Framework for wrapping and controlling command-line applications.
Project description
burrito, canonically pronounced boar-eee-toe, is a Python framework for wrapping and controlling command-line applications.
What’s with the name?
This tool allows developers to wrap command-line applications, just as burritos wrap delicious foods. Both hide the potentially unsightly details.
To install burrito:
pip install burrito
Running the tests
To run burrito’s unit tests:
The pre-history of burrito
burrito is derived from the application controller framework code, which was originally added to PyCogent and later moved to scikit-bio. The contributors and/or copyright holders have agreed to make the code they wrote for PyCogent available under the BSD license. The original authors of the application controller framework code in PyCogent are Greg Caporaso (@gregcaporaso), Sandra Smit, Micah Hamady, and Rob Knight (@rob-knight).