --download. --upload is available to force the transfer to Azure storage. Note that specifying a particular direction does not force the actual operation to occur as that depends on other options specified such as skipping on MD5 matches. Note that you may use the --remoteresource flag to rename the local file as the blob name on Azure storage if uploading, however, --remoteresource has no effect if uploading a directory of files. Please refer to the --collate option as explained below.

If the local resource is a directory that exists, the script will attempt to mirror (recursively copy) the entire directory to Azure storage while maintaining subdirectories as virtual directories in Azure storage. You can disable the recursive copy (i.e., upload only the files in the directory) using the --no-recursive flag.

To upload a directory with files only matching a Unix-style shell wildcard pattern, an example commandline would be:

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 mylocaldir --upload --include '**/*.txt'

This would attempt to recursively upload the contents of mylocaldir to container0 for any file matching the wildcard pattern *.txt within all subdirectories. Include patterns can be applied for uploads as well as downloads. Note that you will need to prevent globbing by your shell such that wildcard expansion does not take place before script interprets the argument.

To download an entire container from your storage account, an example commandline would be:

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 mylocaldir --remoteresource .

Assuming mylocaldir directory does not exist, the script will attempt to download all of the contents in container0 because “.” is set with --remoteresource flag. To download individual blobs, one would specify the blob name instead of “.” with the --remoteresource flag. If mylocaldir directory exists, the script will attempt to upload the directory instead of downloading it. In this case, if you want to force the download direction, indicate that with --download. When downloading an entire container, the script will attempt to pre-allocate file space and recreate the sub-directory structure as needed.

To collate files into specified virtual directories or local paths, use the --collate flag with the appropriate parameter. For example, the following commandline:

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 myvhds --upload --collate vhds --autovhd

If the directory myvhds had two vhd files a.vhd and subdir/b.vhd, these files would be uploaded into container0 under the virtual directory named vhds, and b.vhd would not contain the virtual directory subdir; thus, flattening the directory structure. The --autovhd flag would automatically enable page blob uploads for these files. If you wish to collate all files into the container directly, you would replace --collate vhds with --collate .

To strip leading components of a path on upload, use --strip-components with a number argument which will act similarly to tar’s --strip-components=NUMBER parameter. This parameter is only applied during an upload.

To encrypt or decrypt files, the option --rsapublickey and --rsaprivatekey is available. This option requires a file location for a PEM encoded RSA public or private key. An optional parameter, --rsakeypassphrase is available for passphrase protected RSA private keys.

To encrypt and upload, only the RSA public key is required although an RSA private key may be specified. To download and decrypt blobs which are encrypted, the RSA private key is required.

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 myblobs --upload --rsapublickey mypublickey.pem

The above example commandline would encrypt and upload files contained in myblobs using an RSA public key named mypublickey.pem. An RSA private key may be specified instead for uploading (public parts will be used).

blobxfer mystorageacct container0 myblobs --remoteresouorce . --download --rsaprivatekey myprivatekey.pem

The above example commandline would download and decrypt all blobs in the container container0 using an RSA private key named myprivatekey.pem. An RSA private key must be specified for downloading and decryption of encrypted blobs.

Currently only the FullBlob encryption mode is supported for the parameter --encmode. The FullBlob encryption mode either uploads or downloads Azure Storage .NET/Java compatible client-side encrypted block blobs.

Please read important points in the Encryption Notes below for more information.

General Notes

  • blobxfer does not take any leases on blobs or containers. It is up to the user to ensure that blobs are not modified while download/uploads are being performed.

  • No validation is performed regarding container and file naming and length restrictions.

  • blobxfer will attempt to download from blob storage as-is. If the source filename is incompatible with the destination operating system, then failure may result.

  • When using SAS, the SAS key must be a container-level SAS if performing recursive directory upload or container download.

  • If uploading via SAS, the container must already be created in blob storage prior to upload. This is a limitation of SAS keys. The script will force disable container creation if a SAS key is specified.

  • For non-SAS requests, timeouts may not be properly honored due to limitations of the Azure Python SDK.

  • In order to skip download/upload matching files via MD5, the computefilemd5 flag must be enabled (it is enabled by default).

  • When uploading files as page blobs, the content is page boundary byte-aligned. The MD5 for the blob is computed using the final aligned data if the source is not page boundary byte-aligned. This enables these page blobs or files to be skipped during subsequent download or upload, if the skiponmatch parameter is enabled.

  • If --delete is specified, any remote files found that have no corresponding local file in directory upload mode will be deleted. Deletion occurs prior to any transfers, analogous to the delete-before rsync option. Please note that this parameter will interact with --include and any file not included from the include pattern will be deleted.

  • --include has no effect when specifying a single file to upload or blob to download. When specifying --include on container download, the pattern will be applied to the blob name without the container name. Globbing of wildcards must be disabled such that the script can read the include pattern without the shell expanding the wildcards, if specified.

  • Due to an underlying issue with the Azure Python Storage SDK, file or blob names with ? character in them cannot be uploaded or downloaded using a shared storage account key. Please connect with a SAS key if this functionality is required.

Performance Notes

  • Most likely, you will need to tweak the --numworkers argument that best suits your environment. The default is the number of CPUs on the running machine multiplied by 3. Increasing this number (or even using the default) may not provide the optimal balance between concurrency and your network conditions. Additionally, this number may not work properly if you are attempting to run multiple blobxfer sessions in parallel from one machine or IP address. Futhermore, this number may be defaulted to be set too high if encryption is enabled and the machine cannot handle processing multiple threads in parallel.

