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A Django elasticsearch wrapper and helper using elasticsearch-dsl-py high level library.

Project description

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# Purpose
Bungiesearch is a Django wrapper for [elasticsearch-dsl-py](
It inherits from elasticsearch-dsl-py's `Search` class, so all the fabulous features developed by the elasticsearch-dsl-py team are also available in Bungiesearch.
In addition, just like `Search`, Bungiesearch is a lazy searching class (and iterable), meaning you can call functions in a row, or do something like the following.

lazy ='match', _all='Description')
print len(lazy) # Prints the number of hits by only fetching the number of items.
for item in lazy[5:10]:
print item

# Features
* Core Python friendly
* Iteration (`[x for x in lazy_search]`)
* Get items (`lazy_search[10]`)
* Number of hits via `len` (`len(lazy_search)`)
* Index management
* Creating and deleting an index.
* Creating, updating and deleting doctypes and their mappings.
* Update index doctypes.
* Django Model Mapping
* Very easy mapping (no lies).
* Automatic model mapping (and supports undefined models by returning a `Result` instance of `elasticsearch-dsl-py`).
* Efficient database fetching:
* One fetch for all items of a given model.
* Fetches only desired fields.
* Django Manager
* Easy model integration: `"match", _all="something to search")`.
* Search aliases (search shortcuts with as many parameters as wanted): `Tweet.object.bungie_title_search("bungie")` or `Article.object.bungie_title_search("bungie")`, where `bungie_title_search` is uniquely defined.
* Django signals
* Connect to post save and pre delete signals for the elasticsearch index to correctly reflect the database (almost) at all times.

* Requirements
* Django >= 1.7
* Python 2.7 (**no Python 3 support yet**)

## Feature examples
See section "Full example" at the bottom of page to see the code needed to perform these following examples.
### Query a word (or list thereof) on a managed model.

