Brunel Visualization For Jupyter/IPython Notebooks
Project description
Brunel defines a highly succinct and novel language that produces interactive data visualizations using pandas DataFrame objects. The language is well suited for both data scientists and more aggressive business users. The system interprets the language syntax and produces live visualizations directly within Jupyter notebooks.
Articles and notes on Brunel can be found in the blog. Videos are available on YouTube.
Details about the language can be found in the Brunel Language Tutorial
Examples can be found in the Brunel Visualization Gallery and the Brunel Visualization Cookbook.
See the Release Change Log for new features and changes.
Please report any issues on our Github site. Q&A available on Gitter
Brunel Visualization currently only works in IPython/Jupyter notebooks which must be installed prior to installing Brunel.
Java 1.7+ must be installed
It is likely that environment variable JAVA_HOME also needs to be properly set to the location of the Java installation.
pip install brunel
Note, if after installing the visualizations are not visible try installing using:
pip install brunel --user
Sample code that reads data from a CSV file and creates a simple bar chart of averages using the Brunel magic function:
import pandas as pd import brunel cars = pd.read_csv("data/Cars.csv") %brunel data('cars') x(origin) y(horsepower) mean(horsepower) bar tooltip(#all) :: width=300, height=300