  • Using SAS keys may provide the best performance as the script bypasses the Azure Storage Python SDK and uses requests/urllib3 directly with Azure Storage endpoints.

  • As of requests 2.6.0 and Python versions < 2.7.9 (i.e., interpreter found on default Ubuntu 14.04 installations), if certain packages are installed, as those found in requests[security] then the underlying urllib3 package will utilize the ndg-httpsclient package which will use pyOpenSSL. This will ensure the peers are fully validated. However, this incurs a rather larger performance penalty. If you understand the potential security risks for disabling this behavior due to high performance requirements, you can either remove ndg-httpsclient or use the script in a virtualenv environment without the ndg-httpsclient package. Python versions >= 2.7.9 are not affected by this issue. These warnings can be suppressed using --disable-urllib-warnings, but is not recommended unless you understand the security implications.

Encryption Notes


  • Keys for AES256 block cipher are generated on a per-blob basis. These keys are encrypted using RSAES-OAEP.

  • All required information regarding the encryption process is stored on each blob’s encryptiondata and encryptiondata_authentication metadata. These metadata entries are used on download to configure the proper download and parameters for the decryption process as well as to authenticate the encryption. Encryption metadata set by blobxfer (or the Azure Storage .NET/Java client library) should not be modified or blobs may be unrecoverable.

  • MD5 for both the pre-encrypted and encrypted version of the file is stored in blob metadata. Rsync-like synchronization is still supported transparently with encrypted blobs.

  • Whole file MD5 checks are skipped if a message authentication code is found to validate the integrity of the encrypted data.

  • Attempting to upload the same file as an encrypted blob with a different RSA key or under a different encryption mode will not occur if the file content MD5 is the same. This behavior can be overridden by including the option --no-skiponmatch.

  • If one wishes to apply encryption to a blob already uploaded to Storage that has not changed, the upload will not occur since the underlying file content MD5 has not changed; this behavior can be overriden by including the option --no-skiponmatch.

  • Encryption is only applied to block blobs. Encrypted page blobs appear to be of minimal value stored in Azure. Thus, if uploading VHDs while enabling encryption in the script, do not enable the option --pageblob. --autovhd will continue to work transparently where vhd files will be uploaded as page blobs in unencrypted form while other files will be uploaded as encrypted block blobs.

  • Downloading encrypted blobs may not fully preallocate each file due to padding. Script failure can result during transfer if there is insufficient disk space.

  • Zero-byte (empty) files are not encrypted.

Change Log

  • 0.10.0: update script for compatibility with azure-storage 0.30.0 which is now a required dependency, update cryptography requirement to 1.3, promote encryption to RC status, --blobep now refers to endpoint suffix rather than blob endpoint (e.g., rather than, added --disable-urllib-warnings option to suppress urllib3 warnings (use with care)

  • minor bug fixes, update cryptography requirement to 1.2.2, pin azure dependencies due to breaking changes

  • fix regression in blob name encoding with Python3

  • fix regression in single file upload and remoteresource renaming, emit warning when attempting to use remoteresource with a directory upload, replace socket exception handling with requests ConnectionError handling, properly handle blob names containing ? if using SAS, update dependencies to latest available versions

  • disable unnecessary thread daemonization, gracefully handle KeyboardInterrupts, explicitly add azure-common to install reqs

  • make base requirements non-optional in import process, update azure_request exception handling to support new Azure Storage Python SDK errors, reduce number of default concurrent workers to 3x CPU count, change azure_request backoff mechanism, add python environment and package info to parameter dump to aid issue/bug reports

  • add encryption support, fix shared key upload with non-existent container, add file overwrite on download option, add auto-detection of file mimetype, add remote delete option, fix zero-byte blob download issue, replace keeprootdir with strip-components option, add include option, reduce the number of default concurrent workers to 4x CPU count

  • add file collation support, fix page alignment bug, reduce memory usage

  • improve page blob upload algorithm to skip empty max size pages. fix zero length file uploads. fix single file upload that’s skipped.

  • fix downloading of blobs with content length of zero

  • fix content length > 32bit for blob lists via SAS on Python2

  • update script for compatibility with new Azure Python packages

  • 0.9.8: fix blob endpoint for non-SAS input, add retry on ServerBusy

  • 0.9.7: normalize SAS keys (accept keys with or without ? char prefix)

  • 0.9.6: revert local resource path expansion, PEP8 fixes

  • 0.9.5: fix directory creation issue

  • 0.9.4: fix Python3 compatibility issues

  • 0.9.3: the script supports page blob uploading. To specify local files to upload as page blobs, specify the --pageblob parameter. The script also has a feature to detect files ending in the .vhd extension and will automatically upload just these files as page blobs while uploading other files as block blobs. Specify the --autovhd parameter (without the --pageblob parameter) to enable this behavior.

  • 0.9.0: the script will automatically default to skipping files where if the MD5 checksum of either the local file or the stored MD5 of the remote resource respectively matches the remote resource or local file, then the upload or download for the file will be skipped. This capability will allow one to perform rsync-like operations where only files that have changed will be transferred. This behavior can be forcefully disabled by specifying --no-skiponmatch.

  • 0.8.2: performance regression fixes

Project details

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Source Distribution

blobxfer-0.10.0.tar.gz (43.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

blobxfer-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (39.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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