`'match', _all='Description')`

### Use a search alias on a model's manager.


### Use a search alias on a bungiesearch instance.

`'title').bsearch_titlefilter('filter this title')`

### Iterate over search results

# Will print the Django model instance.
for result in'match', _all='Description'):
print result

### Fetch a single item

```python'match', _all='Description')[0]

### Get the number of returned items
print len('match', _all='Description'))

### Deferred model instantiation
# Will print the Django model instance's primary key. Will only fetch the `pk` field from the database.
for result in'match', _all='Description').only('pk'):

### Elasticsearch limited field fetching
# Will print the Django model instance. However, elasticsearch's response only has the `_id` field.
for result in'match', _all='Description').fields('_id'):
print result

### Get a specific number of items with an offset.
This is actually elasticseach-dsl-py functionality, but it's demonstrated here because we can iterate over the results via Bungiesearch.
for item in Article.objects.bsearch_title_search('title').only('pk').fields('_id')[5:7]:
print item

### Lazy objects
lazy = Article.objects.bsearch_title_search('title')
print len(lazy)
for item in lazy.filter('range', effective_date={'lte': '2014-09-22'}):
print item

# Quick start example
This example is from the `test` folder. It may be partially out-dated, so please refer to the `test` folder for the latest version.

## Procedure
1. In your file (or your, import bungiesearch and use it as a model manager.
2. Define one or more ModelIndex subclasses which define the mapping between your Django model and elasticsearch.
3. (Optional) Define SearchAlias subclasses which make it trivial to call complex elasticsearch-dsl-py functions.
4. Add a BUNGIESEARCH variable in your Django settings, which must contain the elasticsearch URL(s), the modules for the indices, the modules for the search aliases and the signal definitions.

## Example

Here's the code which is applicable to the previous examples.
### Django Model

from django.db import models
from bungiesearch.managers import BungiesearchManager

class Article(models.Model):
title = models.TextField(db_index=True)
authors = models.TextField(blank=True)
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
link = models.URLField(max_length=510, unique=True, db_index=True)
published = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
updated = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
tweet_count = models.IntegerField()
raw = models.BinaryField(null=True)
source_hash = models.BigIntegerField(null=True)
missing_data = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)
positive_feedback = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=0)
negative_feedback = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=0)
popularity_index = models.IntegerField(default=0)

objects = BungiesearchManager()

class Meta:
app_label = 'core'

### ModelIndex

The following ModelIndex will generate a mapping containing all fields from `Article`, minus those defined in `ArticleIndex.Meta.exclude`. When the mapping is generated, each field will the most appropriate [elasticsearch core type](, with default attributes (as defined in bungiesearch.fields).

These default attributes can be overwritten with `ArticleIndex.Meta.hotfixes`: each dictionary key must be field defined either in the model or in the ModelIndex subclass (`ArticleIndex` in this case).

from core.models import Article
from bungiesearch.fields import DateField, StringField
from bungiesearch.indices import ModelIndex

class ArticleIndex(ModelIndex):
effectived_date = DateField(eval_as='obj.created if obj.created and obj.published > obj.created else obj.published')
meta_data = StringField(eval_as='" ".join([fld for fld in [, str(obj.tweet_count), obj.raw] if fld])')

class Meta:
model = Article
exclude = ('raw', 'missing_data', 'negative_feedback', 'positive_feedback', 'popularity_index', 'source_hash')
hotfixes = {'updated': {'null_value': '2013-07-01'},
'title': {'boost': 1.75},
'description': {'boost': 1.35},
'full_text': {'boost': 1.125}}


### SearchAlias
Defines a search alias for one or more models (in this case only for `core.models.Article`).
from core.models import Article
from bungiesearch.aliases import SearchAlias

class SearchTitle(SearchAlias):
def alias_for(self, title):
return self.search_instance.query('match', title=title)

class Meta:
models = (Article,)
alias_name = 'title_search' # This is optional. If none is provided, the name will be the class name in lower case.

class InvalidAlias(SearchAlias):
def alias_for_does_not_exist(self, title):
return title

class Meta:
models = (Article,)

### Django settings
'URLS': [os.getenv('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL')],
'INDICES': {'bungiesearch_demo': 'core.search_indices'},
'ALIASES': {'bsearch': 'myproject.search_aliases'},
'SIGNALS': {'BUFFER_SIZE': 1} # uses BungieSignalProcessor

# Documentation

## ModelIndex
A `ModelIndex` defines mapping and object extraction for indexing of a given Django model.

Any Django model to be managed by bungiesearch must have a defined ModelIndex subclass. This subclass must contain a subclass called `Meta` which must have a `model` attribute (sets the model which it represents).

### Class attributes
As detailed below, the doc type mapping will contain fields from the model it related to. However, one may often need to index fields which correspond to either a concatenation of fields of the model or some logical operation.

Bungiesearch makes this very easy: simply define a class attribute as whichever core type, and set to the `eval_as` constructor parameter to a one line Python statement. The object is referenced as `obj` (not `self` nor `object`, just `obj`).

#### Example
This is a partial example as the Meta subclass is not defined, yet mandatory (cf. below).
from bungiesearch.fields import DateField, StringField
from bungiesearch.indices import ModelIndex

class ArticleIndex(ModelIndex):
effective_date = DateField(eval_as='obj.created if obj.created and obj.published > obj.created else obj.published')
meta_data = StringField(eval_as='" ".join([fld for fld in [, str(obj.tweet_count), obj.raw] if fld])')

Here, both `effective_date` and `meta_data` will be part of the doc type mapping, but won't be reversed mapped since those fields do not exist in the model.

This can also be used to index foreign keys:
some_field_name = StringField(eval_as='",".join([item for item in obj.some_foreign_relation.values_list("some_field", flat=True)]) if obj.some_foreign_relation else ""')

### Class methods
##### matches_indexing_condition
Override this function to specify whether an item should be indexed or not. This is useful when defining multiple indices (and ModelIndex classes) for a given model.
This method's signature and super class code is as follows, and allows indexing of all items.
def matches_indexing_condition(self, item):
return True

For example, if a given elasticsearch index should contain only item whose title starts with `"Awesome"`, then this method can be overridden as follows.
def matches_indexing_condition(self, item):
return item.title.startswith("Awesome")

### Meta subclass attributes
**Note**: in the following, any variable defined a being a `list` could also be a `tuple`.
##### model
*Required:* defines the Django model for which this ModelIndex is applicable.

##### fields
*Optional:* list of fields (or columns) which must be fetched when serializing the object for elasticsearch, or when reverse mapping the object from elasticsearch back to a Django Model instance.
By default, all fields will be fetched. Setting this *will* restrict which fields can be fetched and may lead to errors when serializing the object. It is recommended to use the `exclude` attribute instead (cf. below).

##### exclude
*Optional:* list of fields (or columns) which must not be fetched when serializing or deserializing the object.

##### hotfixes
*Optional:* a dictionary whose keys are index fields and whose values are dictionaries which define [core type attributes](
By default, there aren't any special settings, apart for String fields, where the [analyzer]( is set to [`snowball`]( (`{'analyzer': 'snowball'}`).

##### additional_fields
*Optional:* additional fields to fetch for mapping, may it be for `eval_as` fields or when returning the object from the database.

##### id_field
*Optional:* the model field to use as a unique ID for elasticsearch's metadata `_id`. Defaults to `id` (also called [`pk`](

##### updated_field
*Optional:* set the model's field which can be filtered on dates in order to find when objects have been updated. Note, this is *mandatory* to use `--start` and/or `--end` when updating index (with `search_index --update`).

##### optimize_queries
*Optional:* set to True to make efficient queries when automatically mapping to database objects. This will *always* restrict fetching to the fields set in `fields` and in `additional_fields`.
*Note:* You can also perform an optimal database query with `.only('__model')`, which will use the same fields as `optimize_queries`, or `.only('__fields')`, which will use the fields provided in the `.fields()` call.

##### indexing_query
*Optional:* set to a QuerySet instance to specify the query used when the search_index command is ran to index. This **does not** affect how each piece of content is indexed.

##### default
Enables support for a given model to be indexed on several elasticsearch indices. Set to `False` on all but the default index.
**Note**: if all managed models are set with `default=False` then Bungiesearch will fail to find and index that model.

#### Example
Indexes all objects of `Article`, as long as their `updated` datetime is less than [21 October 2015 04:29](
from core.models import Article
from bungiesearch.indices import ModelIndex
from datetime import datetime

class ArticleIndex(ModelIndex):

def matches_indexing_condition(self, item):
return item.updated < datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 21, 4, 29)

class Meta:
model = Article
id_field = 'id' # That's actually the default value, so it's not really needed.
exclude = ('raw', 'missing_data', 'negative_feedback', 'positive_feedback', 'popularity_index', 'source_hash')
hotfixes = {'updated': {'null_value': '2013-07-01'},
'title': {'boost': 1.75},
'description': {'boost': 1.35},
'full_text': {'boost': 1.125}}
optimized_queries = True
indexing_query = Article.objects.defer(*exclude).select_related().all().prefetch_related('tags')

## SearchAlias
A `SearchAlias` define search shortcuts (somewhat similar to [Django managers]( Often times, a given search will be used in multiple parts of the code. SearchAliases allow you define those queries, filters, or any bungiesearch/elasticsearch-dsl-py calls as an alias.

A search alias is either applicable to a `list` (or `tuple`) of managed models, or to any bungiesearch instance. It's very simple, so here's an example which is detailed right below.

### Example

The most simple implementation of a SearchAlias is as follows. This search alias can be called via `Article.objects.bungie_title` (or ``), supposing that the namespace is set to `None` in the settings (cf. below).

#### Definition
from bungiesearch.aliases import SearchAlias

class Title(SearchAlias):
def alias_for(self, title):
return self.search_instance.query('match', title=title)

#### Usage

### Method overwrite
Any implementation needs to inherit from `bungiesearch.aliases.SearchAlias` and overwrite `alias_for`. You can set as many or as little parameters as you want for that function (since bungiesearch only return the pointer to that function
without actually calling it).

Since each managed model has its own doc type, `self.search_instance` is a bungiesearch instance set to search the specific doctype.

### Meta subclass attributes
Although not mandatory, the `Meta` subclass enabled custom naming and model restrictions for a search alias.

##### models
*Optional:* `list` (or `tuple`) of Django models which are allowed to use this search alias. If a model which is not allowed to use this SearchAlias tries it, a `ValueError` will be raised.

##### alias_name
*Optional:* A string corresponding the suffix name of this search alias. Defaults to the lower case class name.

**WARNING**: As explained in the "Settings" section below, all search aliases in a given module share the prefix (or namespace). This is to prevent aliases from accidently overwriting Django manager function (e.g. `update` or `get`).
In other words, if you define the `alias_name` to `test`, then it must be called as `model_obj.objects.$prefix$_test` where `$prefix$` is the prefix defined in the settings.
This prefix is also applicable to search aliases which are available via bungiesearch instances directly. Hence, one can define in one module search utilities (e.g. `regex` and `range`) and define model specific aliases (e.g. `title`) in another module,
and use both in conjunction as such: `'search title').utils_range(field='created', gte='2014-05-20', as_query=True)`. These aliases can be concatenated ad vitam aeternam.

#### Sophisticated example
This example shows that we can have some fun with search aliases. In this case, we define a Range alias which is applicable to any field on any model.

class Range(SearchAlias):
def alias_for(self, field, gte=None, lte=None, boost=None, as_query=False):
body = {field: {}}
if gte:
body[field]['gte'] = gte
if lte:
body[field]['lte'] = lte
if boost:
if not as_query:
logging.warning('Boost is not applicable to search alias Range when not used as a query.')
body[field]['boost'] = boost
if as_query:
return self.search_instance.query({'range': body})
return self.search_instance.filter({'range': body})

We can use it as such `Article.objects.bungie_range(field='created', gte='2014-05-20', as_query=True)`.

## Settings
You must defined `BUNGIESEARCH` in your Django settings in order for bungiesearch to know elasticsearch URL(s) and which index name contains mappings for each ModelIndex.

'URLS': ['localhost'], # No leading http:// or the elasticsearch client will complain.
'INDICES': {'main_index': 'myproject.myapp.myindices'} # Must be a module path.
'ALIASES': {'bsearch': 'myproject.search_aliases'},

### URLS
*Required:* must be a list of URLs which host elasticsearch instance(s). This is directly sent to elasticsearch-dsl-py, so any issue with multiple URLs should be refered to them.

*Required:* must be a dictionary where each key is the name of an elasticsearch index and each value is a path to a Python module containing classes which inherit from `bungiesearch.indices.ModelIndex` (cf. below).

*Optional:* a dictionary whose key is the alias namespace and whose value is the Python module containing classes which inherit from `bungiesearch.aliases.SearchAlias`.
If the namespace is `None`, then the alias will be named `bungie`. If the namespace is an empty string, there will be no alias namespace. The provided namespace will be appended by an underscore.
In the example above, each search alias defined in `myproject.search_aliases` will be referenced as `$ModelObj$.objects.bsearch_$alias$`, where `$ModelObj$` is a Django model and `$alias$` is the name of the search alias.

The purpose is to not accidently overwrite Django's default manager functions with search aliases.

*Optional:* if it exists, it must be a dictionary (even empty), and will connect to the `post save` and `pre delete` model functions of *all* models using `bungiesearch.managers.BungiesearchManager` as a manager. One may also define a signal processor class for more custom functionality by placing the string value of the module path under a key called `SIGNAL_CLASS` in the dictionary value of `SIGNALS` and defining `setup` and `teardown` methods, which take `model` as the only parameter. These methods connect and disconnect the signal processing class to django signals (signals are connected to each model which uses a BungiesearchManager).

If `SIGNALS` is not defined in the settings, *none* of the models managed by BungiesearchManager will automatically update the index when a new item is created or deleted.

*Optional:* an integer representing the number of items to buffer before making a bulk index update, defaults to `100`.

**WARNING**: if your application is shut down before the buffer is emptied, then any buffered instance *will not* be indexed on elasticsearch.
Hence, a possibly better implementation is wrapping `post_save_connector` and `pre_delete_connector` from `bungiesearch.signals` in a celery task. It is not implemented as such here in order to not require `celery`.

*Optional:* Elasticsearch connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to `5`.

# Testing
All Bungiesearch tests are in `tests/core/`.
You can run the tests by creating a Python virtual environment, installing the requirements from `tests/requirements.txt`, installing the package (`pip install .`) and running `python tests/ test`.
Make sure to update `tests/` to use your own elasticsearch URLs, or update the ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL environment variable.

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bungiesearch-1.1.0.tar.gz (32.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

bungiesearch-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (40.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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